so this month was resumed to a bit of bad things...

2 days after my birthday, that was on the 2nd, I got a pain in my lower back and in friday I got in the hospital and stayed there for a week, conclusion= I got an infection in the kidneys. only my closest members of family a friends new and my teachers cus it was on the last week of school before break. 

when I was planning telling my boyfriend, not actualy me but my cousin would tell his friend and his friend would tell him, he told my cousin that he was also in the hospital with a broken leg... I got really worried and like it wasn't enought for me to be crying beacuse of all the stress that made me cry a bit more.

today I'm ok, I just have to drink more water and take my medication fro 14 days that is almost ending.. and I just came to know that my boyfriend is ok from another person.

I'm not gonna lie, I hate this, I hate knowing stuff from other people especially when is with people close to me and that I really care for, in this matter: my boyfriend.

well yeah we are more than 10, something milles away and he is been busy as hell with work, thing that I'm not happy at all, but what can I do? he doesn't listen to me -.-

I just want to talk to him, I miss him so much... we made 4 months in the 20th... I'm afraid we might lose what he have.. but I bealieve in our relationship and I will fight for it. it might sound stupid my I see myself in the future with him.. and I love what I see..


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