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Han Yeseul





»  w e l c o m e  a b o a r d  ! 
username ) Hope3698
name ) Hope
activity rate ) 9
»  a n d  w h o  m i g h t  y o u  b e ? 
full name ) Han Yeseul
nicknames ) Yes - if you say Yeseul really quickly it sounds like you're saying 'yes'. most of her friends call her that
birthdate and age ) 03-06-92, 20
ethnicity ) Korean-Chinese
birthplace ) Harbin, China
hometown ) Harbin, China
languages ) Chinese - Fluent
                                Korean - Fluent
                               English - Basic
»  w e  a r e  a  b i t  d i f f e r e n t  .  
uhljjang ) Kim Min Seo
links ) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | more.. 
back-up uhljjang ) Ban Nam Gyu
links ) 1 | 2 | 3 | more.. 
height and weight ) 165 cm, 49kg
style ) Yeseul usually likes plain clothes. Like a simple coloured shirt with no designs and just a pair of jeans or shorts. She has many necklaces though, and always matches them up with the shirt she's wearing. Her favourite necklace is a heart-shaped locket with a picture of her adoptive parents. For her shoes, she usually likes wearing sneakers or sandals. And she likes wearing her hair down.
extras ) She wears glasses, and rarely wears contact lenses. But if she had to, she would choose those which will alter your eye colour.  She has two piercings on her left ear and one on her right, but she rarely wears earrings, resulting in people not noticing that she has earholes. 
»  i  w i l l  s h o w  y o u  ! 
personality ) Even though Yeseul was abandoned by her family when she was one, she still trusts people too easily and believes what everyone tells her. She is rarely able to tell the truths from the lies. She is also obsessed with finding her little brother. Even though she knew that he was the reason she was abandoned, she still wants to find him since he is the only kin she has left, after being told that their parents had died in a car accident many years back. Because she's dead set on finding her brother, she's become very talkative, trying to explain every little detail about what she's heard of her brother to strangers, hoping that they would be able to tell her where he is. 
However, when Yeseul is upset, she suddenly turns into this really quiet girl. She refuses to talk and won't answer anyone that tries to talk to her. Most of her friends know that they should leave her alone when she's upset. She's usually able to cheer up quickly, when she thinks about finding her younger brother. When someone or something scared Yeseul, her first and automatic reaction is to hit that person/thing, hard. But she apologises afterwards. When Yeseul is angry, she becomes very sarcastic, which often comes off as rude. 
She tries not to think much about her parents abandoning her, because she doesn't want to make the people around her worried. But when she does, she can get very emotional.
history ) Yeseul was abandoned a month before her little brother was born. She was only about a year old then. Thankfully, her adoptive parents, a young couple then, found her by the side of an abandoned building and took her in.  She never actually knew that she was abandoned, until she was told on her tenth birthday, when her parents had passed on about a month before. Her adoptive parents managed to find out about her family, since they actually saw her parents leaving Yeseul at the building, and had kept in touch with them, just in case. Her adoptive parents also told her about her brother and as much as they knew about him. They didn't have his picture though, so it was hard for her to find him. She had been searching for her brother ever since. 

this is my style )

  • Rainbows
  • Pastel colours
  • Necklaces (especially heart-shaped lockets)
  • Quotes
  • Hoodies
  • Electronics
not my style )
  • insects
  • heights
  • oceans, lakes, seas, ponds
  • mud
  • grass
  • screeching noises
habits )
  • when she's excited, she talks at bullet train speed
  • when she's frustrated, she pulls at her hair
  • when she's nervous, she plays with her fingers
trivia )
  • she is left-handed

»  d e a r  m y  f a m i l y . . . 
father ) Han Hyukmin | 49 | cook | dead | firm, strict, straightforward, will not tolerate mistakes | Yeseul doesn't remember much about him
mother ) Ling Weiqin | 48 | waitress | dead | caring, kind, likes to beat around the bush, easy-going | Yeseul doesn't remember much about her
siblings ) Han Taemin | 19 | student | alive | shy, quiet, awkward, caring | Yeseul has never met him
others ) Adoptive Father -- Kim Taejin | 42 | doctor | alive | warm-hearted, patient, gentle, blunt | Yeseul is quite close to him, but they don't get to talk often due to his job. When they do, Taejin will teach Yeseul about things to do with being a doctor, eg. how to tell if someone is down with stomach flu, etc. 
                     Adoptive Mother -- Nam Somin | 42 | unemployed | crude, kind, loud, naive | Yeseul and Somin are very close and Yeseul always confides in Somin if she has any problems. 
                    Adoptive Sister -- Kim Haneul | 10 | student | sarcastic, sentimental, mature, holds a grudge easily | Yeseul and Haneul are not very close, because Haneul doesn't really regard Yeseul as her sister. She knows that Yeseul is adopted, therefore she always treats her like an outsider. 
best friend ) So Youngshin | 20 | even though Youngshin always causes trouble, Yeseul still believes that she's a nice persion deep down and tries to help her find that 'inner niceness'. They don't really fight, but when they do, it's mostly just Youngshin threatening to kill Yeseul and Yeseul coming up with an answer to resolve their conflicts -plotline four 
friends ) closest to the least closest - plotline one , plotline three, plotline two, plotline five
»  i ' m  g o i n g  d o w n  w i t h  t h i s  s h i p ! 
love interest ) Lee Taemin - SHINee
back-up interest ) Lee Jinki, Onew - SHINee 
traits ) shy, quiet, awkward, warm-hearted
first impression ) He has a similar personality to her long-lost brother.
scene requests ) Yeseul gets all excited when she knows Taemin's name, claiming that she's his long-lost older sister.  Taemin is taken aback because in all his life, he's known that he's only had an older brother and didn't have a sister. But seeing Yeseul so happy, he decides to just play along, since she seemed so relieved that she's finally found her last kin. He also pities her that her biological parents have passed on.
»  j u s t  a  s m a l l  q u e s t i o n n a i r e ? 
"yes. we finally meet... my cute little brother!" )
what did you do to make your parents abandon you? ) I was told that when my parents were expecting my younger brother, they realised that they were unable to take care of two infants at the same time, since I was only a baby then too. They chose him over me because he's their only son, and in the Chinese culture, people prefer sons over daughters, since they will carry on the family surname. 
what were some of the prominent features of your 'younger brother' that helped you to 'recognise' him? ) My adoptive parents told me a little about my brother. They said that he is a really shy kid that rarely talks. And when he does, it becomes very awkward, also, they told me his name, which is Taemin. 


»  t h a n k s  f o r  s a i l i n g  w i t h  u s  ! 
anything else? ) I wasn't very sure what to write for the scene requests... Because I couldn't really come up with any scenes... >< I hope it's ohkay though (: Good luck with the story~
scene requests ) Yeseul is asked about her parents, and she gets very emotional. Her new friends don't really know what to do, and try to comfort her. 
                                           Yeseul leaves a bad impression on one of the passangers on the cruise ship, because on that day, she happened to be in a really bad mood and was being really sarcastc.


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