¢ carnival lights ¢ application | Kim Hyunli

¢ Carnival Lights ¢

- application -



Thelightsturnon --

Username: -ashes

*Nickname: Ashley

Age range:  15 but I turn 16 in January

AFF Activity: 1-3 hours


Auniqueindividual -- 


Who are you?: Lee Hyunli

Age: 18

Gender: Female


*Ulzzang/idol pics: one | two | three | four

*Ulzzang/idol name:  Uy, Kryz

*Backup ulzzang/idol pics: one | two | three | four

*Backup ulzzang/idol name: Gosingtian, Tricia

*Extras: She has two piercings on each ear lobe and no tattoos at the moment. She does want some though in the future. She also has small healed, faded scars on her wrists and stomach.


*Ethnicity: ½ Korean | ½ Vietnamese

*ual orientation: Straight

*Weight: 126 lb.

*Height: 5' 8''

Hair: Blue-black hair color | Usually left in its natural wavy curls | Length of hair reaches the small of her back

Eye color: Brown-black (It's so dark brown that it looks black.)


Thelifeofacarny --

Chosen role: Reflections

Clothing style: one | two | three | four | She doesn't work there so she'll only have leisure outfits.


Hyunli was born a illegitimate child of a budding model and a bellhop. Her mother was completely devastated at having a child when her career was about to begin and after having Hyunli, dumped her on her father and left. Her father, confused and absolutely unprepared for a child, tried his best to raise her, but alas, could not provide the means to bring up a child. In result, he sent her to his parents, which pushed her to think that he didn't want her anymore. At her grandparent's house, she felt abandoned and unwanted. Though they did love their grandchild, she didn't crave their love, but rather the love from her very own father. It isn't until she grows older that she begins to crave love from everyone and gets what she can take. She wanted to do anything she could to occupy herself, so when she heard that a carnival was coming around, she jumped at the opportunity. Because her grandparents were elderly, she didn't want to ask them to go where much walking was required, so she stole some money, told them she was going over a friend's house, and went to the carnival.

While there, she entered the House of Mirrors and became entranced with her different appearances. She felt like she could be a new person with her changing appearance caused by the reflective mirrors. She became addicted to them, and after that day, she went back everyday (sometimes sneaking in) until the carnival closed. When they began packing up to move onto the next city, Hyunli, so attached to them, stowed away with them at the age of 10 and traveled with them since. As time went on, however, her view of herself warped, and she fell into depression (even if she doesn't show it) and began cutting herself on her wrists (and when that got too showy, she went to her stomach). To this day, she still does this and has formed many undesireable habits, but her obsession with the House of Mirrors still lives, even if her reason of obsession has changed.

*What about family? Do you have any? What happened to them, and where are they now?

  • Lee Hyunjin | 48 | OC | N/A | Father | Bellhop | He is a hardworking, timid man and is of average height and scrawny build. | Alive | Busan, South Korean working in a hotel
  • Nguyen Alice | 45 | OC | N/A | Mother | Chairman of a Modeling Agency | She is a tall, proud woman with sharp, angular features. She is a very competitive woman and is very greedy.  She also cares much about her appearance and believes herself to be one of the most beautiful women on Earth. | Alive | Los Angeles, CA
  • Both her paternal grandparents have passed away.


ugliness |  Hyunli is very unsociable most of the time. The reason for this is because she feels that she is too ugly for anyone to accept her, and her low self-esteem disallows her to become very outgoing or friendly to a stranger. She is an introvert to the nth degree, and while she's not shy, she does think profoundly low of herself. She thinks of herself as scum because she is so ugly. She views the world as a place where only the beautiful survive, and beauty is the ultimate thing to attain in life. She knows nothing else. In her rationality, it's either become beautiful or become nothing at all. She doesn't trust many people mostly because she thinks that they'll make fun of her and her obsession and how ugly she is. Sometimes, when people whisper near her or in front of her, she gets paranoid because she thinks that they're talking about her.

me, myself, and I only | Hyunli is self-conceited. Because of her unhealthy obssession with the House of Mirrors, she is constantly worrying about her appearance and how she can make herself  more beautiful. She could care less about other people as all her time is consumed with opinions and thoughts of herself derived from the body shaping mirrors. This not only has affected her view upon herself, but also distorted her view about others as well such as the general public. When she sees other people, she nitpicks everything about them in an unconcious effort to make herself seem like she isn't the only ugly one out there. Right when she meets someone or sees someone, this is what she does and what she falls back on when she feels especially low at times. This attributes to her selfishness in attaining beauty.

love me, please love me |  Though she refuses to accept it, Hyunli is miserably desperate for love. Romantic love, friend love, family love, they all mean the same to her because they're love, and she believes what kind of love means nothing as long as she receives it. She vies for attention and acceptance in a world where people value others more if they're simply pretty. It's the whole reason why she wants to be pretty so so bad. She just wants to be beautiful in the eyes of others.

dig deeper |  Deep, deep down, in a place where Hyunli has yet to visit past all the obssession, she is a sentimental person. She values things important to her and likes Disney romances and loves the beauty in little things. She isn't much of a verbal person so she doesn't point out when bad things happen to good people or coo at obvious cute things; instead, she shows it through actions and expressions. Hyunli can hold grudges, and when she does, it's hard to break her because of her stubborn attitude. Instead of lashing out at someone (something she rarely does and only does when she's furious), she is more passive aggressive, and ignores people well. She doesn't usually show people how she really feels because she would be exposing herself to vulnerability and doesn't want to give others an opening to make fun of how ugly she looks.

What do you value in life?:

  • appearance |  Obviously because the House of Mirrors has altered how she views herself greatly, and she believes that to get attention and love from people as well as to get somewhere in life is to be beautiful. However, because of her greed for beauty, she unknowingly has become the ugliest inside.
  • any kind of love | The whole reason she wants to be beautiful is to be loved by everybody and to be accepted. Because she felt abandoned by her father, she craves for love that she was deprived of.



  • Cutting herself
  • Gazing/playing in the House of Mirrors
  • Trying to be more beautiful physically

Special Talents:

  • High pain tolerance


  • Mirrors
  • Clothes
  • Ballet (she thinks the dance is pretty)
  • Silk
  • Make-up


  • Ugly things and people
  • Bugs
  • Mushrooms


  • Becoming ugly
  • Being hated

*More random facts:

  • Her favorite color is red.
  • Sometimes, she glares at Sweet Sale behind her back.
  • She sighes a lot.


Comeone,comeall --

Platonic relationships:

Which of the other 6 carnies are you close to?: Freak Show

*Why/How? What do you guys do together?: Hyunli feels a sort of connection with the Freak Show because they are, in their own opinion, strange. They're both similar in their imperfections and contrast in where everyone thinks Freak Show is a freak, and Hyunli is the only one who thinks she is ugly. However, unbeknowst to Freak Show, Hyunli does feel that Freak Show is ugly/unattractive. She just feels a sort of connection with her is all, and that's why they're friends.

Which of the other 6 carnies do you dislike?: Sweet Sale

*Why/How? What happened?: Sweet Sale is basically the perfect girl around the carnival, and Hyunli is jealous of her and her perfectness, something she's always been trying to reach. Hyunli hates how she's so beautiful and so nice and everyone likes her and why can't she be like that? Jealousy is the main and only reason why Hyunli harbors any dislike for the girl because she's just so perfect and it's not fair.

*Any other acquaintances?

  • Round and Round | Acquaintances | Round and Round often greets Hyunli as she makes her rounds and runs around. They've only talked once, and it was a very short conversation consisting of the basics for conversation.

Passionate relationships:

Love interest 1: Kim, Jongin (Kai) / 21 / idol / EXO-K / Up and coming photographer

Personality: Being a photographer, Jongin has a taste and eye for beauty in the most unconventional things. He's learned how see beauty in the ugliest of things and turn other peoples' point of view to see what he sees. Through Jongin's eyes, everything is colorful, and there's not a thing he finds boring. If he can photograph it, it's far from boring. Because he is a photographer, he finds meaning and sentimentality in the small things, and is a very sentimental person. In result of being rigorously dedicated to work, Jongin is often a little more distant than normal people, but whenever he likes someone or finds someone interesting, it opens up his curiosity and brings him closer to the other person. This feat, however, is quite a feat, but not impossible.

Love interest 2: Wu Yifan (Kris) / 23 / idol / EXO-M / Same as above

Personality: Same as above except that he is more harsh and cold than Jongin. He is brutally honest and cares nothing for another person's feelings. He'll tell it like it is and is a hard person to get along with. 

*Love interest 3: Kim Jongdae (Chen) / 22 / idol / EXO-M / Same as above

*Personality: Same as Jongin

*Rival: Herself

*Personality and appearance: Above

*Why is he/she your rival?: Hyunli believes that Love Interest is too good for her, that she is too ugly to love. She thinks that she is scum and that he doesn't need someone like her and that he deserves better. She buries herself in self-doubt and paranoia that he may just be playing a huge trick on her just to make fun of her later. She isn't sure about his love and isn't sure about herself. After all, you can't love others if you can't love yourself, right?


How do you act around people you like as a friend?: Unlike her reaction towards other people when they try to strike up a conversation with her, she responds to her friends. Though she doesn't talk much, she does listen to them, and in a way, responds using her expressions. She is not overly nice to them, and she isn't as considerate. She's more comfortable around her friends but not by much.

How do you act around people you don't like?: She doesn't affiliate with those she doesn't like. If she has to, she tries to get as little talking to the person as possible and makes sure in her tone that the other person knows that she doesn't like them.

How do you act around a crush?: Well, at first, she doesn't like her love interest. She acts around him the way she acts around people she doesn't like. Then, as she begins to like him, she acts the way she does with her friends but is softer and nicer and more happy. She reveals more to her love interest than she ever will to her friends regarding the way she acts and the things about herself.


  • her lips when she notices that they're dry
  • Always crosses her legs when she sits down
  • Always goes to the House of Mirrors when she needs to be alone
  • She always judges someone when she sees them
  • Spaces out because she thinks to herself often
  • nervous | Eyes very slightly widen and avoids eye contact
  • bored | Stares into space (she's rarely ever bored)
  • happy | Lets out a small smile and happiness shines in her eyes
  • sad | Face remains neutral and acts passive but sadness is reflected in her eyes
  • comfortable | Her body relaxes and she isn't so aware of everything around her
  • angry |  Passive agressive, meaning that she expresses her anger through a neutral tone of voice and says things that are hurtful or indicate that she is still angry

Goingonce,goingtwice --

*Anything I've missed?: Hmm, well, I kind of wanted a scene where she and her love interest have a giant fight where they start breaking things and stuff and then have this big thing happen during their fight (like something happening to one of the other characters) so that they forget what they were fighting about. Also, Hyunli and her love interest don't really have a lovey-dovey, mushy relationship. Rather, their relationship is more like speaking with their eyes and expressions and actions. They're more of an action over words couple, and I think that their relationship doesn't really need many words to work.

*Suggestions/Thoughts: Nah, nothing!

*Give me a song!: Nak | Ashes, ashes (it may not be your type of music but I feel that it connects with my character a lot.)

Did you read the rules?: ticket purchased


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