Mystery High 비법고등학교 Application || Grace Oh Sehyun


Mystery High Application


Replace with a picture of yourself


Applicants Legal Name: Grace Oh Sehyun


Date of Birth: 03/06/1998         Place of Birth: Rhode Island              Current Place of Residence: Seoul, South Korea


Are you a Korean resident?: Y/N  Nationality: Dual citizenship in Korea and America              Species: Water Sprite


What languages do you speak(State fluency)?

Korean (fluent) 

English (fluent)

Mandarin Chinese (basic)




Gender: M / F                         Height: 169cm and 5.54ft                    Weight: 50kg and 110.2lb

Bloodtype: A+                         Eye Color:Dark Brown                       Hair Color:Dark Brown                    


Current Grade: 9th Grade             Average GPA: 0.2-1.0 | 1.1-2.0 | 2.1-3.0 | 3.1-4.0



Wanted Classes (Pick 8) (If requesting an honors or AP class put a '*' next to your choice) (Must pick a History, Science, Language and Math)

Pre-Algebra | Algebra |Geometry | Algebra II | Pre-Calculus | Calculus | Statistics

Early World History | Ancient World History | Korean History | Chinese History | American History | Civics | Vampire Wars | Supernatural Wars | Supernatural History | Medieval World | Psycology* | Sociology | Ancestrey | Supernatural Origins

Korean | English | Mandarin Chinese | French | Japanese | Russian | Arabic | Spanish

Physical Science | Biology* | Chemestry | Physics | Bio-Medical

Painting I | Painting II | Drawing & Painting* | Digital Media | Photography

Intro to Singing | Singing II | Singing III | Intro To Dance | Dance II | Dance III* | Chorus | Piano | Guitar

Shape-Shifting 101 | Intro to Potions | Potions I | Potions II | Intro to Hunting | Mind Control Training* | Intro to Defense | How to properly feed off a human | Controling Blood Thirst | Elemental Training* | Scent Honing | Study of Supernaturals


Class Request:-








Roommate Survey 

동숙 인둘러 봄 

Bold Your Choice

What kind of relationship do you want with your roommate?

- Do everything together

- To be friends

- To be respectful and peacefully coexist


How do you feel about your roommate using your belongings?

- Never a problem using any of my things

- OK, but only after asking permission

- OK with electronics, but not my personal items

- My roommate should not use any of my belongings


How often do you clean your room?

- Daily

- Twice a week

- Weekly

- Monthly

- Before a family visit

- When I move out


When does your average day begin?

- Before 8AM

- 8-10 AM

- After 10 AM


When does your average day end?

- Before 11 PM

- 11 PM - 1 AM

- After 1 AM


How would you describe your sleeping habit?

- Light sleeper

- Heavy sleeper


Please write four ways you most enjoy spending extra time.

  1. Painting and Drawing
  2. Dancing
  3. Reading and Writing
  4. Swimming

Please write 5-10 likes.

  1. Water
  2. Swimming
  3. Dancing
  4. Pastel Colours
  5. Things that glow in the dark
  6. The cartoon characters 'Little Twin Stars'
  7. Animals
  8. Cream

Please write 5-10 dislikes.

  1. Bright lights
  2. Insects, beetles especially
  3. Bossy people
  4. Rude people
  5. Sharp noises
  6. Bad English
  7. Iron
  8. Sugar/Salt

What's your species like? (Just a quick background on your species (Significant wars why they hate x species etc.)/ if human write 'N/A')

A water sprite is a type of fairy. They are able to breathe in both land and underwater. Only some will have wings. They are sent by God to guard fresh water bodies. They are joyful spirited and cannot be insulted or emotionally hurt.

A sprite has quite a number of weaknesses. For example, iron. In one way or another, it harms them. And sugar/salt. When someone pours it infront of them, they'd have to stop and count every single grain, which wastes alot of time. Also, cream. Cream to sprites/faries is alcohol to humans. 



Write about yourself. (Background)

Grace was first sent to Rhode Island to guard one of the freshwater ponds there, so she takes it as her birthplace, since her memory only starts from there. When she was ten, she was sent to guard another freshwater lake in Seoul. Even though she misses the friends she had made in the freshwater pond in Rhode Island, she knows that she is not on Earth to make friends, but to guard freshwater bodies, so that humans would not pollute them. 

Describe your personality:

By nature, Grace is a very quiet girl. It takes a very long time for her to open up to you, and even more for you to gain her trust. Becuase she cannot remember anything about her life before she was sent to Rhode Island, she's afraid that she could have offended some people before she was sent to Earth and that people would try to harm her. 

Even though Grace is very quiet, she goes by this motto: "I don't care your age or your seniority. If you don't respect me, I won't respect you." Because of this, she can sometimes seem rude to people who don't really know her. 

When someone is close to her, Grace will share everything with him/her. It could be a secret, or just a random thought that popped into her mind. Since she has this habit of sharing everything with her close friends, her trust is extremely hard to gain. She had been betrayed by a friend in Rhode Island before, making her even more cautious of the people around her. 

Is there anything significant about you? (AKA Trivia)

  1. Is left-handed
  2. Can fly
  3. Even though she has the power of invisiblity, she rarely uses it.
  4. She took up mind-controlling because she thought it was something interesting, even though it is a dangerous power to have. However, she believes that it will do her good someday. 
  5. She likes reading horoscopes, but never believes in them.

You prefer a roommate who is:

  1. Someone who can connect well with Grace, either by having similar backgrounds or being complete opposites.
  2. Someone with similar likes
  3. Is not a demon/devil or anything to do with Satan.

How social do you prefer your room to be?

- Quiet and serious

- Welcoming to one or two friends at a time

- A lively social center where everyone hangs out



Please rank in order of preference, with "1" being the most important and "3" being least.*

- Double (2)

- Triple (1)

- Quad (3)



Do you wish to room with the same gender?

- Yes

- No

- No Preference


*All dorms are in an Apartment style






Other Application



First Ulzzang Choice Name: Choi Jung Mi

Links (Hyperlink 5-9):


Second Ulzzang Choice Name: King Boo || Chen Yue

Links (Hyperlink 5-9):

Family: (Name | Age | Occupation | Species | Relationship)

          Oh Sehun | 18 | Guarding a freshwater lake in Seoul | Water sprite | Brother


Friends: (Name | Age | Grade | Personality |Species | How did you meet)

           Choi Sooyoung | 16 | 11th | Cheerful and playful. She rarely acts her age, and likes playing pranks on the people around her. It took some time to gain Grace's trust because she's known to constantly trick people. But after spending much time with her, Grace realised that she is someone that can be trusted. | Fairy | When Sooyoung was flying around Korea, she met Grace when she was sitting by herself at the lake. Since she thought that Grace looked lonely, she decided to chat with her.

            Choi Minki, Ren | 17 | 12th | He is almost as quiet as her, but with the people he's comfortable with, he is a loud boy. He's often being teased that he looks like a girl, but he's learnt to ignore them. Sometimes, Ren gets upset that he does not have any magical powers and is 'just another normal human being'. | He is Sehun's best friend. He met Sehun when they were children, when Ren decided to play at a nearby lake. Sehun introduced Ren to Grace, and since they have similar personalities, they became fast friends.


Rival: (Name | Age | Grade | Personality | Species | Why are you rivals?)

        Im Seoyun | 14 | not studying in Mystery High | Seoyun comes of as a really nice person when they first met. She somehow had this trusting aura around her. Since both Grace and Seoyun were guarding the same freshwater pond in Rhode Island, Grace decided that she could be a close and valuable friend and Seoyun was able to gain her trust quickly. Grace began to tell Seoyun many of her secrets. There was once where Seoyun had accidentally killed a fish in the pond out of anger, which Grace witnessed. She had begged Grace not to tell God about it, but Grace still did since it was the right thing to do. She was furious and exposed one of her many embarrasing secrets, causing her to be a laughing stock for more than three months. She knows that even if she goes back to that pond right now, she will still be teased for that secret. This is why Grace finds it hard to trust people. | Water sprite | Seoyun betrayed her trust.



Former Love: -


Crush: (Name | Age | Grade | Personality | Species | How do you act around each other | What are you to each other ex. Dating, Friends, BFF, Hoobae-Sunbae)

           Zhang Yixing, Lay | 15 | 10th | He is a very forgetful person, and often has to repeat the process of entering and leaving his house many times, becaus he always forgets his things. He is also a rather shy person, but when he's close to someone, he likes to kid around and make jokes. | Angel | Since both are equally quite, they are quite awkward with each other. They usually don't talk much. Just simple questions like "have you eaten?" or "how are you?". Grace also respects him as a sunbae, even though they're only a year apart. | Hoobae-Sunbae


Back-Up Crush: Lee Jinki, Onew | 16 | 11th | He is a very warm, gentle and kind to anyone and everyone. He tries his best not to flare up at the people around him, but if they test his patience, he can blow up and change into a completely different person, that sometimes scares the people around him. | Demigod | Onew talks to Grace alot, and Grace usually just listens and nods/smiles accordingly. It's very rare for Onew to hear Grace speak. | Hoobae-Sunbae

Anything extra you want to say about your character?

I know sprites are actually really tiny and what not... but my character can be normal sized when she wants to...? heh ^^;;











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