Mystery High 비법고등학교 Application || Angela Park Minjung

Mystery High Application


    Applicant's Legal Name: Angela Park Minjung


Date of Birth: 27/01/1996         Place of Birth: Daegu, South Korea           Current Place of Residence: Seoul, South Korea


Are you a Korean resident?: Y/N  Nationality: Korean             Species: Virtue (type of Angel)


What languages do you speak(State fluency)?

  • English (Fluent)
  • Korean (Fluent)
  • Mandarin Chinese (Basic)

Gender: M / F                         Height: 171cm, 5.61ft                  Weight: 51kg, 112.4lb

Bloodtype: A+                         Eye Color: Dark brown                     Hair Color: Chocolate brown                     


Current Grade: 11th             Average GPA: 0.2-1.0 | 1.1-2.0 | 2.1-3.0 | 3.1-4.0



Wanted Classes (Pick 8) (If requesting an honors or AP class put a '*' next to your choice) (Must pick a History, Science, Language and Math)

Pre-Algebra | Algebra |Geometry | Algebra II | Pre-Calculus | Calculus | Statistics*

Early World History | Ancient World History | Korean History | Chinese History | American History | Civics | Vampire Wars | Supernatural Wars | Supernatural History* | Medieval World | Psycology | Sociology | Ancestrey | Supernatural Origins

Korean | English | Mandarin Chinese* | French | Japanese | Russian | Arabic | Spanish

Physical Science | Biology | Chemestry | Physics* | Bio-Medical

Painting I | Painting II | Drawing & Painting | Digital Media | Photography*

Intro to Singing | Singing II | Singing III | Intro To Dance | Dance II | Dance III* | Chorus | Piano | Guitar*

Shape-Shifting 101 | Intro to Potions | Potions I | Potions II* | Intro to Hunting | Mind Control Training | Intro to Defense | How to properly feed off a human | Controling Blood Thirst | Elemental Training | Scent Honing | Study of Supernaturals


Class Request: NIL




Roommate Survey 

동숙 인둘러 봄 

Bold Your Choice

What kind of relationship do you want with your roommate?

- Do everything together

- To be friends

- To be respectful and peacefully coexist


How do you feel about your roommate using your belongings?

- Never a problem using any of my things

- OK, but only after asking permission

- OK with electronics, but not my personal items

- My roommate should not use any of my belongings


How often do you clean your room?

- Daily

- Twice a week

- Weekly

- Monthly

- Before a family visit

- When I move out


When does your average day begin?

- Before 8AM

- 8-10 AM

- After 10 AM


When does your average day end?

- Before 11 PM

- 11 PM - 1 AM

- After 1 AM


How would you describe your sleeping habit?

- Light sleeper

- Heavy sleeper


Please write four ways you most enjoy spending extra time.

  • Dancing
  • Surfing the internet
  • Sleeping
  • Hanging out with friends


Please write 5-10 likes.

  • Shopping
  • Food
  • Rain
  • Dance
  • Photography
  • Music


Please write 5-10 dislikes.

  • Animals
  • Insects
  • Long-distance running (she's fine with sprinting)
  • Roller Coasters
  • Unecessary noise
  • Screeching sounds
  • People who fake their personalities/likes to hang out with her


What's your species like? (Just a quick background on your species (Significant wars why they hate x species etc.)/ if human write 'N/A')

Angels are a spiritual race of winged holy beings native to Heaven. They are extremely powerful beings created by God, and regularly descend to Earth to carry out their tasks or watch over the human population as a whole, and occasionally go back to Heaven to report the status of mortals. They exist peacefully among mankind, but try to hide their identities as much a possible because of the threats they may face when humans want their powers for their own selfish doings.

A Virtue is a type of Angel that inspires humans and provides miracles for them.


Write about yourself. (Background)

Angela's first descend to Earth was to Daegu, hence when asked, she replies that Daegu is her birth place. She was accompanied by Key, the dominion in charge of her. After being trained in Heaven for her job as an angel, Angela was 13 when she received her first task, to stop a teenage girl from mixing with bad company and to return to school. After which, she resided in Singapore for a couple of years, and because it was a bilingual country, she managed to pick up basic Mandarin. Angela usually converses with the beings and people around her in English if not Korean, therefore her fluent English skills.

The Archangels have emphasized the reason for her existence many times, that the reason she was created was to look over mankind and not just play around, and she had vowed to be the best angel of her ability. As one of the holy beings of Heaven, she understands the seriousness of her job, and what could happen if she is careless. At the tender age of 12, she had witnessed her brother slip up while at a task, allowing a bad spirit to enter the body of a man which then went on a killing spree and even set a village on fire, resulting in a major loss of lives. Although the bad spirit was soon casted out of the human's body and her brother forgiven because it was an accident, the damage was done and Angela was traumatised for a long time, and still gets reminded of it occasionally.

Angels have many powers, but since Angela only has 3 years of experience on Earth, she is considered a young angel and only posesses a few: Angelic posession, Induced Sedation, Teleportation, Healing, Telepathy, Soulreading, Astral Projection, and Photographic Memory. She also has occasional Voice Mimicry, Telekinesis, Superhuman Strength and Memory Manipulation abilities, which she can only activate when she concentrates a lot on it or needs it desperately in time of danger. As she grows up, these will turn into full powers which she will always have with her, and she will also gain other powers such as Invulnerability, Ressurection, Time Manipulation, Immortality and Reality Warping. Her invulnerabilty and immortality powers are still considerably weak as a young angel, and Angela is used to having her dominion always by her side looking over her. The older angels also possess a Killing Touch, but they rarely use it, because they know if they use it in agitation or on purpose eg. to exact revenge, they would be banished from Heaven for harming other beings.


Describe your personality:

Unlike mankind's impression that angels are demure and feminine, Angela is an angel with spunk. Instead of quiet activities many angels go for, like reading, Angela prefers more vigorous activities like dance, and opts for sneakers instead of heels, even if she has to wear dresses. Although not very willing to step out of her comfort zone, she is a considerably loud and fun-loving girl because of her choice of friends, and is never afraid to be herself around new people. Blessed with beauty and a kind heart, she is the envy of many girls and is that senior whom many new freshmen look up to, which labels her as one of the most popular girls in her grade. However, despite being quite a party girl, she takes much pride in her job as a Virtue and does not abuse her label as a popular girl, but instead uses it to carry her tasks out.


Is there anything significant about you? (AKA Trivia)

  • Obsessed with polaroid pictures
  • Very interested in performance music
  • Is tech-savvy


You prefer a roommate who is:

  • Fun-loving
  • Has a sense of humour
  • Has an open mind
  • Outgoing
  • Is not a being of the underworld or the 'dark side', examples being demons


How social do you prefer your room to be?

- Quiet and serious

- Welcoming to one or two friends at a time

- A lively social center where everyone hangs out


Please rank in order of preference, with "1" being the most important and "3" being least.*

- Double (1)

- Triple (3)

- Quad (2)


Do you wish to room with the same gender?

- Yes

- No

- No Preference


*All dorms are in an Apartment style






Other Application



First Ulzzang Choice Name: Park Ji Hyun

Links (Hyperlink 5-9): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | more


Second Ulzzang Choice Name: Byun Seo Eun

Links (Hyperlink 5-9): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | more



Andrew Park Minkyung | 17 | Student | Power (A type of Angel which defends the border of Heaven and guards humans souls against demons) | Brother



Krystal Jung Soojung | 16 | 11th | Quick-witted, outgoing, fun-loving and adventurous. She takes the initiative to do many things, and has introduced Angela to many new things. | Adhene (A mostly mischievous fairy being) | Krystal was Angela's first friend in the school, and for some reason, the two immediately clicked despite a few personality clashes. They quickly became friends and were soon inseparable.

Max Changmin | 17 | 12th | Calm and always thinks twice before doing something, but is a jokester and has no end of wacky comments. Has many fangirls because of his good looks, but he pays little attention to them. | Cupid | Angela and Changmin first met at a mentoring session for a Potions II class and they hit it off well. Angela then finds out that Changmin is her brother best friend, and she, Changmin, her brother and Krystal always hang out during lunch or after school.

Rival: NIL (Not saying that she is loved by everyone, but there is no one whom she really hates or vice versa)


Former Love: NIL


Crush: Kim Kibum Key | 17 | 12th | Bubbly, talkative and a huge prankster, Angela is never bored around him. He complains a lot and cares more about his appearance that average boys do, hence people think that he is a 'diva' or a '' at first sight. However, when you get to know him better, he is really caring towards everyone, even strangers. | Dominion (A mid-level angel which governs the lower angels) | Angela and Key share a love-hate relationship. There are times when they find the other person really annoying, but cannot go without talking to each other for more than a day, because Key constantly worries about Angela and the latter well, likes him. | Best friends, hoobae-sunbae


Back-Up Crush: Lee Jinki Onew | 17 | 12th | The perfect definition of an angel. Sweet and loving, many girls ask him out because they say that he is the 'dream boyfriend or husband'. He always thinks of others first and to him, nothing takes more priority than his job as a Guardian Angel. | Guardian Angel (A type of Angel which that guides or protects other individual beings or group of beings) | Onew treats Angela as his own sister, and somehow always manages to come to Angela's rescue when she needs help. He also tutors Angela in many subjects because of his excellent grades. In turn, Angela also treats him as her own brother, occasionally checking on him and loves running errands for him because she feels that he deserves more service for all that he is giving. | Friends, hoobae-sunbae


Anything extra you want to say about your character?

Although she has a BMI of 17.4, she is perfectly healthy! Angela has been dancing regularly since a very young age, hence her high metabolism rate.

Also, if possible, can I request Krystal as her roommate? Thanks :-)





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