Explanation of Yesung/Fan encounter at Mobit yesterday (why he got mad):

A fan heard from her friends that she looked 'unique' so she asked Yesung what he thought of looking unique. Yesung replied "you want to be boring and normal? It's better to be unique!" Yesung was talking in a good way but the fan misunderstood him. 

When she went upstairs with her food, she asked her mom what looking 'unique' was and her mom replied "in good way, it means you are pretty and in bad way it means you look like handicapped." (==;...) so she took Yesung's words the wrong way. she's been teased in school and stuff b/c of her looks so she was sensitive about topics like that so she felt hurt. She later asked Yesung what he meant by 'unique' being good and told him the words her mother said about looking 'unique' and Yesung went straight faced and told her not to say such things. (This is the part ELF thought he got angry. He didn't like the words the fan's mother said about the 'handicapped' part. Some people r making up stuff and saying she said offensive stuff to him but she did not)

Then she asked him, "I'm not pretty right..?..." but Yesung didn't reply. (and the whollle issue rises from here: Fan thought he nodded at her question so she felt even more hurt. When she went back upstairs, she cried a bit

Her friend told Yesung later that she cried because she thought she saw him nod and Yesung said he did not nod and that being unique was good. The girls realized that they misunderstood Yesung and apologized.

Neither of the girls cursed/ed at Yesung like rumors are saying. The two girls tweeted the misunderstandings and what's the truth since some people who watched from distance made rumors about their conversations. 

Please do not misunderstand Yesung & the two girls. Thank you.

Cr: To whomever it may (I forgot where)




Yesung said "It's BETTER to be unique!". He already said it... in a good way. Why misunderstand such thing? Sigh.....

At least this will clear it up for some ELFs. 


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