My talk with a Sasaeng Fan [EDITED 11.28.12)

I guess I'm back with these kind of stuff. I have a lot of people to interview with but this woman got me. Her experience is totally priceless and I don't know what to say anymore. She's a sasaeng fan *or extremely obsessed/posessive/stalker fans.*. I interviewed her weeks ago but didn't post this because I still haven't got her permission. But now that I got her permission, I am posting it here. 

"No, I'm not a hardcore sasaeng.. I don't hurt them nor pay the cabs to follow them/have with them. But I go to club, eat to where they eat, deal with their drug dealers and stalk them everywhere and everytime. I have my own car to follow them around. I have the money to g to VIP sides of the clubs they go to and live wherever they are. I don't hurt them nor do I release malicious information about their love life."


Q: Clubs?

A: There's this club where only YG peeps go to. Well, sometimes other artists from other companies does too. But the club-goers think that it is YG's club and not anyone else's. You can see some artists in the dance floor kissing, hugging, or flirting with other guys/gals. There once a club that I have gone and saw this group.. yep, they're famous nowadays and they haven't debuted yet the time when I was at that club. They're not all there but almost all of them did. They're blabbing all those "we're going to debut soon, es. Come on, let me have yo " specially that handsome arrogant tall guy. If you go to hannam clubs, you'll probably see a lot of artists lurking around. ave faith, they're also busy.


Q: Drugs

A: Of cuorse! Some fans think that they're GODS are really GODS and HOLY. There's a lot of artists out there who deals ad buys drugs from outside Korea (They buy inside Korea too but do you thnk it's going to be that easy?) This year, there's a lot of Rookie groups that debuted.. I've known them kinda well since I'm a sasaeng. Most of the rookies already took drugs but stoped it OR still consuming Meths. We won't know but that's in the past already. GD is known for his thing, nothing else, he's good at it, let him be. but they're all good, they're kind but just kind of you know.. arrogant and head.


Q: Secret dating?

A: There's a lot of IDOLs who date each other! But there's also a lot of them who dates non-celebrity.. it's more safe, isn't it? I won't name someone but it's a group of rookie idols and they're really famous. Half of the mare dating. Done~ It's just sad because some fans can't understand their idols. They're also human being guys! 


Q: Plastic Surgery?

A: A LOT OF THEM! Specially this girl group who's really famous. Nah, most of the girl groups had plastic surgery, so nothing special. But this girlgroup is just really into it. I can see them every month in "this" place where you can see surgeon knives h h h h h  (hahaha). Boygroups? Almost, but not really. I don't know why, but boygroups are just really not into surgery. 


Her side:

Your idols are not perfect. Your idols are not God. I won't stop you for drooling and fantasizing BUt let's limit it guys. "This" guy told me that it's really hard for them(as a group). Yes, they admit that they chose this. But isn't this abuot music and the artist but not their PERSONAL LIVES? e're already going overboard. I know that as a SASAENG FAN, we also have limits. I am trying to limit myself. I don't have anything else to say. BUT, let's all be careful. Almost everyday, there's a lot of physical fanwars going on in Korea. Every Dream Concert there will be a reported dead fan. Every TIME! Let's all be carefull people. Bye Bye~ 





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Waah, I kinda expected this though... How come people think that idols are gods?

How do you know that sasaeng fan though?