❂ The Grimoire ❂ Application | Kwon Junli

  T h e   G r i m o i r e   
A p p l i c a t i o n 
♛ Welcome, guest;

                Username: -ashes
                      *Nickname/s: Ashley
                Online Activity: 4

♛ This book now belongs too;

Character Name: Kwon, Junli
         *Nickname/s: N/A
Age: 19
Birthday: 01/17/93
Nationality: Korean
Languages: Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent)

♛ And to whose face;

Ulzzang: Tricia Gosingtian
Images ;

image || image || image

Back-up Ulzzang: Kryz Uy
Images ;

image || image || image

♛ One page isn’t enough;


Junli dresses in a more edgy elegant fashion in which she will wear neutral shades with a splash of color somewhere. Her tastes range from fitted, body-hugging tops to loose tops and also applies to the types of pants/bottoms and shoes she wears.

style || style || style

Hair-color: Blonde with brown tones and roots
Hairstyle: Down and freely wavy

hairstyle || hairstyle

Eye-color: Black
Piercings: She has two piercings on each ear lobe and a piercing on the cartilage of her right ear

Koi fish that covers the majority of her right side and cherry blossom branches go into the right side of her back which stop halfway before it reaches her spine.

tattoo || tattoo

♛ This is my chapter;

Character Background ;

Birthplace: London, England
Occupation: College student majoring in business
Summary of your backstory:

┆From birth, Junli has had success drilled into her mind and perfection imprinted in her soul. However, coming from a family whom thrive pride, appearances, and prosperity, this isn't anything new. It is especially hard on her, being the youngest and the only hope for her parents in succeeding the business, for her other siblings have taken other successful paths. Ever since she began to speak, all she's ever known is the business, and as she grew, it compelled her to believe that this was her calling, not because she (maybe) loved it but because she was always so good at it. The accomplishment of her entire family as well as the expectation of the public burdened an abundance of pressure to which she has learned to shoulder over time. Her perceptiveness is drawn from reading tell-tale signs of business men and women lying, and her pessimism is derived from the constant varying expectation and pressure of the rich for her to succeed and fail.

Because of her experiences garnered from years of attending parties and meetings, she is familiar with not only the glamourous side of being affluent but also the unpleasant, deceitful natures of those of the upper class. This, in turn, affected her behavior and led her to her arrogant, impatient, and sarcastic (only with friends) personality traits. Eventually, she became jaded with the parties of the highly ranked and the false attitude of the wealthy and found refuge within books and her only best friend at the time, Seraphina. Books saved Junli from despondency after Seraphina's death (though she knows she never quite got over it), and she has been dependent on it especially in her lowest days. Since then, she sticks to facts rather than hope and stays in her comfort zone rather than stray from it.

♛ The muses of my life;

Family members:

Kwon, Jinhoo | Father | 53 | CEO of a oil company | Alive | Strict, hard-working, resolute | 3

Lee, Songhyun | Mother | 50 | Opera singer | Alive | Busy, polite, elegant | 2

Kwon, Songjae | Sister | 25 | CEO and founder of a candy company | Alive | Eccentric, whimsical, happy-go-lucky | 5

Kwon Jinsung | Brother | 23 | Fashion designer/ Owner of Jin brand name apparel | Alive | Laid-back, loving, relaxed| 5


Ok Hyunhyo | 22 | COO of his mother's hotel company | Alive | Slightly arrogant, inappropriate, secretly compassionate | 4

┆Seraphina Skym | 21 | Model | Dead | Fun, understanding, adventurous | 5

♛ Bookmarked;


  • Turquoise
  • Nighttime
  • Chocolate
  • Winter
  • Quiet
  • Disney
  • Tea
  • Grapefruit
  • Sleeping
  • Flowers


  • Humidity
  • Frogs
  • Insects
  • Crying
  • Being wrong
  • Spring
  • Being unsanitary or unsanitary conditions
  • Rich parties
  • Strong leather smell
  • Vanilla perfume


  • Failing (High)
  • Death (Moderate)
  • Feeling lost in life (High)


  • Reading
  • Taking walks
  • Stargazing
  • Folding small orgami swans
  • Exercise


Happy | Smiles small. Eyes reflect extent of happiness.
Sad/Depressed | Monotone voice and sluggish behavior. Doesn't eat and doesn't bother with sarcasm.
Upset/Mad/Irritated | Cussing. Blunt. Rude. Ultimate arrogance and sarcasm. Fist clenching. Yelling.
Jealous | First, indifferent. Then, cryptic, obvious glaring, denial and scoffing of any accusation of jealousy. Arrogance apex.
Bored | Restless and wandering. Staring off into space.
Nervous | Puts hands in pockets (if available). Running hands through hair more than usual.
Others (please specify) | Spaces out and stares at the ground when thinking. Always needs to be moving even in it's just tapping. Crosses legs when sitting down. Agitated when things aren't as she predicts and when things are unknown and out of her control.


  • She has a pretty good sense of direction.
  • She used to be scared of Mickey Mouse.
  • She can't sleep unless her feet feel cool, not too hot, not too cold.
  • She cannot sleep without a blanket.
  • Seraphina contributed to her fear of death because Junli was scared of leaving the world before she could live out her life.

♛ Don’t judge me from my cover alone;

Chosen Book: Indigo Book
God/Goddess: Hel
Tarot Card: The Devil
Given Persona: Perceptive Dame

*Additional Persona:

┆Junli doesn't particularly act arrogant because of her wealth; it's more because she sees things beyond what others see. Whereas others judge and conclude from the outside of a person, Junli observes underneath the underneath to who they really are and what they hide using her acute perception. It's because of this ability garnered from experience that she is so arrogant, for she thinks that others are foolish and blind to not see what she does. She knows herself better than anyone else, and because of this, she knows what she excels at and what she's limited in. However, from her experiences with the rich, her mentality naturally sees everything in a negative way, and this bloomed her pessimism. In order to hide this "insecurity" from others, she began using sarcasm to cloak it because once the rich spot a weakness, they attack it. 

Once Junli has a goal set, she seeks to reach it, and once she's reached it, she searches for another one. In other words, when she wants something, she gets it. From experience in the business industry, her speaking is profoundly eloquent, and she can talk her way through anything, leading the conversation to where she wants it to go. Her impatience stems from her constant patience she forces on herself when she deal with the attitudes of the wealthy. This often tires her out and gets her irritable because she has to put up with their impertinent demeanors just to stay on their good side for the sake of her family's reputation.


♛ Those unexpected ink blots;

What day of the week did you come to visit the book shop? Friday
What time of the day? Evening
Did you like the person behind the counter?

┆She found the cashier quite facinating. For someone who ran a seemingly normal establishment, the cashier was anything but. Based off her perceptiveness, its movements, behavior, appearance, everything  about it was...strange. Its whole being mystified her and left her dumbfounded, perplexed, and highly interested.

                Pick two numbers: 5, 10

♛ To you, I dedicate this story;

Love Interest: Kim Jongin (Kai)
First Impressions ; 

Do you like him? No
Does he like you? No
*Suggested scenes on how you first met?

┆She starts to wander instead of staying in place, figuring that it was better to get to know her surroundings rather than just sitting around like an idiot. Without really registering anything, she wanders into an alley in which he and a dead body are lying at his feet. She is then under a state of panic and leaves quickly. Later on, they meet again under similar circumstances.

If answers are both no, who starts to like the other first? Leave it to you

Second Love Interest: Wu Yifan (Kris)
First Impressions ;

Do you like him? No
Does he like you? No

*Suggested scenes on how you first met?

┆Same as above

If answers are both no, who starts to like the other first? Leave it to you

♛ Till we meet again;


┆I know I probably won't get in because of a another good app applying for the same book, but I just couldn't resist when I saw your story. I hope you don't have too much difficulty choosing the main characters, and I beg you, please, please, stick to this story! Oh, and I'm sorry if my suggestion for how my character and love interest first meet aren't up to par with what you may have expected.


┆Maybe you could put more emphasis on the emotions of each character. Like Odin, for example. For his feelings regarding the fall of the armies in Jotunheim, instead of saying that he closed his eyes and folded his hands, you could say "Odin leaned back in his throne with the frustration crawling on his mouth, leading him to set his lips into a thin line and anger flaming over the muscles in his shoulder, tensing them even farther." Not sure if that made my point or not, but I hope it did...

Parting gift for me?




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