once upon a dream application form

the  princess  Park Minjung


name : Natasha

profile link : angelsasha

et tu.  

part I

character's name: English name - Angela Park
                                Korean name - Park Minjung

nickname: Gel (pronounced 'Jelle')

age & date of birth: 17 & January 27th

hometown: Daegu, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean

nationality: Korean

language: Korean (fluent), English (fluent) & Chinese (basic)


part II

ulzzang name: Jang Chom Mi


backup ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye

links:       (hyperlink 'em with HQ images)

height: 170cm

weight: 49kg

style & etc. : Simple and casual, typical Korean fashion. She likes sweaters/pullovers/hoodies and prefers sneakers to flats any day, even though she is fine with heels. She is fine with skinny jeans or shorts, but is not very comfortable with tights or three-quarter length pants.


part III

personality: Minjung is a down-to-earth girl despite her impending celebrity status. Growing up in Daegu, she is a rather rough girl who speaks her mind, usually without thinking twice. She knows that she can be insensitive at times and feels rather bad about it, but doesn't know how to change her bad habit. Because of this, she is horrible at comforting people as well. Despite this, she isn't a very daring or adventurous girl and prefers to keep within her comfort zone. Minjung gets close to people easily but there are only a few who will remain her friends for life. Once her trust in you is broken, it is almost impossible to get it back. She hates being misunderstood, but she does not see any reason to explain herself unless that misunderstanding will affect her life greatly.

occupation/education: Trainee of SM Entertainment and is about to debut


  • eating
  • sleeping
  • photography
  • shopping
  • music
  • salty snacks


  • running
  • animals
  • fresh/goat milk
  • unnecessary noise
  • screeching sounds
  • people who fake their personalities
  • people who up too much


  • Photography
  • Dancing
  • Surfing the internet


  • Fiddling with earlobes when thinking
  • Biting lips when awkward
  • Hyperventilating when anxious
  • Spacing out when tired
  • Venting frustrations by training more than usual at one go


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Modeling
  • Playing the guitar/piano
  • Ballet


  • insects
  • roller coasters
  • not being loved


  • obsessed with polaroid pictures
  • is a SHINee fan
  • myopic and wears contact lenses
  • has hyperextended arms and legs
  • keeps a lot of Jonghyun selcas in a phone because his smiles cheer her up


part IV

background: Minjung was born in Daegu to a well-to-do family. Because she usually hangs out with boys, she is a rather rough and crude girl. She isn't a tomboy, but her close guy friends all see her as a boy because she acts like one around them. Many girls in her school are jealous of her because of her wealth and friends. Her parents are hardly home because of work, hence she is not very close to them, and her older brother is her only confidant. Her older brother is very protective of her but her parents allow her to do whatever she wants, as long as it isn't too dangerous. She has SHINee's Minho as her cousin, and her mother is the sister of Minho's father, hence the different surnames.


  • Choi Minho | 21 (Int) 22 (Kor) | Idol | alive | Seems cold on the outside but is really fun to be around when you get to know him better. | Cousin
  • Park Minkyung | 21 (Int) 22 (Kor) | Trainee idol manager | alive | Has a glib tongue and is the only one who knows how to curb Minjung's anger. Very protective as well, but also likes to tease Minjung about things. | Brother

best friends:

  • Kim Kibum Key | 21 (Int) 22 (Kor) | Idol | Comes off as a at many first impressions but is actually very caring. | They were next-door neighbours back in Daegu | very close to each other because they always play together with Minkyung.
  • Jang Mirae | 17 (Int) 18 (Kor) | Student | Always cheerful, and is a pro at comforting people. | She is Minjung's closest friend in school | extremely close to each other. Soojin had never left Minjung in times of need. They are each other's shopping buddies and gossip pals, and are like sisters.


  • Choi Jinri Sulli | 18 (Int) 19 (Kor) | Idol | Soft spoken | she was Minjung's first friend when she entered the company as a trainee | quite close to each other because they always hang out as trainees and Sulli takes care of Minjung like how a big sister would
  • Lee Jinki Onew | 23 (int) 24 (Kor) | Idol | Very charming and sweet | met during a mentoring session for trainees with Onew as a senior | quite close, Onew sometimes gives Minjung advice as a senior, and occasionally personal vocal training


  • Song Hyejin | 17 (Int) 18 (Kor) | Student | Stuck-up and always talks with a snarky tone | Hyejin is jealous of Minjung because she is very close to Key and some of his friends. Hyejin has had a crush on Key since forever but Key has never given her a second glance because of her personality. Because she is the queenka of the school she and Minjung attends, she has many girls eating out of her hand and manages to turn majority of the girls against Minjung.

et amor .

love interest: Kim Kibum Key & SHINee

age & d.o.b: 21 (Int) || 22 (Kor) ||September 23 1991

personality: Key is very bubbly and talkative. He speaks his mind, is somehow conceited and complains a lot, hence many people label him as a 'diva' or a ''. However, once you get to know him better, he is actually very caring, even to strangers.

relationship:  crush  -  friends  -  senior/junior  -  sibling-like  -  lovehate  -  enemies

how you met: Since birth, Minjung has been Key's next-door neighbour. Because Key and Minkyung are of the same age, they always bring her around to meet their friends and they protect her together. 

how do you act around each other: Their families are very close and Key treats her as a younger sister, always playing with her even though they have a four-year . Minjung usually treats Key as a normal best friend but sometimes also as a girl one, to the extent where they go shopping for clothes together. She unknowingly falls for him and realises this only after Key transfers to Seoul as an SM trainee, because she misses him so much. Life was very empty to her without her best friend around, so she decides to audition for the company as well.


back-up love interest: Lee Jinki Onew & SHINee

age & d.o.b: 23 (Int) || 24 (Kor) || December 14 1989

personality: Onew is very sweet and lives up to his nickname 'tofu' very well. However, once angry, he can get very scary. Although most people say his sense of humour is horrible, Minjung finds him quite funny and his lame jokes still make her crack up one way or another. Many people describe him as the 'dream boyfriend'.

relationship:  crush  -  friends  -  senior/junior  -  sibling-like  -  lovehate  -  enemies

how you met: They met during one of the mentoring sessions for trainees where Onew was one was of the mentors. The two of them got paired up together and since then became friends.

how do you act around each other: Onew always gives in to Minjung but is clearly uncomfortable in breaking the senior-junior line. Surprisingly, Minjung is okay with it. Onew gives Minjung a lot of advice as a senior in the industry and occasionally gives her personal vocal lessons.


past relationships: none

et ce tera.

requests: nil

comments/suggestions: I'm really interested in your story and i wish you all the best for it!!

do you want to be an extra if you're not chosen as the main?: yes please! (:

anything else I've forgotten?: i don't think so... heh.


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