Damn, I'm Beat | SHORT BREAK



My brother beat me in basketball five minutes ago. 10 to 11 was the final score. And then I shot a three pointer, but that doesn't matter because it was AFTER THE GAME. Oh, did I mentioned I was against him and the other twin in a 2 vs 1, first off I'm not as fit as them, second off, I'm a girl who was probably screwed in the first place, and three, well, my lungs were on effing fire the whole time. Oh well, I won some writing time for an hour, thank you Basketball decency skills (made a bet that if I made the three pointer they'd have to get out of my room, but it turned into an hour time of writing for the hour). So yeah, that's my Monday balling game.

However, let's get to the point here. I'm going on a short break, short, as in three - four day break, so not that long, but that's because of three things. 1) I need to work on this one-shot thing. 2) I need to finish my Honors English assignment (90% done, unless you don't count typing). 3) I need to write up some chapters. 4) I REALLY need to get ahead of the young'uns in Vietnamese, so I'll be working on my Vietnamese. 5) I NEED TO CONTROL MY COMPUTER USE. So, a break from the computer for a while, but I'll be back on Wednesday/Thursday, or on my birthday. In the meanwhile, GO CHECK OUT THIS YG FANGIRL'S FIC. The coupling is Dara and G-Dragon, so have fun. LINK BELOW:



So until I return, bye ~


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You really didn't have to do that.<br />
Now people will see my horrible writing skills. Jkjkjk<br />
Anywho HOPE THOSE DAYS PASS BY SOON so we can talk more kekeke~