Ice Cream, Ice Cream, She Melts You Down

If you got the reference, I'm going to be talking about Hyuna's "Ice Cream". Well, not really. Just about what happened in class (language arts) today.

We have this (rather lame) song project about To Kill a Mockingbird and some people had to go on Youtube! (You know, for instrumentals and whatnot)

After this one group finished their video (they made a music video... no fair) the ending screen...... had.... Hyuna.

SO, being the fan I am, I blurted out, "Ice cream! ICE CREAM!" And everyone reacted like this:

And then I quickly mumbled, "Ice cream. Hyuna... Sorry, kpop thing.... never mind."

BUT IT KEPT COMING UP! On the homepage, at the end screens of other videos..... 

I would've asked her to play it, but it's exactly school appropriate. 

Oh well, I had my own little party moment.


Watch the video if you haven't~ or not.... I like the song, the video's okay. At least Hyuna looks like she's having more fun than in bubble bubble pop pop!


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Ais cweam. Nomz.
Um. So. SHES LIKE A KITTY O_O ...i space out during class just doing nothing but thinking about kpop. And no one understands me. They think im... mentally unstable. ._.