Poster Making

So I decided that instead of doing my essay I was going to attempt to make a poster for a (currently..) non-existent story. Lol, procrastination.

But then I couldn't complete it because I didn't know what idol to feature because all of the ones I thought of didn't fit the image I wanted for the male lead of the story. And those that did--well, I couldn't find pictures I liked.

Here's the result of this.

And the grey is just the background of the program, by the way.


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what kind of tired huh :3
awww i saw the title and instantly thought you were planning to write our plumber story
but then the subtitle hinted otherwise lololol

interesting poster though ^^
Yeah, I know how resource searching can be a pain.

Those resource shops do have tons of decent quality pngs that you might wanna sort through. Hopefully you'll be able to find something. And you unfortunately do have to subscribe first before being able to access their resources, but they do offer a lot of useful stuff, so I do highly recommend.

Anyway, hope this helped a bit.