Ayise (my application)



Username: angelsasha

Nickname: Natasha

Profile Link: angelsasha

Scale of Activeness: 9


To The New You~

Character's Name: Park Angela

Nickname: Gel (pronounced Jelle) - family members, because it's easier to call a syllable compared to three

Jelly/Jello - her friends because they think the nickname makes her sound really cute

Birthday: 27 January 1995

Birthplace/Hometown: Singapore

Ethnicity: Korean-Singaporean

Languages: Korean, English, Chinese

Bloodtype: A+

Height and Weight: 170cm, 49kg

Extras: -



I see you

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye || Joo

Ulzzang Photo: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

Backup Ulzzang Name: Park Hwan Hui || Hana

Backup Ulzzang Photo: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Style: Casual, simple, typical Korean fashion. Prefers sneakers to flats/heels.

Training wear: 1 | 2 | 3

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Pyjamas: 1 | 2 | 3

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Dorm : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Other things you might add to her style: She has three lobe piercings, one on her left ear and two on her right.


About You Now

- Soft spoken around strangers/acquaintances, but considerably loud around people she is close to. Acts differently around family, friends, her crush and when she is alone.
- To people who do not know her, she may seem 'y' and cold as she looks the type. However, Angela is nice and friendly to almost everyone. However, once you get into her bad books, there is almost no way to get out and she will treat you with hostility.
- Speaks her mind, but tends to find nice ways to say it in case anyone's feelings get hurt.
- Not the type to seek help when she runs into trouble. Instead, she will try to solve them on her own. However, if someone she trusts notices it and shows her concern, she will open up to her/him.
- Tends to over-think sometimes but she knows when to stop.
- A ticking time-bomb when on her period.
- Hates being misunderstood, but she usually does not see any reason to explain herself, unless the misunderstanding will affect her life greatly.

Background: Angela was born and raised in Singapore. She was 14 when her cousin, Minho, suggested her signing with SM, and she transferred to Korea soon after without her parents. Her first year in Korea was tough with intense training and slight bullying in school, but she soon learnt to be strong, to stand up for herself and her beliefs, and gained the courage to chase her dreams.

Family Members: Choi Minho | 22 (Korean years) | Member of SHINee | Cousin (Son of dad's sister, hence the different surname)
Korean father, Singaporean mother, and an older brother by four years, Andrew, who is an actor in Singapore.

How you got into SM: Recommended by Minho after he saw your modeling photos

Trainee years: 3.5 years

Trainee history/previous experiences: Teen model, appearances in music videos and concerts as backup dancer

Likes: Singing, dancing, using the internet, salty snacks, shopping, photography

Dislikes: Insects, animals, white fresh/goat milk, people making too much unnecessary noise, people who fake their personality/interests, people who up too much

Habits: Biting fingernails when bored, playing with her earlobes when thinking, biting lips when nervous/awkward, jumping/kicking/hyperventilating when anxious (eg. before going on stage/broadcasts), spacing out when tired, venting frustrations by training more than usual in a go

Trivia: Always has two iPods in her bag, obsessed with polaroids, collects tags attached to new items (the one with the brand/price etc), myopic and wears contact lenses, has hyperextended arms and legs, loves hoodies, keeps a lot of Jonghyun's selcas in her phone because his smiles cheer her up, hates cleaning

Talent/Speciality: Playing the piano/guitar, ballet, voice imitation of all 9 SNSD members

Extras: -


I Love You, You Love Me

Lover: Kim Kibum Key

Backup Lover: Lee Jinki Onew

How you met your lover: Met through Minho. Key was very friendly and caring and Angela just found herself attracted to him. Key was the best male friend Angela could ask for because they have similar personalities. They joke around with each other and have occasional heart-to-heart talks.

How you met your backup lover: Bumped into him in the corridors of SM during one of her training sessions. Onew offered her advice as a senior and they became friends. Later finds out that he is Minho's band member.

How does your lover treat you: Key treats Angela like best friend/younger sister, so he gets quite protective at times. He takes it as his responsibility to take care of her when Minho is not around because of their close friendship. They like to fool around in the practice rooms by randomly dancing to songs of other idol groups. He gets annoyingly childish at times but Angela does not think so because she acts the same way.

How does your backup lover treat you: Onew is usually very sweet and always gives in to Angela. He offers advice to her as a senior quite often and sometimes even personally gives her vocal training.

First impression of lover: Very welcoming and does not understand why some people do not like him.

First impression of backup lover: Kind and sweet, slightly introverted

Friends: SNSD's Yuri/Yoona/Tiffany/Sooyoung, f(x)'s Sulli/Krystal, Exo's Luhan, Super Junior's Leeteuk/Ryeowook, the whole of SHINee,


Welcome To The Stage

Stage Name: Angelle

Position: Triple threat

Persona: Pure as snow (do you see what i did there snow is white on the outside but still has impurities)

Individual Fanclub: Angelic

SNS: Twitter, me2day


Thank you! (:



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how come no colour? haha and you're born in 1995 meh? i tot i was the 1995 one. and if her surname is park shouldnt the father be korean? lol sorry. xD uwahhhh,, you write until so detailed o.O

did u use your actual height and weight?