❝ 십이월 비 ❞「December Rain」── Solrina Nguyen Solhyun




December Rain




the face behind the mask;

Username: mynameisashley 

Activity: 9


thperson on stage;

Birth name: Solrina Nguyen Solhyun

Stage name: Solria

Persona: Unrefined Emotion

Birthday: December 16, 1992

Age: 21

Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Ethnicity: Half Korean | Half Vietnamese

Languages: Korean: Fluent | Vietnamese: Conversational | English: Fluent


shine bright or else they'll see through | Beautiful, fluid, charismatic, enigmatic, strong, y, elegant, raw - these are what everyone says about Nguyen Solhyun when she takes the stage. When performing, her prescence immediately demands attention, and there's not one dry eye in the room when she does. When she dances, it's as if she takes on various personalities. At one moment, she could be as fluid and quick as water, and with the wave of a hand, she could be as destructive as an earthquake just as she is when she stomps and krumps. Her favorite type of dancing is choreography; she always appreciates good choreo over anything else. She is especially critical when it comes to others' dancing and is not the type of person to accept body rolls many times into a routine as dancing. Solhyun exudes charisma basically whereever she goes. It shows through her singing, dancing, lyrics, and even her general demeanor. It is that charisma that draws people to her. She is enigmatic in the way she holds herself, and the way she always seems to be able to divert the attention away from herself just to avoid having to talk about her life or herself. In result, fans are able to see her behavior and how she reacts and act, but they are not granted the knowledge of who she is and where she comes from. This leads the fans and media to try to decipher her past by taking detail from the songs she writes.

She is strong in the way she carries herself. She is always prepared, and she shows no weakness to the media or to fans. Her dancing is strong because it leaves a distinct impression on anyone who watches her. She carries the iness within the group, a sort of demureness. Rather than today's view of y, it is a more sophisticated, subtle, demure y; a type in which she conveys and undertones to the raunchiness of the iness she exudes. Fortunately, this demureness she carries adds to her elegance to which she constantly exudes 24/7. Everything she does is elegant from her walk to the way she speaks. Rawness, however, is what makes her a favorite to many. Never has there been any other who has given raw feelings into their music as Solhyun has. Though she remains guarded for the majority of her time around other people, she is inexplicably raw in emotions when she sings. There is no wall between she and the listeners when she belts out in song. It is the only time when she allows others to see her without any protection, to see her at her ugliest as a human. Her performances, along with her singing and original songs, allow her to convey the emotion expressed in the song and are able to move South Korea to tears.

the ugliness that I am | Offstage, she is someone contrastingly different than her energy on the stage. She is nice in general but holds walls and barriers that she lets no one breach. She is untouchable in the way that she never lets anyone in. She has shallow friendships, and she never takes initiative to deepen them. When she's alone, she reveals who she is without any guards or inhibitions. In reality, she is apathetic and cynical. Her words are sharp and cut in the most deepest of wounds. She is devoid of any romantic love feelings and only harbors the emotions of anger, hatred, and pain, all of which of covered up by aloofness. If her songs are based on love, it is the pain of love that she sees someone suffers or her destroyed love for her father or her parents' destroyed love for each other if they had any. She can perceive people's intentions well after years of observing at school when she was her detached, touchy self; however, she is clueless in the aspects of love, whether giving it or feeling it. She has no empathy and thinks that whatever hardship someone faces, they will be able to overcome it. If not, they are weak. Dependency is not a luxury she will give into, for she believes that she need not depend on anyone and that independency is the way to get things done they way she wants them. In a way, she is a feminist. She does not reflexively retaliate with a curt comeback when a ist comment is made, but she does believe that women do not need a man to function.

Solhyun, if anything, is very aware of herself. She knows how she acts, and what effect with occur if she makes a certain decision. And because Solhyun is so astute about herself, she knows that she is not confident in herself generally. The confidence she displays in the public is a fake cover-up, and her only confidence stems from her singing and dancing because they both convey her emotions. She does not view herself as weak, and she does not think that what she has gone though serves as any consolation to accept charity from others nor does it differentiate herself from normal people who lead normal lives. She does not pity herself, and she does not allow others to pity her either.

What she doesn't realize though is that all these walls and defense mechanisms make her a coward, make her run away from who she is and lock her emotional turmoil into a small little chest in the depths of her soul. 

Nguyen Solhyun believes she is strong, that she is no longer affected by the demons she had "left" back in Nevada.

She is a fool for that.


Solhyun was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada to a medical graduate and a mechanic. Her mother fell hopelessly, treacherously in love with a man who had no future, and though her hopes and dreams lay rested in a happy married life, it was not one she was granted. Solhyun's parents often got into fights, but because of how much her mother loved him, because of her stong belief that love conquers all, she stayed. She stayed even if her father came home drunk and smelling of another woman's perfume. This is what Solhyun knew as her early childhood, and it was how she thought every family acted until she grew up to realize otherwise. When she came to her senses, she tried to live her life as normal as she could because then, her father had started to abuse his mother. Sometime later, when submissive Solhyun gathered enough courage, she tried to stop her father's hits toward her mother and tried to convince him to cease.

Not long after, she started receiving the same treatment along with her mother. She began living in shame and desperately tried to cling onto the normality of life by covering up her bruises and distancing herself more from her peers. She was embarrassed as anyone would be, and when one of her classmates would come up and talk to her, she would answer shortly and curtly. When she was ten, her father came home drunk and began hitting her mother; however, it was harsher and more severe because he was intoxicated, using objects around the house to beat her. Desperate to stop her mother's pain, she disobeyed her mother's words to never interfere and jumped in to restrain him. This redirected his anger towards Solhyun, and he turned his attention to her, beating her roughly and spewing vulgar words at her. This, along with what she endured previously, continued to lower her self-confidence greatly. During his beatings, there was a knock at the door, and in attempts to cease the madness, her mother wildly scrambled to the door to reveal two policemen. At the sight of the bruised mother and the continuously beaten girl in the house, the policemen quickly barged in and restrained her father, who was too intoxicated and immersed in his beatings to even notice the men. He was charged for physical assault, child abuse, breaking and entering, burgarly, and grand theft auto, the last three of which he had committed earlier that evening.

After that, news got around her school, and Solhyun shut herself out. In retaliation to the rumors, bullying, and pity, she became indifferent and sharp-tongues in order to run people away. However, when she changed schools in 9th grade, she realized that she would get no where being rude and apathetic. This caused her to created her fake personality, the one that talked to strangers with a smile and kindness. As time went on, the more she kept her true, disgusting emotions inside, the more they grew to feed off the hatred she house for her father. From this bloomed the revenge she planned. She wanted him to see her successful with all the money in the world while he was rotting away in jail, and at age sixteen, she strived to be a star in the U.S. This ended up in total shambles, but she couldn't give up. She explored her options, and leaving her empty shell of a mother, she gathered up money from her jobs and traveled to South Korea.


the things I treasure;


» Nighttime

» Tea, both hot and cold

» Iced coffee

» Winter/ autumn

» Sweets

» Spicy food

» Being right

» Fruits

» Scarves, shoes, and socks

» Hand sanitizer

» All kinds of genres of music (classical, rock, soft rock, blues, jazz, pop, dubstep, and songs in other languages)


» Insects

» Frogs

» Humidity

» Mushrooms

» Itchy grass

» Fairytales

» Sappy, romantic love (or romantic love in general)

» Cowards (even though she is one herself)

» Overly dramatic people

» Whiny people

» People who try to get out of work


» Writing songs

» Practicing her piano and guitar skills she recently learned

» Reading

» Going outside just to sit and (secretly) enjoy nature

» Working out (she's addicted)

» Dancing

» Watching movies/ animes

» Listening to music


» her lips when they're dry

» Puts on chapstick (Carmex brand) before she goes to sleep every night

» Drinks large amounts of water at one time and goes without until she's thirsty again

» Crossing her legs when she sits down

» Smiling more radiently the more negative feelings arise from her and when she's around public

» Putting on lotion on her elbows and knees after she showers

» Cannot sleep unless she's on a bed

» Always applies hand sanitizer or washes her hands before she eats

» Cannot sleep unless her feet are at a mild temperature, not too cold, not too hot


She doesn't really have any because she left behind everything to pursue success.


the way people seme;

Ulzzang photos: one | two | three | four | five

Style: one | two | three


She has three tattoos. "Promise" is written on her right picky in cursive, and behind her right shoulder blade is a koi fish which means strangth. From the joint of her shoulder all the way to the middle of her upper arm are black birds that encircle it until it diminishes and disappears and means freedom. She has two piercings on each ear lobe and wears lots of earring cuffs. She also has a piercing on her cartilage of her left ear in which she put a diamond stud into.

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 57 kg


the ones I love & care for;


Solhyun generally has lots of friends, but she never deepens her relationship with them and is not close with them. She basically only carries on trivial and unimportant but interesting and stimulating conversations with them.

Best Friends:

Jung Jessica | SNSD | Jessica considers Solhyun a best friend even if Solhyun doesn't think so. Jessica often does most of the talking when they're with each other about gossip and the like while Solhyun just nods her head. Jessica only hangs out with her if she has nothing to do or if she sees her around. They are somewhat close considering that Jessica tells her everything.

Ok Taceyeon | 2PM | He probably knows her the best. They are closer than she and Jessica but not by much. He often hangs out with her just for no reason. He likes her company, and he is fond of her. Though he doesn't know everything about Solhyun, he knows more than Jessica, and this is one of the reasons why they get along so well. He's also more perceptive that Jessica because he doesn't talk as much as her; therefore, he has all the time in the world to study her behavior and how she works.

Parents: '

David Nguyen | 55 | None/ In jail

Andrea Kim | 51 | Anesthesiologist

Siblings: --


Jay Park | Solo Artist | They met when Jay was visiting in the States after his break up from 2PM and met through a mutual friend. At the time, Solhyun had no interest in being a K-pop singer. She and Jay were awkward with each other when they first met, and they never really had a second chance to break the ice because they never met a second time. Actually, I want you to surprise me on how they meet after she becomes an idol in December Rain.  


Nguyen Solhyun | December Rain | She is her own enemy because she refuses to love Jay. She feels as if she not good enough for him, someone as soiled as her. Though she does believe true love and it's power, she doesn't believe that love is someone for her, and cannot possibly imagine someone loving her for who she is. She feels as if she does not deserve love, as if she hasn't earned it, and she thinks she is unable to love someone properly because she's so ed up. In her mind, she is dirty and ty, and she isn't good for someone as amazing as Jay Park.

Jay Park | Solo Artist | At first, when he first met her he was frustrated at how fake she was. He could see right thorugh her facade, and he hated how she was never genuinely honest to anyone. He also refuses to love Solhyun because he is intimidated by her. He is intimidated by her innate ability to succeed and pour out her sincere feelings into a song that means something. He is afraid to be captured in her captivating pull because he does not want to lose. He does not want to lose to her in the entertainment industry and especially to someone who doesn't have an honest bone in her body. She has a deadly appeal that brings him to his knees but gives him every reason to resist her charms. He detests her the most.


the girl in the band;

Position: Main vocal | Lead dancer

Singing: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 (skip to 1:35)

Dancing: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

Rapping: --

Motto/Quote: "Fight. Fight even if you have to go through the most horrible of tortures. Resist the pain. Keep your fire intense. And don't you dare give up. Don't you ing dare."

Anything Else:

I know you didn't put this on the application originally but I wanted to inform you of something about my character I wasn't able to fit in with the categories.  

Solhyun doesn't write about romantic love at all; at least, not until she starts feeling weird things about Jay and starts writing about them. She only writes about painful family love or destroyed love in a family. Other than that, she usually writes about how pain feels and serious problems. For example, a song she writes could be about suicide or abuse and how she feels about it; the agonizing guilt, the wallowing sorrows, the painful regrets. A good one is about girls not feeling beautiful and how they starve themselves or cut themselves. Through these kinds of topics, she sees them in her point of view. For instance, the song about girls not feeling beautiful enough could be written in her point of view and how she felt helpless to do anything and her endless guilt. Solhyun writes about social problems, life problems; problems that people have but are too scared to voice.






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