Too tired to do this, so what the,,,?

I am one sleepy girl. A kid is supposed to get 7 hours at least of sleep, I only got five. It's probably because had caffeine, but still. I'm tired, I hope my mother got more sleep than I did though, she seemed really tired the other night.../bites lip.

ANYWAYS. I kind of wonder if the guys of Super Junior ever get freaked out that their fans think that they're having an affair with a member...hmm. I wonder. I wouldn't be able to do that....full on for kpop stars. I mean I can sort of do it for animes, but still. I didn't even notice that the most popular pairings were singing together for Super Man. But, I'm digressing.


I want to write a hobo one-shot for these two. Why? Because Daesung/Yoona fics in general are scarce. Seriously, I've only read one and I think majority of Soshibangers like Fany/Daesung.  But I wanted write these two because of Side by Side, which I sang back in the day in the fifth grade. And they'll just be best friends, slight romance for Yoona and something amazing for Daesung. So, yeah, I've always really wanted to write a Daesung/Yoona one-shot.

But the problem is, I have no idea if anyone would read it'll be locked away in my yellow writing journal.

"Just travlin' along,

singin' our song

Side By Side"


So yeah. 12 more days. TWELVE MORE DAYS. I don't wanna grow up though!


P.S. I just noticed commas. JUST NOTICED IT.


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