"Ways of Talking" by Ha Jin

We used to like talking about grief
Our journals and letters were packed
with losses, complaints, and sorrows.
Even if there was no grief
we wouldn’t stop lamenting
as though longing for the charm
of a distressed face.

Then we couldn’t help expressing grief
So many things descended without warning:
labor wasted, loves lost, houses gone,
marriages broken, friends estranged,
ambitions worn away by immediate needs.
Words lined up in our throats
for a good whining.
Grief seemed like an endless river—
the only immortal flow of life.

After losing a land and then giving up a tongue,
we stopped talking of grief
Smiles began to brighten our faces.
We laugh a lot, at our own mess.
Things become beautiful,
even hailstones in the strawberry fields.


I recited this poem for my ninth grade Poetry out Loud competition, I balantly failed (37/50 as my grade) and after months I finally figure what this is all about. You see, this is all about how people complain and lament (express overexcessive amount of grief) about their life. "Oh, my life ." or "I'll never get a guy." or "At least you didn't get...blah blah blah." You keep on talking about it and then it becomes like a lifestyle. And I finally figure this out because nowadays I seem to be doing this: "Oh my writing ." "I'll never be a good writer." "Younger kids get MORE ACTION THAN I DO." "My summer ." Etc. You get it, right?

But the last stanza is like the rainbow after the rain. You see, when you become too depressed and/or the thing actually happens, this is the time when you get out of your depression and start looking on the brightside. Sure, things are gonna for a while, sure sometimes life is going to be a hassle and if you CONTSTANTLY talk about that, then you're going to be a wreck.  Which is why when I feel down or losing grip with myself I turn to Andy Grammer's "Keep Your Head Up" and Mighty Mouth ft. Insooni "Smile."

The sun will always come around, rainbows come after the rain and "1 laugh adds 3 seconds to your life."


Life lesson of the day. NO MORE BLOG POSTS FOR THE DAY, WHOO.


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