Also, I had this weird Teen Top-related dream last night. o.O

So, I'm chillin' at the mall with "mah gurlz" y'know? And we're walking around J.C. Penney (one of the big box/department stores, in case someone reading this doesn't have J.C. Penney where they live). 

So, we walking through the big doors leading into the main part of the mall when I STOP - because I saw someone standing around the perfume counter who looked really familar. Now, I have this thing where I have no shame, so I just walk right up to him and start staring at him intently. He looked at me and then smiles and says, "Hey, noona!" 

And - HOLY , IT WAS RICKY FROM TEEN TOP. But I didn't necessarily go all fangirl on him. Instead, I squealed, "MY BABY!" and latched onto him in a hug. I then proceeded to coo over him and all that stuff, gushing about how pride I was that his birthday was coming up. Then I let slip that his older brother was planning a surprise party for him, and I was like, "Oh, ." O_O

He just laughed and was like, "It's fine, noona! I can act surprised!" And then he plastered on this big, starry-eyed expression and I started gushing over how cute he is, etc...

Anyways, next thing I know we're all sitting around this table singing Happy Birthday to Ricky and when he blows out the candles and starts begging for us to open presents. So, he opens mine and I've give him...

Perfume. I you not, I gave Ricky perfume for his sixteenth birthday. -__-

But here's the thing: he starts flipping out like it's the most amazing thing ever, lunging at me in a giant hug and gushing over how great and thoughtful my present is and I was like, "Well, I remember you telling me that you prefer perfume over cologne!"

Later on, as I'm getting ready to leave, he looks at me with his big puppy-eyes and asks, "Does noona want to know what I wished for?" 

I told him, "Ricky, if you tell me what you wished for, then it might not come true," and I winked at him.

But then he beamed and said, "But noona can make my wish come true!" So I sighed and asked him what he wished for, and he told me, "I wished that noona would give me a kiss for my birthday!" 

Anyways, it's at that point that L. Joe jumps out of nowhere like a ninja and yells, "Hell no!" 

But it's too late, because I've already started cooing over how cute Ricky is and have stood up to give him a kiss on the forehead. 

And then I woke up.


Oddly enough, when I woke up my first thought was, "I've watched the video for Don't Spray Perfume too many times..."

Now, I know that this would probably make a pretty in' one-shot, but I don't feel like writing it into a one-shot, because that would entail having to make it make SENSE. -__-

**A random thought I had later was: why would L. JOE object to me giving Ricky a birthday kiss? I mean, if it's my dream and my subconscious is sending me messages, then it doesn't make sense, seeing as Changjo is my () bias. 


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lyssah #1
LOL i love analyzing my own dreams too...since mine come from things I've given a fleeting thought to during the day =] therefore i rarely dream about my bias >.<"
JiHae1 #2
LoL i like when l.joe shows up when your about to kiss ricky that was my favorite part XD