Twi$ted App-SuJuLoverr

Name: Jung Taejin

AFF Username: SuJuLoverr

Birthdate: 19th of July 1992 (19/20)


Position that you'd like to be: Main Dancer or Main Rapper

Bi/Gay/Straight: Straight

Gender: Male

Personality: Taejin is very feminine. He hates boyish things with a big passion but it doesn't mean he is gay. He can act girly at times but it is very rare to see him act like a girl.  He acts like a real guy when a girl he likes, come up to him and starts talking to him. He is very happy. Most of the time he is very happy but if he isn’t happy then he will tend to be very moody. He is an older brother and dad figure. He really cares about his friends and family and will not stop until they are happy and well. He is an AB blooded person but he doesn’t have the personality that matches it. He is very active and she likes playing musical instruments like drums, guitar and bass. He can play drums very well. He was born in America and he can speak English very well. He likes to keep her idol image clean, on and off camera. He likes being a role model to younger people who dream of being idols in the future.

Likes: Boy clothes, cool looking sneakers (Converse, Nike etc), SpongeBob plushies, Multicoloured pens.
Dislikes: Horror movies, crazy stalker fans
Family: Older brother, older sister, 2 parents
Ethnicity: Korean-American

Hobby(s): Playing musical instruments, gaming, listening to K-Pop music, Practising his rapping and dancing skills.
Height (cm):178

Weight (kg): 55kg

Bestfriend (1): Key from SHINee

Crush: (1): f(x) Amber

Rival: (1): Kim Junsu from 2PM


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