☆} mixed up, messed up. -- { Jung Hyojung }



✖ no. it's you and i. we're doing this together,

even if we're mixed up and messed up.




※ courage does not always roar. sometimes it is the quiet voice at the day, saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

[ username ]: vanillalatte

[ link to profile ]: 

[ activity level ]: 7.5, I think. I always try to login at AFF at least once a day :)


※ not even you can tear me apart. i'm unbreakable.

[ character name ]: Jung Hyojung (정효정)

[ nickname ]: Jjung -- generic nickname.

[ age ]: 20 years old

[ gender ]: Female

[ birthday ]: September 9, 1991

[ ethnicity ]: Korean

[ blood type ]: O


※ admiration, n. our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves.

[ ulzzang ]: Ryn

[ appearance ]: [] [x][x][x][x][x] -- [more]

[ back-up ulzzang ]: Park Hwan Hui (Hana)

[ height ]: 164 cm

[ style ]: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

Hyojung likes to wear outers a lot; jackets, coats, cardigans. If she can't find any, she will go for long-sleeved tops. Being an insecure girl at times, she finds longer sleeves more comfortable as it 'covers' most part of her body. She doesn't particularly hate short-sleeved or no-sleeved tops, but she's not going to wear it if it's not for special occassions.
She doesn't like pain, so she never get pierced or tattooed before, she finds it scary to let the part of your body you take care to be 'destroyed'. The only piercing she has is the normal ear-piercing that she had since she was a baby, with a simple heart earrings attached on it.


※ the tale begins here, or so I say...

[ personality ]:

 Hyojung is just your typical happy-go-lucky sweet girl. She's bubbly and kind; a sociable naive girl who loves to make friends as well as being around them. She's usually the one striking up a conversation with a stranger, beaming her beautiful smile along. Ever since she was a little girl, her parents taught her to always see things from the positive side, hence she should never forget to smile no matter how hard her obstacle is. She's always been taught that smile is the best weapon against both good and evil, and she holds on that belief with all her might. Her optimistic side is probably her best feature; she believes that everyone deserves a second chance. She finds helping other people comforting; it's like her nature to come up to a confused stranger and throws them her sweet smile and a meaningful can I help you?. It feels heavenly to see a smile on their face, and Hyojung will do her absolute best to let it adorn the stranger's face.

 Being a girly girl that she is, Hyojung is quite a hopeless romantic. She enjoys reading romance novels and watching romance movies; she constantly dreams about her future life with the one she loves, with two kids, one boy and one girl, in a house on top of the hills, with a garden full of flowers in front of it. Yes, the garden is absolutely necessary because Hyojung loves flowers. They are the most delicate and beautiful thing in the whole world, and the colors it brings to life is insanely powerful. Flowers are one of Hyojung's favorite things in the world. She finds it amusing how such fragile thing can touch a person's heart or speak to them through its language. Her personality changes everytime she talks about flowers; there's no more loud and bubbly Hyojung, but there's this calm and mature lady in her place. It's scary to people who barely knows her, but to her friends and families, especially to her boyfriend, she looks really beautiful when she talks or tends to the flowers in the flower shop so they don't really mind.

 But Hyojung is an angel, you say? That is an absolute overstatement. Angels are perfect, and perfect is far from being Hyojung's sole description. Like the other human beings, Hyojung has her flaws: she's really insecure. She believes she's never good enough for everything, and that makes her perfectionist side rockets even higher. She always tries to do her absolute best, sometimes even a lot harder than her own capability (she once gets sick for working too much; helping her school's art festival, helping the drama club preparing a play, as well as taking two part-time jobs after school to get her boyfriend a nice birthday present; and it was rainy season, too. Most of the time she would came home late, body drenched wet and shivering in cold, but she didn't stop doing it), just because she doesn't want to disappoint people around her.

 Hyojung tends to think too much and always afraid to make a decision, especially for something big. There are too many what-ifs in her head: what if people hates me, what if I can't do it right, what if I blow it up and disappoint people, what if today's not a good day to do it, what if I fall, and so on. She finds it hard to encourage herself to take even the littlest of steps; she needs someone else to encourage her intensely; her family, her teacher, her friends, her boyfriend. She likes to have some quiet time for herself, thinking about the happenings in her life, what will happen if one event in the past was missed, what will she do in ten years. And sometimes she finds the image of growing up and moving on with her life frightens her. She just does too many thinking and never a fan of taking risks, but she always tries to cover it up with her smile and positive thinking, hoping it would somehow get the thought off her head, but it's never a success.

[ background ]:

Hyojung's father used to be a spy in the same organization. When she was a little girl, her father would tell her all about what he had done that day through a story. As much as he wanted to tell her daughter and son that he was a spy, he couldn't, it's just too dangerous for them. His wife was the only one who knew about it.

When he found out about Hyojung's eidetic memory, he asked her for some help secretly, like bringing her along with his spying because he wanted to spend some quality time with my daughter, and asked for her help to remember and tell him anything suspicious throughout the walk. It happened for quite a while and no matter how enclosed her father was about his mission, the smart and curious little Hyojung already smelled something wrong, but she decided to wait some more time to actually confront her father and made him tell her everything. But before she managed to do anything, on that particular dark and gloomy day, Jung Myungwoo was killed in action by his enemy, who was long had been suspicious about his moves around their territory.

Being one of the best spy in SWA, Myungwoo's existence had been missed dearly, as they frantically tried to cover whatever traces were left behind for the rest of the enemy to find them. When Hyojung put the puzzle pieces together, she decided that maybe it's best if she followed her father's footsteps and replaced him for good. He had been secretly taught her anyway (without him knowing, of course, but Hyojung always remembers what Myungwoo did; his actions, his decisions, his moves). She believed that her determination and hard-work, along with her impressive eidetic memory would be a great help to the organization, and when the government decided to put her in the team, they could not agree more.

[ role ]: The Golden-hearted Socialite (not popular, per se, but she's really kind and nice and comfortable to be around with so she has quite a number of friends.)

[ likes ]: 
☆ Pastel colors
☆ Flowers
☆ Fireworks and sparklers
☆ Night skies (let's just say she has a thing for beautiful, sparkling things)
☆ Surprises
☆ Jackets and coats
☆ Sour taste (she digs ketchups, oranges, and lemons)

[ dislikes ]: 
☆ Rainy days (she doesn't like being drenched but she likes the cool weather)
☆ Impolite people
☆ Summer (it's really hot and humid it makes you easily sweat)
☆ Her eidetic memory
☆ Cheese (it's sweet but salty, it's confusing her taste buds)
☆ Being ignored when she says something

[ hobbies ]: 
☆ Sleeps with earphones playing her dad's favorite song
☆ Arranges flowers
☆ Reads romance novels and watches romance movies
☆ Babysits
☆ Thinks, about anything in her life

[ habits ]: 
☆ Sleeps with earphones playing her dad's favorite song
☆ Sits indian style on the floor
☆ Forgets her surroundings when she tends to flowers (there is nothing in the world other than her and the flowers)
☆ Scrunches her nose when thinking
☆ Claps her hands when she's laughing out loud

[ fears ]: 
☆ Being left alone
☆ Thunders and lightnings
☆ Snakes

[ trivias/others ]: 
☆ She has eidetic memory (photographic memory)
☆ She hates having an eidetic memory. Yes it comes in handy when she needs to memorize school subjects and a big advantage for her work in SWA,
    but can you imagine having seeing bloods and dead bodies and fights and not being able to forget it ever? Sometimes she wishes she's just a normal girl.
☆ Her has a huge obsession over the number nine (her birthday) and she's always so hyper for no reason when the number somehow connects to her.
    (She once ate in an eatery and the table she's seating on is #9, she kept on saying that the food was exquisite and how the weather is really great today).
☆ Her favorite flower is red rose.
☆ She finds men with glasses y.
☆ She is easily touched, and usually it doesn't take a long for her to sob and eventually cry when reading a sad story or watching a sad movie.
    It's rather endearing, to be honest. 
☆ She believes in horoscopes and tarot readings and all that jazz.
☆ Her memory span is really short. Not in a serious disease way, but she does forgets important things a lot; like her brother's birthday, the password to
    her emails, where she last put her phone, sometimes she even forgets her own birthday.
☆ She's alergic to cat. She loves dogs, but never gets to have even one because her mother doesn't believe her--nor Jinhyuk--to take care of it.


※ an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.

[ family ]:

Hyojung's family is just like the normal Korean family; they perceive love, trust, and happiness. After Myungwoo was killed in action, Narae was left with both her children, thirteen-years-old Hyojung and nine-years-old Jinhyuk. Thanks to their proper family education, Hyojung and Jinhyuk grew up to be a decent person; although Jinhyuk tends to be a rebel sometimes (what do you expect, he's still a teenager) but luckily, he hasn't gone too far as of using drugs. Hyojung and Jinhyuk always want a dog, or maybe two, but Narae thinks it's too troublesome because she believes both of them won't take care of it well, and she doesn't want to take care of it because she's not really a big fan of dogs. But in a nutshell, Hyojung family is always filled with love, even after Myungwoo is gone because striving to be happy is like the family's motto.

[ members ]:

Jung Myungwoo (정명우) | Father | 40 (died age) | Businessman / Ex-Spy | Dead
A jokester who loved to make people around him laughed at his lame jokes, but he can be tough and strict sometimes; a treat he learned from SWA. He didn't have a great relationship with little Hyojung, but when he found out about her eidetic memory, he started to pay attention because he doubted his role as a father if he didn't know anything about his daughter's condition. They got a lot closer after he knew, probably even closer than Myungwoo was with Jinhyuk, which meant a lot because Jinhyuk and Myungwoon were really close. Like father, like son. Myungwoon was the one who introduced Hyojung to SWA (discreetly), as well as teaching her spying tips and know-hows without himself knowing.

Jung (Choi) Narae (정나래) | Mother | 45 | Nurse | Living
Being trained all her life to be a nurse, it's Narae's natural trait to be really motherly, lady-like, and very caring. She likes to take care of other people, that's why she chose to be a nurse in the first place. She was in very deep gloom after her husband left her and her children, but she quickly gained strength because she knew she's now the head of the family; she had so much to take care of and she knew her husband wouldn't like it if she's forever gloomy. Hyojung learns a lot from her on how to be an proper lady.

Jung Jinhyuk (정진혁) | Younger brother | 16 | High School Student | Living
Like the normal teenager, Jinhyuk is in his rebelious age. He talks back to her mother and her sister, sometimes he goes out without any warnings and drives both her mother and sister worried and tells them not to worry about him because he's almost an adult now. Even so, he cannot deny his love for his family, especially now that his father is gone. He used to be really close with Myungwoo; they shared almost everything, especially because sometimes Myungwoo acted like he's around Jinhyuk's age. Hyojung used to bicker with him a lot over simple things--they're siblings after all, siblings fight to bond--but after Myungwoo's death, Jinhyuk tried to spend more time with his family, and learned to respect his mother and sister more; he felt like he's the only male left in the family therefore he should protect the two most precious ladies in his life, because if he doesn't, then who will? 


※ the ones that are ready to walk in when the world is ready to walk out.

[ friends ]:

Hyosung (Secret) | Best friend | 21 | College student (Majoring in Culinary Arts) | Living
Hyojung and Hyosung are best friends since their childhood days. Their mothers are friends so they are practically inseparable. Amber calls them Hyo-one and Hyo-two to mock them because of their similar names. Hyosung is pretty much like Hyojung, but she's more carefree and open. She's really bubbly, full of smiles and aegyo it's impossible not to love her. But she can be really childish and a little bit spoiled sometimes because her parents are rich and she's the only child. Her talent in the kitchen area has been recognized since she was a little girl. Her father used to be a Head Chef in different hotels and apparently the talent runs in her blood. Although she's really good in cooking full-course meals, she enjoys baking cookies and cakes the most, because Hyojung and Amber love them to death. It always makes her happy when her two best friends enjoy her cooking.

Amber (f(x)) | Best friend | 21 | College Student (majoring in Business and Management) / Street Musician | Living
Hyojung's another best friend. They have been close since their middle school days. She's a little bit of a tomboy who finds skirt is the most useless thing in the whole universe. She's almost never seen without a cap over her head, covering her short hair. Just like Hyojung and Hyosung, Amber is a loud and cheerful girl. She loves to laugh and really easy to do so; she cracks even at the lamest jokes. Her guitar is her second soul, she never left it behind. Hyojung and Hyosung really love her guitar playing because it can be smooth and strong at the same time, but it never fails to convey her feelings and makes a song even more touching. She has a book full of her own songs and compositions and she lets no one take a peek at it, aside for Hyojung and Hyosung, that is.

Do you get the idea how loud it is when the three of them are together now? Yeah.


[ enemies/rivals ]:

 You Two Seem Perfect Together  ››  Seohyun (SNSD) | Friend | 21 | Fellow SWA agent in the same mission | Living 
Really mature, calm, loves to read and study; thus explains her smart, quick, but precise way of thinking and acting. An absolute lady who seems really perfect for Lu Han the prince and the gentleman. That's why Hyojung panics when she knows Lu Han is partnered with Seohyun instead of her. However, Seohyun has no interest in Lu Han (at least not in a romantic way because she's married to the school's library), and Lu Han is definitely not interested in Seohyun either. It's all just part of the acting, because he only loves Hyojung. But that doesn't mean it can wash away Hyojung's insecurities, because it hurts her everytime people worships her boyfriend with a perfect girl who seems to be the opposite of Hyojung's personality.

 Will There be Anymore Time for Us  ››  Soojung (f(x) - Krystal) | Acquaintance | 18 | High School Student (where Hyojung spies in) | Living
Soojung is also known to be a socialite in the school, just like Hyojung. The difference is, Soojung is two-faced; it means her nice and kind traits are all fake. She only did it to build a good image for her, and also to catch some men for her own fun. She's a typical princess; born, raised, and spent most of her life rolling in her parents' money, she thinks she can get anything she wants in the world. She just loves to be the center of attention. But as time went by people started to see her real personality and it pissed her off, especially when she found out about Hyojung. She felt like Hyojung stole her spotlight and she started to spread bad rumors about Hyojung.


※ what is nothing to you, can be love and more to me.

[ love interest ]: Lu Han  Oh Sehun

[ relationship ]: You Two Seem Perfect Together  Will There be Anymore Time for Us

[ personality of your love interest ]:

On the contrary of his girly looking face-feature, Luhan is actually the manliest man you will have ever met. He's well-mannered, sweet and gentle; he treats his lady in a way other girls will swoon or be jealous for. He is like a real-life prince in a real-life fairy tale. His bedazzling sweet smile is his best feature, according to his colleagues--especially the females. He's really outgoing and really good at making new friends. He is also really studious. He enjoys reading and learns about new things that he finds interesting. He loves knowing things that people don't, it makes him feel special and knowledgable. He reads almost any book, from motivational to fiction novels; that's why he's occasionally seen wearing glasses (Hyojung's weakness. She has a thing for handsome nerds in glasses and boy does Lu Han fit the category too well).

Lu Han doesn't like to rush things and having it end up badly. He'd rather do it slowly and steadily, but he will try to control it so it will progress really well. Same goes with his love life. He prefers to take things slowly but sure and heading somewhere instead of running in circles. He's a romantic guy; he knows how to make her girlfriend blushes in deep red with the cheesiest line ever created. With that face-feature and golden heart, it's not a surprise everyone believes Lu Han is an angel coming down from heaven. Hyojung sometimes wonders if all of her life was a dream for having such a perfect boyfriend while she herself is just, for herl, ordinary.

[ interaction ]:  Hyojung and Lu Han haven't been dating for too long, it's only a mere 4 months. They have quite a similar personality, but both can be really shy around the opposite gender, that's why it took them a bit too long to finally be together. They are so in love with each other, just like how new couples should be. And the most important thing, they are comfortable around each other. Hyojung can be whoever she wants around Lu Han and vice versa. They are dating, but they are also the best of friends; they joke around a lot, especially because Lu Han can be such a mischievous ten-years-old at heart sometimes. But when her boyfriend is paired with Seohyun instead of her for the mission, Hyojung's fear and insecurities took control of her mind more often than not. Seohyun is far more perfect than she will ever be; she's smart and mature (unlike the childish Hyojung) and she's afraid Lu Han will ditch her because she's not worth being Lu Han's girlfriend. She keeps her worries to herself, sometimes she will talk to Hyosung and Amber to ease the burden, but most of the time she doesn't say anything and buries it inside her, hoping it somehow will disappear in time.

[ back-up personality ]:

Cute, friendly, outgoing, and loves to laugh, you might actually think Sehun is not really the spy-type. He's really loud sometimes and easily gets excited over small things, but he's totally different in doing his spying jobs. Hyojung often wonders if he has a split personalities, because when he is really quiet, calm and serious, and he gets really pissed when someone tries to distract him when he does her jobs, but when he's not in action, aegyo is his middle name. His personality is somewhat similar to Hyojung, except that Sehun is more childlike and loud while Hyojung has more maturity in her actions and thoughts.

He loves to hug people, but of course, Hyojung is his main target all the time they are around each other. She usually jokes to him and calls him love-deprived boy. What Hyojung doesn't know is that it's one of his way to act his love towards his girlfriend. You see, Sehun is can be really easily jealous; his slight childishness takes a big part in this trait of him. He doesn't like Hyojung being around another guy(s), but Hyojung is quite a socialite and she actually has a number of guy friends around her it drives him crazy. 

[ back-up interaction ]: Prior to the mission, Hyojung and Sehun have the best relationship ever. They have known each other ever since they entered SWA, and their similar personalities made them closer since. They even have aegyo contest between them, where the loser has to fulfill the winner's wish. They are best friends, but they are also lovers; it should be the best possible relationship. But when the mission is handed to them, they barely see each other anymore, each are busy with their own actions and focusing on the situations they are in charge of. That's when Sehun's jealousy sort of exploded. Hyojung is sweet and lovable and she uses it for her advantage in the mission. But a few guys misunderstood; they thought Hyojung is interested in them, and they asked her out. Hyojung, of course, politely rejects them, but that doesn't mean Sehun can calm down. They would argue from time to time because of their lack of meeting and understanding, Hyojung is angry that he wouldn't understand that it's for the academy's purpose and that he's being silly for not trusting her. And before they know it, they get a little bit more distant than they were. It feels uncomfortable and disappointing for them because they have been together ever since the day they met, but maybe a little break is what they need to built their bond back to normal.

[ ending? ]: Happy? I'm a er for fluff, but if you think sad ending is better for her, I won't mind at all :D

[ other ]: Only some ideas, don't feel obligated to fulfill everything :D
››  Luhan-centric (plot 1)
    • Hyojung sits in the park watching her surroundings blankly and thinks about her life (as usual) and then Lu Han comes and hugs her from behind
       and then they sit together in comfortable silence (OTL THE FLUFF I CAN'T ;^;)
    • Lu Han gives him a puppy for Hyojung's birthday.
    • Jealous Hyojung when Lu Han and Seohyun seems to be deep in their character too much.
    • MARRIAGE PROPOSAL PLEASE. LMAO I mean if Hyojung is accepted and at the end of the story. Lu Han will be all prince-y and proposes while Hyojung is like
       oh my god what are you doing why are you kneeling please tell me you're joking oh my god are you serious you have a ring with you oh my god but accepts

››  Sehun-centric (plot 2)
    • Jealous Sehun when Hyojung's friend confessed to her while he perfectly knows Hyojung is dating Sehun.
    • Aegyo contest with silly prize (loser buys the winner bubble teas for a whole month, for example).
    • Sehun is sick because he's being silly for missing Hyojung and Hyojung rushes to his house to take care of him.
    • Both are in a room, arguing heatedly; like, seriously shouting at each other, but then the rain pours and there's lightning everywhere. Hyojung abruptly stops
       to slump down on the floor (her astraphobia, remember?). Sehun thought she's trying to run her mind away and kept on yelling but stopped when he saw her
       body shaking in fear. The arguments are stopped as Sehun tries to comfort Hyojung while mumbling his apologies. They end up apologizing to each other and
       make up. For the first time Hyojung finds Sehun can actually be a real gentleman too (he's too childish most of the time it feels like he's her brother, not her
       boyfriend) and she loves him even more (can't write the details because I'm cringing so much because of the cheesiness but I hope you get the idea omg ;^;)


※ shall we close this chapter, you and I?

[ questions ]: hope you're not against noona-dongsaeng relationship? Because OTL I find it really cute so I just have to use it for Hyojung and Sehun ;A;

[ comments ]:
I FINALLY FINISHED IT! /flips everything/. I'm really really really sorry for the looooooong wait OTL. This is probably one of the longest apps I've ever done, but it's all worth it because your plot is ASKFJL:KJALDGKJLKAJSD so good I just can't ;nnn;

And also, super lame Character Role OTL I'm never good at titling people okay sobs I'M SORRY ;~;
Lastly, by submitting this application to you, I'm giving you full permission to change anything you feel don't suit the story (if I'm chosen, of course). You're the author and I'm sure you know what's the best for us :D

I hope I get the right idea of the plot orz. Just tell me if I need to change anything. Thank you so much, and hwaiting! :DD


PS: I'm sorry if the amount of fluff made you puke unicorns and fairies and rainbows because yeah, I love fluffs. Judge me. ;~;



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