Breaking Point | Kang Seo Jin



Username: mynameisashley
Profile Link: oogabalooga

Who are you?

Character name: Kang Seo Jin
Nicknames: --
Eris's nickname for you: Weakling | because of her weak body ; Stingy | later in the story when Eris recognizes Seo Jin's desire for strength become an ugly greed
D.O.B: May 26th
Age: 19
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 44 kg (she's very underweight)

Is you cute

Ulzzang name: Tricia Gosingtian

Picture: one | two | three | four | five
Back up ulzzang name: Kryz Uy

One picture: 01
Extra: She has three claw scars on her right arm and many small ones on her midsecton and back all gained from fighting for food and some from the monsters/creatures, that is, if they don't infect you but scratches. If so, then none of her scars are from the creatures.


                                                                                strength/perseverence                         freedom

Why the hell should I accept you and waste my time training you?


fragility | Strong spirit, frail body, Seo Jin craves for the ending of her weakness and the beginning of her strength. That is one of the two goals she's set for herself. Build strength, then try to survive. The former goal, she's realized, is the main factor as to if she will accomplish the latter goal. However, she's far from reaching her strength. Originating from one of the poorest camps does no good to her weak body, much less her strength, but she wills on because she can't afford to sit around and feel sorry for herself. Her ability to move on against her will, though she doesn't realize this, is her greatest strength, and her most awful curse. She despises the fact that she is so physically weak, but no matter what amount of training she forces herself to do, her weak, malnutritioned body just simply cannot take it. Her desire for strength is equivalent to the desire a crack addict has to ; so much, that her desire borders on one of the seven deadly sins, but now that she thinks about it, it already has. She's greedy. Stingy for strength and for power merely to defend whatever she cherishes and will push herself and be hard on herself and go to great lengths for herself just to get where she wants to be...but what she doesn't need to be. She wants so much to kill her old self and build a stronger form of herself, and when she kills her old self, she wants to burn it within the depths of her own wrath and self satisfaction she had reached to get to her stronger self. What she doesn't realize, however, is that in the quest she has forgone to obtain strength, she will trade her mind and rationality to Greed in exchange for power. 

strength | Her mind and will is the true quality as to what makes her unbelievable strong, unbeknownst to her. Though many survivors fail to move on, it's something she does whether she likes it or not. She moves on because she knows that there is nothing for her in her past and that there will be nothing in her future. But, despite that, she still moves on because she has a goala goal that she foolishly believes will make something out of her. She is a realist and has a mind of rationality—a rationality that seems to fail to work when greed infects it's way into her mind. Nevertheless, her mentality and will is what is keeping her alive to this very day. She will never give up because she hates defeat. She will never stop because she thinks that to stop trying means that you're giving those damned creatures a chance to kill you and Life to consume your whole soul entirely. With the rapid change of society and humanity being run over by those creatures, she's adapted to change and expects it to come into her life everyday. She's rewired her mind to the point where she expects the unexpected each and everyday of her life and knows that, in order to survive, you must fight and, occasionally kill. She's a realist. Therefore, because she is a realist, she knows that with her odd behavior to keep her self busy at all times and to always strive for a goal no matter how much her life is falling apart, she knows that within her short life span, she probably won't ever catch a break, not while those monsters roam the Earth. It's a fact about her that no one cares about, a fact that she does not dare voice because she knows that everyone is going though the same thing. Seo Jin is a lot of things, but she is not one to voice out her own pathetic situations. Not because she will care about what people think, but because she knows no one will care—that no one will listen. She is not a fool, and she is not oblivious. This is the strength that has kept Kang Seo Jin alive throughout her seventeen years of life. This is her hidden strength.

emotion | Seo Jin is almost like impenetrable wall when it comes to her emotions. Almost. Her control over things as trivial as her feelings is something she's learned to maintain control over of. After all, after seeing countless of people get possessed of their own emotional rage, she learns that it's control yourself or give up your own life to those abominations. However, though she does maintain control of them, it doesn't mean she doesn't feel them. She is still very much human in that aspect and maintains control of her self-composure at all times because she can't bear to lose the only thing she has control over, especially in the current godforsaken war planet she lives on. She's disciplined herself and is a perfectionist; meaning quite frankly that if something she does isn't up to par with her standard, she's hard on herself and scolds herself and does so many more things to make sure she doesn't get it wrong the next time. She hardly panics and keeps her rationality in check. Often times, she doesn't really express an extreme form of emotion. She usually justs gives a small smile or an unnoticable frown, and it's hard to read her. In the rare times that she ever loses her composure, it will only occur if she was ever driven on the edge and over the cliff, and she snaps. However, it is very difficult to do such. Usually, the only time she will ever show extreme emotion is when she is in the comfort of her own lonliness and knows that nobody's around. The majority of the reason she's so adamant in keeping her feelings in check is because she views them as a weakness, a weakenss that can blind her or can become and advantage to someone. Seo Jin, though physically weak, is someone who knows the ways of survival and knows that she will  not subject herself to those damned creatures.

other | Though the following above make up a lot of Seo Jin's personality, there are many other facets that make up who she is. She has something like a split personality. On the outside, she is someone who is frail, trying to put up a front that she is strong and unshakeable but failing so miserably that people around her feel sorry for her. On the inside, however, she is strict with herself, scolding herself when things don't turn out the way she wants it to or the way she thinks it will turn out, and she is very prideful, meaning that she hates humiliation and will do everything and anything to see that no one will ever humiliate her. Her inner self has a fire that is hidden beyond what the normal person can see; what an unanalytical person can see. She's stubborn, so stubborn, she'll hold onto things all the way until the bitter end. She's not the most loyal person in the world, and her ability to trust is shakable, but when there is someone she deems as worthy enough to save and/or give her time to, she will give all of herself, bit by bit. She has dedicated herself to training on her free time in hopes to get stronger and less fragile. She believes in the old saying, "An eye for an eye" and is vengeful when someone wrongs her. When judging someone (and yes, she does judge), she cares not of their past or what they went through—only about their attitude to her and their mannerisms and how they act. When something is her fault, she quickly accepts it and moves on. She's always hated being wrong and when she is right, her pride uses it as food to feed off of. She is calm, collected, but not unemotional. She is prideful, analytical, but not conceited. She is frail, and she is strong. She is sometimes a contradiction and other times a logical excuse for a human being.

All in all, Kang Seo Jin is looked down upon for her terrible physical attributes, but though she is mistakened as weak, she is strong in all the right ways with a hidden undying fire of passion burning within her.

What camp are you from: 10

Background: She was born and raised in the slums of Seoul, South Korea where her parents fought for every scrap and penny they could and worked like they lived for it. She grew up with parents trying to protect her from the terrors of the horrible streets they lived on, hoping and praying for their little girl to grow up to be innocent and untainted and successful, to have a better life than what they had given her to start out with. They'd succeeded, and their precious little girl grew up to be fragile, unaware of the hardships, cruelty, and horrors of the horrible streets she dwelled upon. She was a sheltered girl and was kept inside at all times, and when she would see kids outside playing, she would be inside, playing with toys or watching t.v. She lived a comfortable life, and she hated it. She hated every minute of it, every minute staying inside her familiar walls. She wanted to leave, to move out as soon as she could from such a familiar environment and explore the world she was kept so badly from.

She never thought she would ever miss the walls she would leave behind. She never thought she'd miss her comfortable but sheltered life.

Until those cursed creatures had taken over the world.

The day when they had invaded where she lived was the day she swore she had experienced hell. Her father was at work, earning money for them to barely scrape by, and her mother was at home, getting ready for her shift at the factory.

Then came the screams.

One of the ugliest creatures she'd ever laid eyes on crashed through their window, eyes hungry for blood. Her mother was fear-stricken, and she screamed her lungs out as did Seo Jin. Just as the creature laid its hands on her mother with full intent on preying on her flesh, her mother, her beautiful, loving mother, shrieked in a terribly high-pitched voice, commanding her to run.

And so she did.

She wasn't quite sure how she got to Camp 10, as the days blurred, and her mind hazy with guilt and agony, both emotionally and physically. All she knew was that her mother was dead, and that it was unknown whether her father was living or already dead.

As her days went on in Camp 10, she realized the struggle for survival and hoped that she would be able to make it in such an environment different than what she was used to.

Her hope was crushed to smithereens and ground into dust.

She couldn't fight for food, for she was too weak to begin with and trying meant gaining new scars from scratches and bites; therefore, having to feed off scraps that people left over, if there were any at all. She was weak, malnutritioned, and near close to dying. The people she had thought she could trust betrayed her for food, and other advantages. The only thing she had going for her was her intelligent mind and controlled emotions, which she had gained control over after a certain period of despair. This is what kept her alive, and this is what fueled her burning passion to live.


01. Rainy days

02. Food

03. Being right

04. Strength

05. Being alone

06. Silence

07. Training

08. Night time

09. Winter

10. Being pushed harder to succeed her goal


01. The damned creatures that walk the Earth.

02. Being weak.

03. Humidity

04. Frogs

05. Insects

06. Hot, sunny days

07. Teasing

08. Mushrooms

09. Itchy grass

10. Stuck up people


01. She prefers to trains out in the rain, as she believes that it will strenghten her willpower.

02. Her favorite color is white.

03. She likes hand-to-hand combat than any other defense mechanism.

04. She has the undying passion to kill as many of the creatures that walk this Earth because of what happened to her mother.

05. Her weapon of choice would be a kick- katana.

06. She'd rather stay at Camp 12 than Camp 10 because she's closer to reaching her goal because of Eris.

07. When she fights, she tries to get it over with as soon as she can.

08. She will train for hours and hours, day after day until she can get a move right and scolds herself each time she gets it wrong.

09. She can never look anyone in the eye because she feels as if her soul is being read like an open book, and she feels uncomfortable with that. Instead, when looking at someone, she looks at their face as a whole.

10. If she eats too much, she ends up throwing up from all the food she's not used to having in her body.

Weaknesses and Strengths

If you were to be eaten by a monster, how much will be in your pants?: 4
How well do you work under pressure: 7
Do you have knowledge in fighting or with weapons and which ones: She has no fighting ability at all because of her lack of skill and physical strength. If you consider a stick or a pipe or something of that nature a weapon, then yes, she has fought with weapons given that they're poor ones that pair with her little to none strength.
Ultimate weakness: Her body strength and skill to fight. The other one is pride and greed.
Brain power: 9
Temper level: 6
What role would you play in the group: Eh, whatever role you think my character fits best.
How affected are you by death: It merely depends on the person that died. If it isn't someone she knows, she merely accepts it silently as a way of life and that that person would die sooner or later anyways; however she does feel a bit of remorse for the person that suffered the death. If it is someone she knows and cherishes, then she grieves silently but very heavily and thinks about what went wrong and what she could've done to prevent it. She doesn't cry though because she's thinks it's weak and she's done being that but she will carry the burden of mourning that person's death for as long as she lives, especially if she believes she is a contributing factor to that person's death.
How well do you get along with others? Are you more of a lone wolf?: Well, it's not that she can't get along with others, it's just that she doesn't care to. She only has a mindset of getting stronger; therefore, she'll probably have at least one good friend and tons of acquaintances.
How well do you get along with Eris?:
To put it frankly, neither of them like each other much. Eris thinks that training Seo Jin is pathetic later on as she realizes her greed for power and becomes disgusted with her, resulting in Eris being as cold to Seo Jin as possible. Seo Jin realizes this and is somewhat hurt but could care less either way and is indifferent towards Eris, as long as Eris is helping her reach her goal.
I'm a when it comes to training, how likely are you to walk out?: She wouldn't. Not if Eris was her only chance to get stronger. In fact, just for the hell of torturing my character (in which I give you full permission to give her ing hell), she's probably going to reprimand herself time and time again at how weak and stupid she is because of her blinding greed and ask that you are harder on her.
If I were to rub myself in vaseline and pretend to be a slug, would you join me:
Hell no! LOL. She'd just look at you weird.

Your family that will probably die lol

Family members:

Kang Jin Sun| 52 | Father | Missing | Yes, she would be sad, especially at the thing/person that killed him

Lee Seo Na | Would be age: 50| Mother | Deceased

Best friend:

Kim Yukwon | He's the smiley type of person, and a bit chatty also. He's someone you can't push away and his personality is as bright as the sun. He's someone who can without having a frown decorate her face and in result, he and Seo Jin became best friends. They're the only people who would share their personal business with each other, and trust each other to the extent of risking their lives, which is saying something about Seo Jin considering she has trust issues. It's like they're bound together by a stretchable glue because, somehow, he always finds himself by her side at any time. Towards Seo Jin, Yukwon is playful with her, even if she doesn't respond back the way he wants her to. He can read her like no one else can and notices even a small centimenter wider in her smile if she's really happy. He knows her like the back of his hand. Seo Jin, when she's with Yukwon, often smiles wider and giggles/chuckles more even if his jokes or antics aren't all that funny. Though she may never express it, she's grateful to have him by her side.

Kim Himchan | Kim Himchan is the thorn to Seo Jin's side and a huge troublemaker to others. He teases and playfully hits her constantly, and often makes fun of her, much to her distaste. He's rude, obnoxious, and utterly fun, though she would never admit it. They tease each other, insult each other, and comfort each other like normal best friends would in such a ed up world as theirs. As much as he wouldn't like to admit it, he really does enjoy her company and cherishes her. He may not be the best best friend in the world, but he's damn close to being convinced that he is. Himchan is an airhead sometimes and though his conceitedness may get irritating, Seo Jin could never have the willpower to abandon him, no matter how much he brings trouble to her.

Pyo Jihoon | This is the little brother figure to her. He whines, he talks back, and he insults her, but he loves her like a sister all the same. Although he may act like the younger brother, there are times when he does take charge when he needs to. Their relationship is similar to a strict older sister and a whiny, spoiled little brother.


01. Bang Yongguk | Bang Yongguk can only be described in these few words: bloodthirsty, savage, and utterably strict. He is the big macho man that acts like he rules the damn camp just because he has a huge, built body. He's arrogant, prideful, and irrevocably the most annoying thing that has ever roamed on this Earth, that is, next to the creatures. He insists on doing things the simple way: charge and kill. He's a simple man and hates the most complicated things. Often holding the violent and hostile aura around him paired with a face that always carries a scowl, he is probably the most feared man on camp grounds. He's stubborn and like Seo Jin, loves to be right and hates to be wrong. He has no problem killing in cold blood and has no problem torturing anyone, seeing as his past made sure that he saw everything in this world that needed to be seen. Though chaotic and very reckless, he always gets the job done at the end, no matter how messy he tends to make the situation out to be. He doesn't like people at all and is not all lonely because he's not that popular. He thinks it's so troublesome having so many weaknesses if you make too much friends and finds it pointless to pursue relationships when they're going to die soon anyways. He hates it when he's being read like an open book and would rather have anyone not knowing a thing about him rather than someone knowing everything about him. Though he admires strength, he believes that Seo Jin is the weakest person he's ever seen and seeing her train day to day without break makees him so irritated beyond end. When she's around, he acts so irritated for no reason at all and feels the urge to avoid her, which is weird because he avoids no one. He's usually someone upfront about everything and anything and loves confrontation. He also likes playing around with his target and torturing it. In other words, he's sadistic.

02. Kim Himchan | Same as above.

03. Kim Yukwon | Same as above.

Other things that i need help with lol

What should the monsters/creatures be called: Savages
Should they be contagious by bites/scratches and : YES. Then someone could get bitten in the camp and not tell anybody for fear of them kicking that person out. Maybe the bites could like infect them slowly.
What should the creatures weakness be?: Their eyes? Like you have to shoot them or stab them directly in the middle of both eyes or something or maybe their eyes as a whole can be their weakness. Or maybe you can only kill them by having weapons soaked in their fellow monsters/creatures' blood.
What should our group be called?: The ed Up Bastards or The Epic Sunshine Elves. Lol. Just kidding. Honestly, I don't think the group should have a name. It doesn't seem to be like Eris's thing
Should I kill people off as we go along or is that too mean: Eh, doesn't matter. We are in a zombie apocalypse after all, and our survival can only depend on how well Eris trains us.
Happy ending or sad ending:
Surpise me. However, if you do pick a sad ending for me, I would like it like tear-jerking sadness where it effects people so much that they can't even function enough to be able to pee. If it's a happy ending though, I wouldn't like it cheesy. God, I hate cheesy. It makes me cringe. Or perhaps you could do a bittersweet ending. It all depends on you.

Do you get offended by me being such an lol, I curse a lot: Lol. Nah. We all cool, G.
Comments?: I give you full permission to torture the living hell out of my character during her stingy journey towards "strength." In fact, I encourage it...Omg, I think I'm psychotic. Oh, and I know that her mentality and will power is what keeps her alive but I was wondering if you could actually make her stronger in combat? I mean, she does want to get stronger physically and mentally though she doesn't know that she already is strong mentally.
Reccomendations?: Maybe you could kill off one of the characters that get infected? Or maybe you could make up one of your own characters and infect them and have them attack the survivors. If I have any more, I'll be sure to PM you about it.
Anything I missed. I know I missed a lot lol: Hm, I don't think you did really. You've pretty much covered everything there is to know about survivors in a dystopian era.
Wanna be coauthor?: Hm, well, if there are no other takers then sure. However, you'll kind of have to push me a little because I might forget, and my writing's changed a lot since I've last typed a chapter on one of my fics... Hehe. If you need me to write a drabble or chapter or something to see what my writing style is then I don't mind.



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