Old Times

What. The. .

Okay, so I had THE TIME OF MY LIFE today. And what do I do, bum myself out -.-

I got to see him and be with my Dad D; I now understand what some of the things that he's going through and some things that he went through. I seriously, just want to ing ball my eyes out right now, but I can't since I'm a strong person and I just WILL NOT cry. I now understand some what why he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me but, we never freaking talk anymore. 3

What more could I ask for for the past two days? I texted my Dad till 4 in morning, I've got to know him a bit more and plus, I got to see what it's like to live in his house.


Yeah, because the person I fell in love with is no longer there.

Before, him and me would talk FOR HOURS! It didn't matter what it was about, even if we had nothing to talk about, we still talked. I just miss it so bad. We've grown so far apart and it's all my fault.

I'm really thinking about going out with this kid just so he would notice me and pay attention and see that I can be taken at anytime. I want him to see that I choose to wait for him. I just don't freaking know T~T

I just can't sit back and do nothing while watching someone I care so much about just slip away.


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1) obession
2) that was an awesome day
3) hes an .
4) hes ugly
5) Im really bored call me o.o