My Character x.x so booooored~ :P



Lee Asukai {a.k.a Asuka}

birthdate and grade level 
December 31, 1993 // 11th Junior
Not being one to complain much, Asukai is as BIG as a tomboy as her older brothers are 'MANLY', with the exception of being TOTALLY confused about her uality… that, and hating skirts with heels.

She’s the party go-getter that knows all the happenings of parties, raves, and underground clubs in all of South Korea, thanks to that she’s the hook-up for them all. From her night time experiences she is the sickest DJ and awesome bartender for being under-aged, but due to that she can pretty much sneak around like a ninja and has some bad insomnia during the day so she meditates instead of actually sleeping, which she deems better than sleeping. Almost every time she goes out there’s always a drunk guy trying to pull a or gang that pisses her off; that made her learn street fighting from a guy that saved her from a drunk once as well.

She hates doing aegyo in public especially when someone takes a picture if her when she does or when she has no choice what-so-ever [like a bet, dare, or punishment]. She’s sly like a fox and can easily slip away when nobody is paying attention, a skill that comes in handy when she hears fangirls ranting on about ‘how their oppa belongs with them’, almost every time she hears a (fan)girl screeching or ranting about their oppa she automatically says something like ‘Hey screaming banshee can you stop screeching, you’re going to make my ears bleed soon’ or  ‘Urusai! You’re going to make me deaf soon’.

The night time seems to change her, she’s dare-devilish, cunning, and clever making her wind up liking weapons such as blades and guns or deceiving someone into something they might regret like usually getting information out of a person when they only get her name or an alias when she’s done with them [they can never tell her gender since her sister rubbed off on her with the looks].

She’s different during the daytime she’s all about the arts: visual, musical, photography, dance, drawing; you name it, she can draw, dance, and play instruments as good as anybody she meets or better if she wanted. Either way, day or night she likes being in the out of the spotlight working things from behind the scenes, but is really wanting to open up to someone who can understand her deep inside wanting to be heard and understood.

In more ways than one she's full of rage despite her innocent looks, ready to wreak havoc and mayhem in a short glance, she tries not to in public cause once her glasses are off her eyes are sharper looking and can easily watch anything no matter what pace of speed it's at, She uses her glasses to keep it all under control once off she becomes a cold hearted killing machine.
She hates her older brothers for everything that happened in her child hood with a fiery death passion, and rather be dead that be in the same room as them for half-an-hour.

Since her little 'escape' at 8 years old to London with her grandparents help before they passed on she's gotten as sharp as a blade with quick senses, thanks to old 'friends' she calls 'Echo and Pandora', Now because of that she can sometimes have an English accent and has a strange thing for pastries, teas, and scones.

Hating to admit it she has a soft spot for cuddling anything cute and plushie.
nerdy tomboy
Korean and Japanese
Cussing in different languages [Japanese, Taiwanese, Mandarin or English] (she picked it up from Teen Top)
Rolling her eyes, waving off someone when they something that doesn't bother her saying ‘Yare Yare’ – 'Yeah yeah/ Yeah sure' in a sarcastic way
Snuggling or cuddling anything/anyone around her in her sleep
Wearing hats, scarves, beanies, glasses, anything to cover her face
Blasting music from her DJ headphones to either ignore people when they annoy her or to block out ‘said person’s’ voice
Listening to music
Riding my motorcycle
Taking pictures of anything inspiring
Recording things on my video camera that is youtube worthy XD
Dancing [hip-hop, tutting, popping, ballet, bboy]
Putting on Lightshows
>:D | :D :) :| 
Sweets [my weakness]
Hello Kitty [surprisingly since she’s a total tomboy]
Loud fangirls
High heels
Spicy food
candidates for the one who stole your heart?
Person you want to be with? 
how he acts 
Like a big goof ball, every time i dance he comes up right behind me wanting to dance as well. When ever i'm around other dudes he get's over-protective and possessive saying 'mine'. If i'm dancing y he tries to cover me or glares at any guy looking my way
Kozue Jae Soon [mother]
Lee Gi Shin [father]
Kozue Ru Heon [halmeoni]
Kozue Senri [hal-beoji]
family background 
Her parents always gave their attention to her olders brother L.Joe, KiKwang, and Onew ignoring Asukai in the process. She always gets left in the dark, her parents forgetting she’s even there when she’s right in front of them from the start. Her grandparents were more of her parents than her real one’s always encouraging her to pursue her dreams helping her with her with her skills in the arts; her grandmother helping her with drawings, dance [ballet], and painting, her grandfather with photography and playing musical instruments like the violin and piano but everything crashed for her when she was 8 years old: her grandparents passed away from old age. The last thing she heard them say was them telling her that the things in there were meant only for her; her parents or anyone can’t take it away cause it’s bound to her by their will, giving her only a key and a piece of paper to give to the lawyer giving things to her family that was owned by each member by the will. The key ended up being to a recreation studio belonging to her grandparents to use for her still developing art skills, the room being like a ballet studio used for dance having the railing and mirrors but filled with her grandparents art supplies and a tiny musical jewelry box.
Traveled around Japan and China
Went to America once and some girls thought I was a dude till they ripped my shirt after I told them I was a girl
Favorite colors: black, gray, purple, green, midnight blue, white, red, purplish black light color
Knows how to do glow string routines [raving] and lightshows
Hates saying the word ‘Oppa’ and says ‘Hyung’ instead [fangirls ruined it for her] (younger guys and girls call her either ‘oppa’, ‘unni’, ‘noona’ or ‘hyung since she hates the word ‘oppa’)
Has a tendency to act animalistic [like a fox or wolf mostly] (she growls at people who try to make others seem like trash, unless they're bullies then she treats them as they do others. is very territorial and bares her teeth like most animals do, especially when she's about to fight it almost looks as though her fighting stance is one that looks like a wolfs)
Loves weaponry
Is licensed to carry a blade and gun around and is 4th dan in black belt
imitating boy group dance moves (like U KISS SHINee etc, like how key from SHINee can do the girl group dances)
imitates certain boys voices that sing/rap
 (when i say imitate I mean she full on copies their actions, body language, voice, tone of voice, habits etc. Put a wig on her and it's like she is the person)
Has an alias change all the time (ex: Rui, Kitsune, Hikage[shadow], Zabuza[got it from naruto XD cause she wore a scarf to cover her face like his], )
Has two piercing on each ear and a belly ring
Has a Chinese dragon tattoo on her right shoulder blade and shadowy looking flame tattoo around her wrist
Tips of her hair are a grayish purple
Mixed martial arts
Playing guitar, drums, violin, or piano 
Cuddles a plushie whenever she feel lonely
Has Jewelry she never takes off and takes with her everywhere that she got from her grandparents

from Halmeoni  --> | :3 X3 |  
from Hal-beoji  --> :P :# XP |


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lol..u made a girl oc..if u made a guy oc..den u can just use ur own pic..XDD