Top Ten~~~!!! (CREDITS to Seunii-Dongsaeng ~^_^~)

Once again, Credits go to Seunii~! Love you Dongsaeng.



1. Are you single - Yes

2. Are you happy - Actually, I am like really moody most of the time

3. Are you bored - Of Course

4. Are you white - Nope

5. Are you Italian - Nope

6. Are you intelligent - I don't wanna say...

7. Are you honest - Yes, very honest. No joke.

8. Are you nice - Again, i'm not gonna answer.

9. Are you Irish - Not even a tiny bit.

10. Are you Asian - Yes, YES 100 PERCENT~!!




1. Full Name  -(I'm actually 3/4 Korean and 1/4 Filipino so i'll list both names.)

Korean Name:Lee Taejin 

Filipino Name:Trisha Faith Belen

2. Nicknames - SuJuLoverr, Tae, Jinni, JJ, Trish, Taemin's Long Lost Sister?!?. (i sometimes get called Taemin..)

3. Birth place - Sydney, Australia (I don't have an Australian accent, I have an American one.)

4. Hair color - Very Dark Brown

5. Natural hair style - Straight and layered...

6. Currently living at - Some place far away.

7. Birthday - I'd rather not have people try and stalk me.

8. Mood - Really sleepy and pissed.

9. Favorite color -Pearlescent Sky Blue~

10. One Place you'd like to visit- My hometown in Korea~ (Which is Daegu...)




1. Have you ever been in love - Nope, but I have had many deep crushes.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight - I really think that it doesn't, but it depends on who you are talking about.

3. Do you currently have a crush? - No, but I think CN Blue are really hot, So is F.T Island and Choi Minho of SHINee

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Hmm.... I think I have

5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - No, never. I tend to be really careful.

6. Have you ever had your heart broken - Honestly, no but many girls at my school have.

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yes, but I am forgetful so I tend to forget about the guy.

8. Are you afraid of commitment – It depends on who's with me.

9. Who was the last person you hugged – Well, it's not really a person. So does a poster of Choi Minho count?

10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? – I don't remember.




1. Love or lust - None of the two

2. Hard liquor or beer - Same as above

3. Cats or dogs - Defo for Dogs~

4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Both

5. Creamy or Crunchy - Same as above

6. Pencil or Pen - I always have to use pen.

7. Wild night out or romantic night in – I don't really wanna say.

8. Money or Happiness -Money isn't always Happiness. So I'll stick with Happiness

9. Night or day - It depends

10. IM or phone - Same as above.




1. Been caught sneaking out – I am not that rebellious.

2. Seen a polar bear- Don't Know.. Does a cartoon Polar Bear count?

3. Done something you regret - Yep

4. Bungee jumped – YES~! It was awesome~!

5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Never

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Same as Above

7. Been caught - NEVER

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – Not that desperate.

9. Cried because you lost a pet – Never had pets.

10. Wanted to disappear - Honestly, I really want to go away all the time.




1. Smile or eyes – Both

2. Light or dark hair - It's dark hair for me.

3. Hugs or kisses - Both

4. Shorter or taller - Doesn't matter. But sometimes i go for a taller person.

5. Intelligence or attraction - Both

6. Hot Topic or Hollister - I don't really want to say.

7. Funny or serious – Mix Between Two~

8. Older or Younger - Older..

9. Outgoing or quiet – Hmm.. Both~ Like Minho, He is quiet but out going.

10. Sweet or Bad - Mostly sweet.




1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – I have, once..

2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour – Never. I keep my convos short but sweet.

3. Ever tried walking on your hands – That will make me look.....*Stupid* Weird.

4. Ever been to a rock concert – No.. But it would be AWESOMME~!!!

5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? – No offence, I hate Cheerleading.

6. Ever went skinny dipping? - NEVER

7. Ever been on a blind date – NEVER

8. Ever went ice skating – Once.. But I gave up since i was really crap at skating on ice.

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - NO

10. Ever been in a circus? – I would feel really uncomfortable if I was in one..




1. Go bungee jumping or cliff diving? - Bungee Jumping

2. Watch a Horror Film or a Chic Flick? – Neither.

3. Go to Hawaii or Aspen? – I've been to Hawaii but never to Aspen.

4. Play spin the bottle or truth or dare? - Mix between both.

5. Cheat or be caught cheating? - NEITHER OF THEM...It's also called Sinning against God.

6. Read or watch? - Mix

7. Text or Call? - Mix

8. Sing a Rebecca Black Song or a Justin Bieber Song? - I WOULD DO NONE OF THE TWO.

9. Quiet and Happy or Loud but Hurting? – Quiet and Happy..

10. Go to facebook or tumblr? - FACEBOOK~!!!




1. I am 3/4 Korean and 1/4 Filipino

2. My friends are really crazy about SHINee so sometimes they call me Taemin's Long Lost Sister because of my name.

3. I have a dream of becoming a Korean Celebrity. If i don't make it as an Idol, I'm going for an MC

4. I am moving to South Korea in the next 2 months.. And I am living in Seoul..

5. My Mom is from Korea and My Dad is from Philippines but is half Filipino.

6. I can speak Korean but hate teaching it to my friends.

7. My Mom told me about her childhood in Korea. She said she lived next to a family in Daegu.

8. Honestly, My mom was a friend of Key's (Yes from SHINee) mom throughout Elementary, High School and College/Uni and are still friends today.

9. I am really good at rapping and dancing. Singing is not my forte, but i am okay at singing.

10. I am really honest. I never tell lies. I cried when Jonghyun announced that he was dating Sekyung. Not because I was jealous, It was because i was soo happy for him.


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