Update on To Dream of Mato

Hello my wonderful subscribers and hopefully new ones to come.

First of all I would like to thank you for helping convince me to turn "Thunder" into "To Dream of Mato". Second comments are welcomed greatly and I do my best to reply personally to each one.

Update#1- Me and Rainne are having slight issues with matching up our chapter because of the dreams and the real world, so it might be a couple of days before we post anything else.

Update#2- I have requested a poster for my story and it will take up to two weeks to be done, hopefully. If not I will find anymore source. Please look forward to that. I have also requested a trailer for my story, I hope I get feedback from them shortly as well.

Update#3- Once we get our chapters mached up, we will be updating at least once a week; depending on feedback, schedules, special holidays, etc. So please be patient.

Update#4- If you haven't already added me as a friend, but have subscribed it might be wise to add me because I will be posting blogs ever so often updating you on the story.

I think that is it for now. Please continue reading, loving, and sharing this with others.

04-01-12 UPDATE Sorry, I haven't been updating my mom has been in the hospital recently and just got out today, she is doing much better and I hope to be updating more on To Dream of Mato soon.



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