Update on Thunder

So recently I posted a oneshot called Thunder and a few people have asked if I was going to make it into a story, at first I didn't want too, but after some thought, and a please from a friend, I decided too. I will be working with a co-author named Rainne2580, she is a personal friend and she wanted more as well. You should check her out if you have time. So please wait patiently because Thunder is underconstruction, it will be under a new name.

The new name is To Dream of Mato.

Thank you and please be patient this is my first time.


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Am I that one friend? Hehehe I'll be super super patient! Your writing style really does amaze me, and it make me want to read a thousand chapters! :D

Good luck and thank you for considering the option.
What is Mato ? And link ~!!!!!!!!!!! ^^