Take My Heart- EXO Story preview


Title: Take My Heart

Starring: (er---) OC Girl & Lu Han + Other EXO-M members

This story was inspired by EXO's song Baby Don't Cry


Lu Han is a college senior in Beijing studying enviromental science with the concentration on wild life. Before he's able to graduate, he must write an extensive research paper about the ever popular and endangered species- The Giant Panda; Which are located high in the mountains of China. Upon his travel to the mountains, his group had to camp out in the wild, due to the fact that it was nearing night time. But as the others were getting their camp ready, Lu Han decided to wander off deep into the mountains and ended up getting injured, losing consiousness in the end. When he regain consiousness, he woke up to see a blurry vision of a young girl humming a sweet melody in his ears, but when he rubbed his eyes awake, she was gone, but saw only a glimpse of a black wolf running back into the woods.


I've had that song on repeat for the past few days and I am in love with it. I can't wait until the full song comes out omgg. And I lfreakin' love Lu Han, so yeah. It's been a while since I actually have a story that has an OC character, so this is going to be the first one in months. Unfortunately I can't start on it yet because I really want to finish my other stories first. It took me a while on how to design the poster though. At first, Lu Han was supposed to be a gif, but it got too complicated so I just got a screen shot of him in one of the teasers instead. lolol So yeah, just a random preveiw so... Heads up if anyone is interested? loool bleh *back to writing other fics*


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HANchesterLUnited #1
I was looking up Lu Han photos on google and came across your banner! I wanna read the story! I'll subscribe so I know when updates are out :3 Lu Han <3 and your preview/forward/summary reminds me of disney's the little mermaid...The whole unconscious LuHan wakes up and finds a girl singing/humming then running off part anyways xD yay <3 wolves are one of my favorite animals too :)
Haneull #2
I can't wait for the first chapter!
Please update soon
OMG, YESSS! The storyline sounds really interesting and original - plus, the fact it involves cutie-pie Luhan, well, I just know for sure that I'll enjoy reading it, haha. ^-^ The poster is also really pretty by the way! ;D I hope that after you've finished writing your present fanfics, you'll eventually get round to starting this one! So yeah, I'm interested, haha~