hello, i'm kang HYEJIN


BIRTHNAME :  kang hyejin

— genius - given by classmates & teachers because she's a math & tech genius

— gang ajin - a pet name given by her friends and father. the word for puppy in korean is gang aji so it sounds similar to her name

AGE : 18
BIRTHPLACE :  busan, kr
ETHNICITY : korean
NATIONALITY : south korean

— korean | fluent | native...she speaks with a seoul ddialect but when she is excited, annoy or angry her busan dialect comes out.


dude, why do you smell like meat?

FACE CLAIM : itzy ryujin
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : twice chaeyoung


— people's first impression of hyejin's looks are always that she has a resting face but once they get to interact with her she's reptty chill and fun. when the girl smiles you can just tell she is a very warm and inviting person. she has dark brown hair that goes to her shoulder. she hardly ever wears make up and when she does it's because her friends are making her. hyejin's body type is petite but atheltic because she works out a ton with her father.


i'm not always carrying meat!

+ confident, loyal, caring, & strong will
- immature, unpredictable, finicky, & implusive

fc   fc   fc  

hyejin has a cool and chill vibe to her ...most of the time.... she  always seems to know what she wants and what she is doing she's got everything in control which she does but it comes with a price because she's quite finicky. she can be overbearing and domineering since she likes things done certain ways, to her its more efficient ways because it ierks her when people are beating around the bushes or people being undecided. hyejin is quite bossy but she truly is caring for those around her, she tries her best to comfort everyone's needs sometimes giving up her own needs. once you are her friend it's loyalty till death unless you up big time then she is quick to snip snip ties. she don't play. hyejin is quite the extrovert and social butterfly. she makes friends easily and can adapt herself to new surroundings. she is known to uplift the moods and being optimistic. she is not afriad to look dumb or silly but asking lots of questions or just being embarass doesn't phase her. sometimes people say she is still so immature and naive.

people says she is so confident and decisive and yea it's true she is and she is very expressive of her own feelings. she rather talk things out for hours then get silent treatment or never finding out what is bothering her or others. which is kind of unhealthy and leads to her making implusive actions that sometimes back fires. people can never predict what this gal is going to say or do because she follows rules but she does not either because sometimes she just believes her rules are better. hyejin is always ready to give a helping hand without expecting much in return. sometimes she gets carry away with trying to give everyone the best for them that she does not realize that it may not be what the person wants.


born and raised in busan while her mother was a nurse and her father own a small car repair shop. she lived in busan until she was 10 years old when her mother pass away from a car accident. hyejin's father decided to move to seoul to be closer with hyejin's grandmother so she could help take care of hyejin while her father continue to work. even as busy as her father became he always find time to be with his daughter and they two never been closer. hyejin's personality was definitely shaped by her father you can almost say they are twins the way they laugh, eat, what they say and their actions are mirror resemblance. her father always jokes that he would never have a son in law because of how boyish and tough hyejin is.

when hyejin enter middle school her father finally open his own car repair shop again hyejin stuck by the shop so much that she quickly learn how to fix cars and even other things while tagging along with her father to places like fixing laundry machines, kitchen repairs, plumbing issues, etc. this was when she met rani and they became good friends. on the way home her father would maybe once a week treat hyejin to rani's bbq shop. her father became good friends with rani's parents as he help fixed a few things around the place. the two girl because quite close as they share their passions to one another. When high school came around hyejin transfer from her distrcit school to rani's high school and they been friends since.


」 likes:
- meeting people
- food! she is not a picky eater and eats well she espcially love fried chicken and spicy food tho
- horror and comedy movie
- brown sugar milk boba drinks with extra tapica
- snacking on jelly candy strips or pocky...she has high metabolism so she is always hungry and she always got them in her backpack 
- math like she finds so much joy in calculating things

」 dislikes:
- seeing drunk people because her mother was killed by a drunk driver..she does not hate them because she has already come to peace with it but when she does see someone drunk she often calls police or try to get them a taxi
- disrespectful people, hold her back if she sees someone disrespecting her friends and family...hyejin is implusve and she has gotten into fights before
- thunder storms....just the sudden loud noises scares her so she would always have to plug her airpods in and listen to music loudly
- rodents! her worst fear..the only animal she can't love...for the first time you might actually see and hear her scream like a girl

」 habits:
- laughing out loud and slapping people near her
- dancing when shes happy esp when its because of food
- goes out of her way to make other comfortable or happy
- she loves skinship, it doesn't take long for her to hold your hand or arm or even hug you. she loves hugging her friends and just being clingy
- always smells like fresh laundry because she loves being clean and doing laundry

」 hobbies:
- working out weight lifting & cardio, she got into working out after helping her father quick smoking so they often go running to gether
- boba shop hopping
- long boarding
- playing basketball, she learn from her father
- she has a green thumb and loves planting, their small apartment is fill with plants and succulents

」 trivia:
- has had soju before because her father let her taste it and she almost cried because of how much it burn and she vow to never drink again
- rides her bicycle to school everyday and basically everywhere she needs to go unless she takes the train station
- was taekwondo club but got expel because she got into a fight with another a student from their rival school. it was because they made fun of of their new recruit who was on the heavier side.
- can play the acoustic guitar because her father taught her
- never had a boyfriend even though boys has asked her out she always rejects them because she feels like she doesn't know how to be a girlfriend. she has more guy friend then girl friends.
- gets along espcially well with elders and older people, she understands their jokes and puns because of her father


do you like meat?


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— father : kang dongseok / auto body & maintenance technician / reliable, softy, enthusiastic / they have no one but each other. he pretends to be tough on the outside but he is completely a softy for his daughter. oh dont try him though because he will protect his daughter. he grew up in a rough time in busan but has changed a lot since starting a family. they two can talk about anything and everything except boy & girl relationship. when it was time to talk about "TOM or time of the month" he had to sent hyejin over to rani's mother for help. there are no secrects between the two. hyejin has really taken care of her father more then he taken care of her but she finds it cute and wouldnt change it any other way.

fc   fc 
— best friend (friendzone) : lee dohyun / student & part time barista / kind, calm, overprotective / they been friends since hyejin moved to seoul, since they lived in the same apartment complex. she would consider him the next closest friends besides rani. to her they are close enough to use the bathroom without closing the door and she doesnt get shy when he is changing but to him its different, she's oblivious that guy and girls shouldnt be doing that since shes been living with a father her whole life who doesnt talk about those things. he is very protective of her. they have a bromance like relationship even tho she is not a bro. he likes her but he wouldnt want to risk losing his friendship with her. he is the taekwondo club leader and was furious when hyejin got into a fight and got expel. he was dissappointed in her but understood why she did it. she is super close to the whole taekwondo gang.




LOVE INTEREST : hwang hyunji
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : jeon jaehyun


— hyunjin is not a person to talk alot but he is not shy or introverted. he speaks when he needs to and when he wants to only, it makes it hard to read or tell what he is really thinking. if he doesn't have anything to say he will not say anything. he appears cheerful but he tends to hide his real feelings because he hates being burdensome. he is socially a little awkward but nice. he laughs easily and is down to earth. at first he may seem awkward and shy but once you get to know him he is caring, devoted, cute, and affectionate.

hyunjin is the guy who holds door for someone who is feets away. hes the type of guy who slows down his pace to walk beside you. he bring you yuja tea because he remembers that you once mention whenever you are sick  with a cold your mother would make you yuja tea. and that was how hyejin completely fell in love with hyunjin...


— hyunjin works at chingu bbq but he mostly does dishes in the back because he is kind of clumsy. he barely got the job but the place lost a worker and he was just hired on the spot. hyejin and some friends were on a mission to go over to chingu and see whats up when she heardthat they were taking some of rani's customers. she was so upset at seeing the busy crowd that on impluse she made a huge commotion about how dirty the cup was and that she almost puke. it was all for jokes and laughs but once they left she saw that the boss was actually scolding hyunjin really badly behind the building. she felt horrible because she forgotten to think that it was someone life she just messed with and not just the business. she felt disgusted with herself for the rest of the day and the very next day she went back over to apologize to the worker. she waited all day outside to maybe catch him on break or when he arrive or left since she didnt know his schedule.

when they did meet she was suprise that he was not upset at all, he told her it wa ok and she offer him a job at rani's place if he ever got fired and he did that very day. so as they slowly walk to rani's place and stood in front of rani all hyejin could do was scratch the back of her head and hope rani understood. rani's parents were fine with it since they were suprise that chingu was hiding such a handsome worker in the bacl they decided to put hyunjin right in the front of the shop inviting customers and helping wait.

the two become closer bonding over movies, music, boba, and eating in general. hyunjin loves to eat but doesn't quite know how to cook so hyejin offer to teach him. they started as friends and gradually start to like each other. with hyunjin hyejin has become more shy and fluster compare to other guys..maybe its because he keeps doing things that makes her heart beat fast..like remembering small things she said and just taking care of her. hyunjin is more direct with his feelings although he doesnt say it out loud he display affection for her.


let me ask you about meat.

what is your ideal type like? : 

— why? what does this have to do with helping the restaurant? rani-ah! this person is asking strange questions. |please just answer| Um...ok...for my ideal type i think i just like someone kindhearted and someone who makes me want to become a better person...someone that we can help learn and grow from each other...

why did you start liking hyunjin? : 

— WHAT!? w-who said that? w-when did i? ha...w-what are you talking about. ii like everyone yea. ha. i like everyone at pureuda so i don't know what you are talking about.ha ha ha... li-liking hyunjin...ha....

so why did you want to work for pureuda? : 

— pureuda is also part of my childhood...it became the place that almost felt like home when i moved to seoul with my dad. it holds a lot of memories and not only is it important to rani but also to me. when rani said she needed help i didn't hesitate to help at all.

how do you feel about chingu barbeque? : 

— ha! i think its quite strange that out of all these for lease building in myeongdong area they open up so close to us!  it almost seems like they want a challenge and we are ready. pureuda for life!

anything else you want to tell me? : 

— oh we're done? ok....wait...umm...are you going to interview hyunjin too?


iismomo : momo  :  turn in

COMMENTS : i havent watch itaewon class yett!!! i wanna but i've been binging disney+ lol


— team building outing
— maybe petty fight in the street with chingu's workers after hours lol and all hyunjin is doing is trying to pull hyejin away or protect her
— hyunjin meeting hyejin's father and getting intiminated
— hyejin trying to help a drunk customer but got pushed and hurt n then hyunjin comes and saves her...sorry im cheesy like that
— filming a cf with the team
— hyejin going viral for being a fast money counter at the cashier

PASSWORD : how can you choose just one...boneless prime &  pork skin



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