Personal Information.
Full Name. emma bak.
Other Names. she doesn't have any unique nicknames aside from the shortening of her name, em, which is used by all her friends. 
Gender. female.
Date of Birth. 23 june (21).
Birthplace. westchester county, new york.
Hometown. westchester county, new york.
Ethnicity. korean.
Nationality. american.
uality. biual.
english is her native language, having been born in the states.
her korean, on the other hand, was taken up by speaking to family members and her being in korean studies as a minor at UCLV, and she is semi-fluent in speaking.
Background Check.
Faceclaim. ahn sohee.
Height & Weight. petite and tiny.
Appearance. beauty mark nestled in her lower lashes just beneath her left eye, wispy hair that goes down past her shoulder blades but doesn't reach her mid-back. she usually keeps it down long in public, but when she's studying on her own she'll tie it up into a messy bun that rests against the nape of her neck.
Style. monochrome and muted colors, long coats, long-sleeved blouses and skirts or fashion-forward knotted pants. pairs with pearl accessories or gold, depending on her look for the day. looks like she walked out of a spread for nyfw 2020 that vogue covers, but with her exec parents it makes sense that she dresses nicely.
Personality. wry sense of humor, a no-nonsense type of woman that knows what she wants and aims to get it. people tell her she seems like the type of person to be incredibly assertive and more mature than most of her peers, but she just thinks it's because they judge her resting face and nervously skirt away before she even opens . tells it how it is, won't lie to you about her thoughts and judgement on your thinkpiece if you ask for it. she looks like she's got her together but when she's not tapping away at her macbook on campus, she's sending incredibly dated memes to the group chat she's in, because despite her sharp tongue she has the sense of humor of a forty-year-old wine mom.
Background. mom is part of the exec board of jpmorgan chase & co., dad is the director of finance at glossier, so she's incredibly well off, enough to pursue whatever she wants and network wherever she can to have a career lined up for her after graduation. despite them being incredibly affluent, it makes sense, then, that she usually has little to no contact with her parents, who visit periodically to check up on her and then flit back to new york on the next outgoing flight.
School Year. junior.
Major. art history / museum studies. ( minor : korean literature )
Class Schedule.
9:00 - 10:30A       global textiles and fashion. (MWF)
8:30 - 10:00A       italian high renaissance art & mannerism. (TTh)
10:45A - 1:15P     race, gender, and class. (W)
10:30A - 12:00P   crime scene biology. (TTh)
1:15 - 3:45P         digital textiles (TTh)
2:30 - 4:00P         korean film and literature. (MF)
University Life. studies weekdays after lectures are over, usually goes out to eat with her friends during her lunch breaks. if she knows none of her friends will be available that day, such as thursday, she'll pack her own lunch for the day and sequester herself in the student union building for some one-on-one action with her youtube and facebook feeds. heads back to her off-campus high-rise suite around eight if she's done studying, six if she doesn't want to study that day, and starts cooking dinner as well as putting on the flatscreen for some netflix dramas to set as background noise. sometimes she'll head out for some nightlife, depending on whether there are any special events going on with student discounts such as bowling or karaoke nights, and weekends are reserved for just that or bar-hopping.
+ actually incredibly uninterested in korean dramas, just because they're incredibly drawn out and she usually falls out of interest around the third or fourth episode. says that everything would just be resolved if the leads talked it out.
+ doesn't care about tiktok, and doesn't like people talking with the hottest terminology to her. yeah, she knows what a simp is and how an eboy is detestable, but why make up new words for them? just call them desperate and goth, respectively.
+ doesn't use filler words in her speech, having been scolded out of that as a child; if she needs to think, she'll pause in the middle of her sentence instead.
+ though she appreciates contemporary pieces, her favorite art period will always be rococo, with its soft colors and almost dream-like scenes. her favorite artists are adelaide labille-guiard and francois lemoyne, and will most likely bring them up as conversation topics with anyone who attempts to bring up art pieces to prove themselves educated.
+ genuinely doesn't care if other people use drugs recreationally around her or in general; she personally isn't interested in using and was never curious about it after seeing her peers high as at parties and being unimpressed with their behaviors.
+ if she needs to message the frat boys at all, she has their contacts on facebook, despite the need never coming up. rarely does she message them outside of the messenger app.
Let's start off easy. Do you know anyone here?
emma lightly folds her arms over her torso. "i know jeff, for one. i've heard of gavin, by proxy. that's it."
On the scale of 0 to 10, how hot do you think you are? 
"attractiveness is always subjective," the woman laughs, a wisp of air more than actual laughter escaping her. "i'd say i'm... probably a 10? not that i'm egotistical, it's just i'm calling it as it is. i know i'm hot."
Joey requested this... Uh, do you watch anime?
here, emma stares dully. "no," she says, "though they do come on sometimes on autoplay on my netflix. i just don't find the appeal in that medium."
Are you okay with drugs? Like seeing or using them?
"i'm not a user," she says, a detailed eyebrow raised as if she's now skeptical about finding a formal date. "i don't mind if other people use, since it's their lives, their choices, but i don't use drugs recreationally." she brings a hand up to brush her hair over her shoulder. "just not a fan of putting substances in my body and losing control like that. if i imbibe, it'll only ever be something you can order at a bar."
You're at a house party. What is the first thing you grab to drink?
"house parties don't have the best liquor available. they're fun, but i honestly think it's something best experienced sober so you can remember all the embarrassing things everyone else does while you goad them into it," she says, a peal of genuine laughter escaping her this time. "but the first thing i'd grab? skipping the jungle juice and heading straight for the rum. i'm making myself a cocktail."
Why do you want to come?
here, emma smiles, showing the barest hint of teeth. "why does anyone head to these things? of course, to network."
topher : emma thinks she makes most of the bratpack collectively nervous; the only one whose excitement doesn't dwindle in the face of her cold apathy is maybe topher, and that's just because he's got the bushy-tailed look of a college freshman. when he meets her for the first time, he's the one who took the first step in relations with her; despite her polite responses, he took it as them getting along swimmingly, and warmly approaches her when she joins jeff in sitting in on one of their group outings. later, she learns from him that he had assumed her to be made out of the same closed-off stony exterior that jeff was, and to learn that she willingly responded to him and took into account all of his food recommendations made him ecstatic. she feels old in the face of his boundless energy, but at the same time it reminds her that he's very young, and regardless of all of the terrible decisions he's made he still has time and room to learn and grow. after meeting over the next couple of months past their first introduction, topher now gets a sense of when she eyes him in disapproval, and though he may not understand why she's frowning, there's a tingling sense of guilt that tugs at him enough to straighten his posture and reverse whatever just came out of his mouth.
taeseong : emma met him after jeff decided to invite her to cancun. she knows that he's a gym rat and that he's one of the more responsible ones out of the brat pack, but a frat boy is a frat boy, and he will always party hard with his brothers when the time comes for it. she heard about the "huge breakup," quotes around that because she's skeptic of how bad it is with the zeal that follows coming out of topher's mouth, and is more distasteful of his "side job," but she's never been a snitch, and that won't change a year prior to her graduation. she enjoys his company enough, when he doesn't smell like plumes of menthol and pineapple peach vapor, and the fact that he has more emotional depth than the others makes him tolerable to converse with. he realizes her sense of humor and no-nonsense policy soon enough that after polite chit-chat about barkbark, it eventually evolves into parkpark talking about his few and failed tinder dates after she asks, comfortable to freely discuss his experiences and equally as comfortable with what little emma comments on them, just because she has a policy of not offering her opinions unless asked for them.
gavin : only knows of him because he's jeff's little, and even then when she first met him she could barely stand him. she still feels indignation when she thinks about their initial meeting and he bluntly asked if she was hanging around jeff just to use him for his status and money, and it was bad enough that instead of answering him she turned around and left, and her foul mood made itself apparent to jeff when he stoicly noted that she was not "in a pleasant mood as you usually are" over their quiet dinner. she told jeff about what had transpired, he hummed in response, and that was that until gavin messaged her on facebook the very next day to apologize, if not in a very "i'm sorry that you were offended by what i said" type of manner. she has no hope for him after she understands that he is disruptive and disrespectful, with a history of poor decisions, and that he has a tendency to egg ashton and topher into also performing idiotic stunts with him. the only thing going for gavin through the incessant vaping, juvenile pranks, and "your mom" jokes is that he's overwhelmingly loyal to his brothers, and that despite the fact that he tries to lie through his teeth, he really can't when asked a question outright. it makes grilling him for information much easier when she suspects that any of her items were tampered with (juvenile, really), though after the first round of "gavin, did you touch my purse?" and her foul mood after, he had completely stopped involving her in his pranks. she thinks this is more due to jeff intervening on her part than anything else, though, and he still thinks of her as some kind of narc when he sees her wrinkling her nose at his abundant weed stash he shares in joint custody with ashton.
owen : the fact that he's part of gamma phi alpha means he's made of the same breed as the rest of the frat boys, but he does earn points in her book for being polite towards her. he's a chill guy; she doesn't vibe with the weed stench around him, but he's similar to taeseong in that he's in tune with his own feelings. he's actually the one who apologized to emma when gavin was ing around with her, and despite her not changing her mind about gavin, owen was very earnest and firm about his belief that his frat brothers meant well - giving her insight into gavin potentially being a little unsettled that jeff would've kept a girl around for so long. she and owen are by no means best friends, but whenever he's high outta his mind, the atmosphere is comfortable while he talks about everything and nothing. unfortunately, this usually leads into some deep introspection and heavy feelings (for owen, that is, who then uses his hands a lot to express himself and hold his tears at bay).
joey : in her opinion, joey is a very loud individual, the life of the party in every conversation he's in. he's excitable and fills up the room with his presence, but unlike topher, there is no way in hell she can stop the unstoppable force of joey when he's overexcited about something, usually hyped up by one of his brothers. she's met a lot of people over her undergraduate career, and surprisingly enough, he might be more over the top than topher for her - or maybe she thinks that because there's nothing that'll stop the joey train once it gets going. he currently acts very friendly with her, most likely because he's already used to jeff's stone-face while being his right-hand man and is a pro at interaction with others that have resting face syndrome.
dicky : she greets him by his full name every time they meet, having been pleasantly surprised by his studiousness during their first introduction when dicky was hard at work on a paper. he tries and fails to get her to be a little less formal with him, but by this point she's too used to calling everyone by their full names to quit, and that includes dicky.
ashton : ashton's usually too faded to hold a proper conversation with her.
louis : as of now, the only time louis exchanges words with her is when he's asking where jeff is, most likely having already tried to contact him by himself in vain. she hasn't interacted with louis much compared to the rest of the group, but just from how he interacts with others, she can sense that the boy's more manipulative than he lets on.
cho : emma met cho after joey decided on bringing her to a gathering, and they hit it off instantly - cho laughs at emma's memes, or inability to produce mainstream ones, and emma finds cho's personality refreshing. she finds her frank and light of heart, but not ignorant, which is the exact type of company she wants to surround herself with. because they're not in the same programs, they mostly chat over facebook messenger, and days will potentially go by without a word exchanged before their conversation picks up out of nowhere once more; they're both busy individuals that aren't bothered if one leaves the other on read. when she hears through the grapevine of acquaintances and friends that joey is planning on asking cho to cancun, emma realizes that she is very much looking forward to having cho come along.
Date Interest. jefferson bang.
Current Status. aquaintances.
Their Story. met several times on occasion at banquets finance firms usually throw annually and she was brought by her mother. they've had each other's contact info since then, since she approached him with furtive business opportunities for his linkedin contacts, and they've come to a similar agreement for the retreat, now that gampha is in need of dates and jeff doesn't want his verbally clumsy brothers linking him up with some random stranger he could absolutely care less about.
Ending. up to you!
+ he'd take her to cancun because of his interest in her mom's connections, but it's okay because she's also primarily interested in networking with him and the opportunities he opens up for her.
+ she's usually able to find out where he's disappeared because she'll text him about bank stocks and withhold the rest of the information in exchange for his location and he responds unhesitatingly.
+ they call each other by their respective full names, and coupled with the vibes they give off when they stand beside one another it feels like a business power couple distant in feelings and emotions towards one another. ("emma." "jefferson.")
+ emma doesn't really care for jeff's tendency to disappear on his frat brothers, but then again she doesn't care so long as he doesn't do that to her. she doesn't have time for anyone who won't respect hers, and jeff is on thin ice.
+ they have weekly dinners, usually at a high-end restaurant where they eat in silence before they split the bill and drive off separately in their equally-as-expensive cars. the reason for this was to "foster companionship," but emma knows as much about him now as she did the day she met him, and she'd like to continue that way. despite the seemingly inane nature of it, she believes he still attends the dinners because he's become accustomed to having them in his schedule - and that he knows she isn't expecting him to suddenly enjoy camaraderie the way that some of his brothers might. he has a night off to just be the emotionless statue he is, more or less.
chen. moonbok. 10%


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jemma otp
why emma like .... girl version of jeff in the way that she invites Terror ... jeff and emma the serial killer couple neh ??!
emma emma emma emma
damn bih hold up
why u workin so damn fast