It hurts

Is this how adulthood feel like or is it just me ? You have to be patient, you have to endure and swallow everything. You just have to keep smiling even when people spit out hurtful words. Is this how it goes ?


Today I went out with my bestfriends who just got back from their college. I was looking forward for this meet-up, hoping they can cheer me up a bit, we can have some story-sharing session about life and etc. But it did not go that well I guess. I just felt awkward around them. And it got worse when they brought up about driving since it was my sister who dropped me at the restaurant ( I didn't drive today even though I already got my driving license ). My other two bestfriends, they drove themselves. Why I didn't drive ? 

I'm scared because I believe I know myself better. I'm not that skillful yet as a driver. I only drive on weekends, but I do think I have improved bit by bit. I do not want to cause any harm to anybody. I can only drive when my sister is around. Yeah I know I'm weak. I'm a slow learner.

My bestfriends went like, 

"When are you going to drive huh?"

"Look at me, I can drive by myself even though I got my license later than you"

....and many more

Maybe that's their way to motivate me. But frankly speaking, I am not motivated at all and I seriously feel like crying after that. It's just lucky I can hold my tears that time.

I don't hate them but their words are hurtful. I'm so sensitive and childish. Maybe they hate such a dependant girl like me.


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Hayagi #1
Some people just really love driving and have no problem at all with driving alone. But that shouldn't be the norm. If you don't feel comfortable enough driving on your own yet, don't feel like you HAVE to just because others can. Everybody has their own pace of learning.
And you're definitely not the only one. Especially if you don't need to use a car often, it's normal that you don't feel as comfortable driving as those that do use it often.
But one thing that might help to speed up the learning process is if you, in a situation like the one above, don't let your sister drop you off, but drive while she sits next to you and let her drive back.
Then when she goes to you again to pick you up, you can drive on the way back.
Extra practice and you're not on your own.

By the way, although your friends probably didn't mean it in a bad way, it does sound quite mean to me. Perhaps driving just comes more naturally to them, so they don't realise that that's not the case for everyone.
That's not adulthood, no. You should tell them it hurts and it isn't motivating at all.
I've had my drivers license since 2011 and I still drive less and am less comfortable driving than my younger siblings. That doesn't make me less of an adult. It just means I've had less experience and frankly, I also find that I don't need a car to get by.

It's not childish to get hurt by words. It doesn't make you more sensitive. They're jabbing at something you find yourself insecure at - that's not cool. If you find the courage, tell them that what they said made you sad and ask them why they thought it useful to say it?

But adulthood is - although sad sometimes - realising who we are and how we grew away from old childhood friends. In my experience, differences in friends become a lot clearer when we go off to separate colleges and universities.

Seriously, though. Don't think for a second that adulthood is smiling when people are hurting you or enduring you shouldn't endure. In all seriousness, I would say adulthood is the exact opposite. Stand up for yourself. I believe in you. <3
I don't drive too though I have my license so don't listen to them, everyone has their own pace. Don't worry about it :)