Childish me

People keep telling and calling me childish. Be it people who is around me or my other online friends (because of my tweets), they are all like,

"You are so childish"

"You are being dramatic"

"You are such a drama queen"

I barely have anyone to talk to. So most of the time I choose to tweet to express what I feel. Either I share something about my day or my random rants about BTS, that's all. And now I feel like I want to stop doing everything especially tweeting. Maybe I will just write down my feelings in a diary or something.


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Hai buddy i don't know exactly what your problems are but still i am telling you don't worry...

Sometimes the things that seems problematic to us are not the same for others... So they may think you are childish... But every person's way of thinking is different... So you shouldn't bother about this... And it's a good thing that you express yourself... But if they don't like it then don't let them know... As you said you can write your thoughts your feelings in your diary... And you know what buddy wherever I feel low or I am in problem or I have to share something or let out something then I close my eyes and pray to god... I tell god everything whatever I am feeling or going through... So I feel relieved... And it is peaceful... You should once try this... And I may not know you but i still believe you are a wonderful person... So keep shining... Stay blessed...