ケミストリ / the chemistry between LEE SOOJIN & PARK CHANYEOL

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lee soojin

replace with face claim 120x120

birthnamelee soojin
other names


— techno - given by classmates and students because she likes to correct people and says "technically" a lot. she doesn't know this is her nickname

birthday (1993/05/16 + 26)
birthplace seoul
hometown seoul
ethnicity korean
languages spoken

— korean | fluent | native
— english | conversational | took in high school & college for degree



face claim iu
back up face claim hani (exid) & naeun (apink)
height & weight 161cm & 49kg

— nothing different her current hair is meduim length black bob cut with light fringes in the front.


— soojin does not really care for fashion. she is into comfort clothes. it takes her 10 minutes top to go shopping, she goes in grabs what she needs try it on it fits and she buys then she leaves. she likes to look presentable when she does go out. (see six & seven) She's about to graduate she's got too much on her plate to be getting up early to put on make up and dress up. so in school she's very chill ( see one, three, four & five) her style still decent and clean cut, but just very simple, cute and safe.

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven



personality traits + independant, practical, bold, incisive, stoic, forgiving
                                         - hostile, insensitive, rigid, overcritial, uptight, awkward



— Books had always been this girl's bestfriend. Some people say they love animals more then humans but Soojin say she loves books more then human. She doesn't read love stories but she loves history, bio, true crimes, and studies books about everything, she's a major documentary junkie too. Since she was young she learn to learn on books for comfort so she is typically super awkward around people. If they don't have the same interest she feels embarass and too awkward to hold a conversation, but if it is something she likes then she may get super excited and could talk and ask questions for hours. this is the only time where she really shines and comes out of her shell. she is not shy she just doesn't know how to start or hold a conversation.

If you annoy her though she's bold and speak her mind well. With one or two words she will get her point across. Soojin doesn't like beating around the bushes. She knows what she wants, needs and likes and she does what she can to get them done. She totally hates people who are late or lazy and doesn't get things done. She hates bending rules for people. To her what ever set is set, she hate changes because it messes up her tempo (lol) its hard to change her mind. Soojin is uptight, everything has to be perfect or else her mind is going to go nuts. If things do happen to go wrong she start blaming people or things, start finding all the faults and issues and even being super critial to herself, she'll blame herself like a ton of bricks. Things may frustrate her a lot and easily but she also lets go easily. She forgives people and moves on because she does nt like to keep that negative energy with her, how ever if it's a self thing it takes longer to forgive herself then forgiving others.

Most of the time the girl is hostile and does not like getting close to people because it's awkward for her. Most of all her negative traits are due to her not knowing to communicate and interact with people so she uses it to push people out. She can not tolerate bullter or obnoxious people and her being bold kind of is a double edge sword. she'll speak up and defend a poor classmate who is getting bullied but she might say something thats hurtful about the elephant in the room. Soojin tend to think very quick and assume a lot so she can be insenstive in not being careful about how others are feeling. If she is having a bad day she probably won't notice others who are also having a bad day. People hardly notices her in classrooms until she raises her hand to answer questions or even ask more questions, or if she corrects people, which she always does. Soojin is stoic, she doesn't let things get to her or at least she does not show how much it bothers her. she is good at keeping her emotions to herself, it is like a ticking time bomb though. balling her hand into a fist is how she keeps everything in when it gets too much and then she'll cry alone in her bedroom, screaming into her pillow, going to batting cages, and to recharge she'll eat a tub of strawberry icecream and watch animal planet channel. she feels weird telling her emotions and thinks it might be a burden to the person so she keeps it to herself.

The way she think she is caring for people is by making descision for people. Since she always been that way with her friends she think its okay with everyone else. Soojin is the person who takes everyones order and gives it to the waiter, she's the movie ticket buyer, she's the one to ask for directions, she is the one who plan trips, she is the one who motivates them to get off their feet to do things, and she's the listener. Although she may never really know what to say back to help her ears and bear hugs are there for her close friends. She has a tought love motherly or grandmotherly vibe.

Soojin is a bookworm who is booksmart but she's not very sociable and streetsmart. Although she is bold and being confrontational is fine for her because its short lived but starting a conversations, holding a conversation, or talking to someone for a long peroid of time is still awkward for her. she runs out of things to say or she is does not particularlly really care how your day is if you're a stranger.


— Soojin was raised by a young single mother. Her mother got pregnaunt when she was 17 years old and was basically shun by her family. She went to live with her boyfriend and they stayed together until Soojin was one years old but seperated. Soojin then grew up living in a small basement of small apartment in seoul. Her mother worked odd jobs and she was babysat by th elder couple who own the apartment most of the time. Her upbringing really shape her into the person she is. She became very independant and stoic at a young age. throughout her adolence she met 4 to 5 potentional men she could had called father. Some where good some where bad. She learn to forgive and move on from that. And because everyone in the neighbohood knew her lifestyle situations she kept to herself a lot but she always stood up for herself by getting into fights. So she learn to find comfort in books and old people.

In high school she continue her streak of being a shut-in and loner. She was never interested in the whole dating game and petty school drama. It was her first year of college when she got into a horrible accident. As she was riding her bike to school a truck driver hit her and she nearly lost her life. From then on she was determine to live a little different. She became a little bit more outgoing and talkative, she tired to make friends, and she tried to be less annoyed by people. It did work she found a really close friends and throughout college she was more social but still very awkward.

When Soojin finish her BA she moved out to live on her own in a small studio apartment near the school. She does not have a good relationship with her mother so she has not cut ties but they do not contact each other as often.


— museums
— food, she loves to eat, she is not picky, honestly you win if  you get her food, she is up to try new food
— documentaries about anything and everything, from trees, animals, death, world leaders, paranormal, food, santa, people, etc
— indoors
— sherlock, doctor who, this is us, the good place, friends, how i met your mother,
— only sweet coffee
— acoustic music
— succulents and plants in general, she's an old lady, compre to getting flower she'll get excited if she gets a pot of plant

— loud places
— people who waste time, or are late!  soojin always always arrives at least 15 minutes early to anything
— when it comes to taking medicine she still acts like a child, she hates it.
— heights
— obnoxious loud and rude people
— crowd pleaser people
— alcohol, because she be a different person when she drinks and shes a weak drinker too. she gets super friendly and loud
— romcom because they're so fake in her eyes or even comdey but she never really given them a chance

— talking really fast when shes nervous, embaraassed or stress
— putting health last
— being all work and no play
— being super organized
— using a pink tint peach scent lipbalm, all day er day

— staying home and binging movies, series, and documentaries
— going to art or history museums to relax, its her quiet place
— plays the guitar, one of her potenional fater taught her
— reading
— working, her elder friends say she's going to marry her work instead of a person

— has horrible sense of humor but laughs and makes dark humor
— can cook well
— gives mother monthly allowance
— visits the grandma who raised her once a week
— volunteers at hospitals to sing and play guitar for the patients
— super unathletic but she does yoga once in a while in her home
— can not swim
— can not drive
— even though she is awkward she has dated before, once in freshman yr that didn;t last long only 2 months, and second in junior year who is her current boyfriend.
— protective only
— terrified of rodents and tramatize from living in the basement fill with them
— does foodbanks with elder friends
— hates clubing but goes with friends just to sit and watch their backs, bags, and drinks
— does not want to get marry or have children at least not any time soon
— you are inhuman if you kill a bug in front of her
— hates having to repeat herself



— best friend • choi jinnie / 24 / sulli / model / flirty, friendly, silly / they met in junior year of high school. jinny was one of the popular girl in school, a crowd pleaser, stuck up, a bully, everything like a mean girl. hey knew of each other but didn't know anything else. one day as she was going to pick on soojin, soojin basically just called her out being a crowd pleasing fake who failing basic math and probably going to be a drop out prego teen who ends up living in the basement of someone''s house while for money. It really shocked jinny and kind of pulled her into reality because no one told her these kind of things everyone just pleased her and so she decided to better herself because she didnt wanna live in a basement. yea that was all she got from it. she started following soojin around having soojin tutor her and since then they became super close friends. soojin gives her props because as much as soojin tried to rid of her jinny was super clingy and never left soojin. they went to the same college as well but jinny drop out half way because she couldn't decided a major and she went into modelling. jinny is super flirty and loves skinship with soojin that people often think they are a couple, but jinny is really just soojin's child. after some time soojin has began to trust jinny and open up to the girl. she would consider jinny her closet friend but even then jinny doesn't know every lttle thing about soojin unless she pressures soojin into spilling the beans. soojin honestly feels like a burden to jinny because jinny also takes care of soojin mentally.


— best friend+grannie • kim young ok / 81 / kim youngok / apartment/convient store owner / sassy, tough, caring / the grannie who took care of her while soojin's mother worked. she basically raised soojin until high school when soojin and her mother moved across town still even then soojin would come by their convient store to buy snack claiming where they live has no store. grannie kim and grandpa kim loves her like she was their own. grandpa kim pass away right before soojin graduated high school and this was a reason why soojin chose her college because it was close to granny kim. she gives soojin tough love and smacks soojin's utt a lot but she is very caring and always ask if soojin has eaten or not. she once thought soojin was a lesbian because she never brought a boy around only the crazy friend which was jinnie.
— boyfriend • lee donghae / 32 / donghae / chef/restaurant owner  / soft spoken, independant, easygoing / they two met at the his restaurant while celebrating jinnie's birthday. jinnie was the one who introduce them to each other. at first soojin thought he was going to be loud, annoying, and self rightieous guy but he was not. he was soft spoken, humble, and respectful. they share a lot of the same ideas about marriage, relationships, and self worth. they started dating after about four months of knowing one another as friends. they are not the lovey dovey couple type. they enjoy conversations and in private display of affection. both of them also likes being independant and knows that they need their space and alone time as well.



WHAT's YOUR MAJOR? i'm finishing up my MA for Informational Technology
WHAT YEAR ARE YOU IN? This is my last.


— I have 9am to 1pm classes from monday to thursday. I take about 15 to 20 minute to get ready and then another 15 to eat breakfast. nothing big just corn flake cereal or strawyberry jam toast with coffee and then i'm out of the house by 8:15. it takes me about 10 minutes to get to school on bike. Usually after class I will go grab a quick lunch at the canteen or with grannie kim cause she's only 5 minute walk away, then head to the library to do my homework for 2 hours and then head home to get ready for work. I takes a 20 minutes bus and train ride to my work place arrving just before my 6pm shift. My job as a network engineer is monday through thursday as well from 6pm to 11pm. I mostly work with network security. After my shfit I takes a bus and train back home. Once I get home I just ready for bed right away. Sometimes i skip dinner because i'm so tired.

On my friday and the weekend, I mostly do my volunteer work, visit grannie kim, go out with jinnie, or just stays home to finish other homework or watch tv....yeah i have no social life.



— I...um I have just been putting this whole elective thing to the side because i just didn't wanna deal with meeting random people outside my study...but I heard about this class from another classmate and thought why not.
I'mjusttryigntobettermyself...butidon'tknow....thisclassseeminterestingyouknowmaybei'lllearnathingortwo plus my relationshipwithmyboyfriendiskindof going downsouth like i know and icantellthatsomethingiswrong but i dont know what.....so...yea.....umm...


— DAMN IT! i'm going to be stuck with a kid. i was praying and crossing my figner i did not get him but then the professor called his name and i just sank in my chair.


— yes..............i do


love interest park chanyeol
back up love interest hanbin (ikon), rm (bts)
birthday (1996/05/05 + 23)


+ charming, sweet, observant, fun, open minded
- slow witted, selfless, vague, forgetful, too kindhearted

he's that sweet guy who can make friends easily. everyone in the school knows him. he hangs out with everyone, his smile is genuine, and always helping out the best he can. he is that student who if he sees someone struggling with books he'll help, if he sees someone trip he'll help, i mean come on he says good morning to birds outside his classroom window. he can be the of a joke and its fine.he doe not look intimidating at all. One of the first thing you notice right away about him is his smile and dimple. chanyeol is outgoing and is always up for any new adventures. When he speaks he keeps eye contact with the person he is speaking with. He has a charm to him that a lot of people like for example he has great memories that it surprises people because he can remembers names just telling him once the next time when he sees he will remember your name. small details like that makes him likeable

love story

— chanyeol had never seen or met soojin until the first day of class but soojin has heard and seen chanyeol around campus. he was popular and friends of friends knows him or has stories of him. swwet and silly stories only nothing bad, but soojin just saw him as a loud annoying college student.

right after chanyeol was chosen as her partner she went to the professor after class and ask to be change. she thought it was not a fit at all and believe she could work with anyone else but chanyeol. the professor said no of course and told her good luck and have fun.


chanyeol right away was friendly and act as if he had already known soojin for years. chanyeol is a very easy going person and always make most people feel comfortable around him except soojin. he did feel discourage and like she was difficult to deal with. after tryign for a couple of days he would be fed up and scold her too for being so mean. she felt he was too fake because he was always so damn happy and pleasing everyone who walks in front of him. Chanyeol does not treat her any different from any of his other friends. he is caring, jokes around, playful, and he even becomes protective. Soojin on the other hand can't really stand how cheerful he is and she doing this to finish the course and graduate soon, but she also likes how outgoing chanyeol is too because its something she really needed.He almost feels like a boy version of her best friend. She would nag at him a lot and pull him back if he's careless.


He is going to make her do ridicullious stuff to get her out of her shell and show her it's okay to be silly and embarassed. he will teach her thats its okay to be emotional too. She will teach him to stand up for himself or learn to say no to people and release stress at batting cages.

at first their relationship is rocky and mostly just chanyeol making effort but soon soojin will join in and they would always be having fun. soojn would even end up missing chanyeol or when she finds something exciting she want to tell chanyeol first. or if she sees something fun she'll think chanyeol would love this.

in people eyes at first they totally see how awkward and different the two are. one is tall and silly who can not stay still, while one is short with her arm cross and looks bored all the time.


soojin start slowly changing like instead of a nod to say hello she'll give a small wave. she'll start conversation by asking how chanyeol's day was. She even end up highfiving, pinching his cheeks, and slapping his arm him at some point.

when they do get along there would be lots of laughing and hitting from chanyeol while soojin try not to laugh. they  leaning into each other laughing, whispering to one another, secrect face signals, they become close that with one look they understand what is going on or what the joke is. she would often catch her self laughing too much and stop and chanyeol would nag at her this time telling her its okay to laugh and be more expressive.


one thing that got them super close is their same interest in music and playing the guitar. they would have lots of meet up at coffee shops, hongdae, even busking together or india concerts.



— because men have always had a bad rep in soojin's life it was hard for her to open up to chanyeol but when she did she felt really different. a diferent kind of love she did not get from donghae. chanyeol had no idea she was dating until he had fallen in love with her too and when he found out he was crushed because she never once mention him. donghae has seen the two together and actually seen soojin change as a person too. he told her that they should break up because he doesn't think he can bring the same light chanyeol brought her to her. althought soojin feels the same way she thinks that that her and chanyeols chemistry has only felt like love because it was their project which they had to find these sort of chemistry together. it was only a hype that would end soon after the class end. after the class end they continue to just be mutual friends while soojin and donghae are back together and they become closer and better then before. chanyeol try to be the best guy friend ever of course becuse he is just like that, selfless. he is still in love with her but when he sees how happy shes become to donghae he knows time will heal. he doesn't chase after her but continues to just be nice like before.


replace with love interest picture 120x120

last comment omg i hope that wasn't too angsty

scene requets

— busking together
— drunk soojin being too playful
— chanyeol and jinny getting along and tag teaming to tease soojin
— grannie kim liking chanyeol and proposes they get marry right away to have beautiful kids
— soojin getting a complete badgirl vibe make over by the other classmate
— chanyeol being very vocal about liking soojin but not pressuring her into accepting him he just like to profess his liking of her
— the whole class backing or camping or going somewhere with no internet to distract them
— chanyeol getting jealous when soojin is friendlier with other male classmate

password goodbye by gift



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