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Park Sojin
running away won't solve anything. i know. i've tried

Name: Park Sojin
/Close friends/ It's just her name with an added suffix which shows that they are close friends. 

Cat Lady/Students of Syndicate/ Sojin loves cats and often feeds the ones that find themselves in the grounds of Syndicate. The kids know her by this and call her cat lady and when the older students heard it, they refer to Sojin as this as well.

Breadjin/Almost everyone/ Her favorite food which she always has in her bag and dorm room. She is a professional when it comes to the types of bread and what flavors there are. It's the snack she eats during classes
Birthdate: 05/19/00 + 20
Hometown: Daejeon, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
- Korean / Her native language
- English / She learned english through audio books, english books, and american tv shows.
Faceclaim: Hyunjin (LOONA)
Back-up Faceclaim: Heejin (LOONA)



Sojin is without a doubt charismatic and beautiful. Heads would turn in her direction as she walks by. Her most prominent feature would be her eyes. They are big and when she smiles, her eyes smile along with her creating that pretty eye smile. She has black and flowy hair and her eye color is brown. 

Sojin is about 163cm tall and weighs 42 kg. She is particularly short but is also really fit and slim which a lot of girls envy. 

Fashion style:


Personality traits:

(+)Friendly, Empathetic, Organized, Independent
(+/-)Prefers solitude, Observant, Intuitive
(-)Secretive, Vengeful, Moody, Prone to burnout


Sojin acts friendly by smiling at those she passes by the hallway and those she catches starring at her. She wraps up conversations on a positive note usually by saying "It was nice talking to you." She is great at listening to others when they want to talk, no matter what the subject she will listen and try to voice out her thoughts on it.

Sojin is an empathetic person. She can sense whether someone was feeling really sad just by looking at them, listening to the way they talk, and observing their actions. Talk to her if you want, she is a good listener and would provide advice if you need any.

She is very neat and organized when it comes to her things and her schedule. Her dorm is always clean and organized and you wouldn't see a spec of dust anywhere. She is that student in class who has a journal to keep track of everything. She puts all the things she needs to accomplish in her to do list part of that journal.

Sojin doesn't really need assistance when she does what she does though she does appreciate it when someone wants to lend a helping hand. She feels so accomplished when she finishes a task alone and the joy it brings also boosts up her confidence. Sojin knows what to prioritize first, leaving the less important things to be done on a later date and focus on what needs to be done at the moment.

(Prefers Solitude)
She feels freedom from the entire world when she is alone. She gets to have time to invest in herself when she is alone. She could do whatever she wants whenever she is alone. She isn't saying that she would always want to be alone, there are just times when she would prefer to be in solitude and there are times when she would want to be around her friends. Conflicting yes but that is what she is like.

Sojin can notice the smallest details in her surroundings. She'll notice that a pen has been missing from one of the desks in a classroom when she came back. She would see the difference in posture of someone when they were happy or down in the dumps. 

She practices deductive reasoning as well, she'd try to figure out solutions to things based from her observations. She can acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning. She can spot lies easily and can sense when something is wrong or if something bad is going to happen which is how she avoids most dangers in her life. Its really hard hiding something from her since she can tell when you are hiding something. This trait developed ever since the incident from her past.

She prefers to keep her past, her thoughts, and her feelings to herself and doesn't express them openly. She is afraid of people getting hurt when she tells them how she truly feels. Even if she is clearly hurt, she would deny it and say that she was feeling alright. Sojin feels as if she is a burden whenever she shares her problems with her friends and thus she just keeps them to herself.

Hell hath no fury like a Sojin scorned. She'd express a great deal of hate towards those who do her or anyone she cares about wrong. It's all about getting revenge cause she believes in "an eye for an eye". She'll get you no matter what you do so you better start praying to your god that she doesn't go full force on your .

Sojin is very unpredictable when it comes to how she currently feels. There will be times where she would prefer to be alone and avoid people and then there would be times when she would be happy and all friendly. It's like a switch that goes on and off but you have no idea when it's on or off. It makes it very difficult for people to understand her. 

(Prone to burnout)
She can't handle stress well especially when it comes at her all at once or even when it starts piling up on her. Many things can cause her stress and she could handle them one at a time but when it all comes to her right away without her having time to deal with it, she burns out and breaks down into tears.




-Likes (min 4.)
-Dislikes (min 4.)
-Habits (min 3.)
-Hobbies (min 3.)
-Fears (min 2.)
-Trivia (min 8.)


|Na Seohee|Traits|Closeness|FC: Moon Sook

Enemy/Childhood Friend|Kang Minwoo|See app|Closeness|FC: Kihyun (MONSTA X)

Childhood Friend|Yoo Changbin|Traits|Closeness|FC: Jooheon (MONSTA X)

Close Friend|Lee Namshin|Traits|Closeness|FC: Minhyuk (MONSTA X)

Close Friend|Lee Yeoshin|Traits|Closeness|FC: Hana (Gugudan)

Friend|Yang Yeejin|Traits|Closeness|FC: Wang Yireon

power: enhanced speed
Back-up: physical augmentation


Sojin can move much faster than the average human, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. She can control the level of her acceleration so that she doesn't always move in high speeds. Sojin's powers allow her to be immune to the effects of high speed travel(burning clothes, .


 -Accelerated Movement
Sojin can move her body parts to propel herselves quicker than the average human. Sojin    can move fast in any/all forms of movement, including running, burrowing, climbing,        crawling, swimming, jumping, and sliding as well as any forms of movement.

 -Accelerated Perception
Sojin's mind and senses process information at such speeds that time appears to have      slowed down, allowing her to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see        and respond accordingly. For example, seeing a bullet coming towards her, she'd be able    to dodge it in time because her sense process this information quicker than the average    human which would appear like time has slowed down enough for her to step out of the      pathway of the bullet.

 -Slow Motion
  Sojin can move so fast that everything else appears to slow down or stop while she        moves normally.

 -Tornado Creation
  Sojin can create tornadoes by either running in cirlces really quickly or making a        circular motion with her arms. She needs to continuously running or moving her arms to    continue the duration of the tornado, otherwise it disappears.

 -Time travel
  Sojin hasn't been able to run speeds fast enough to travel to the past or future. Only    skilled and experienced users of her abilities have been able to do so. It is possible    for her to travel through time if she reaches the right speed. Using this ability          leaves her drained completely which could lead to her being stuck in the timeline she      travelled to until she finally has the strength to go back.

-Requires her to consume a lot of food due to the amount of calories she burns when she uses this ability
-In general, using her powers drains a lot of energy from her so increasing the speed at which she moves would also mean that her powers would drain more energy from her. If she uses it to much, it'll leave her exhausted or she'd pass out from the exhaustion and it could lead to her body experiencing fatigue which would leave her bedridden.

Lee Namshin
something they say to your character

Name: Lee Namshin
Faceclaim: Minhyuk (MONSTA X)
Back-up Faceclaim: Minhyuk (MONSTA X)
Personality Traits: See App
Elaboration: See App

First Meeting: Here

Development: Here

Interactions: Here

Status: Here

-min 5.

Ideal Ending: Here



Last part

Comments: ...

Scene requests: You can go crazy here XD.

Password: So, what do you think? 


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