CLASS 1-A STUDENT FILE ― 藤本 晴花. (#335 & #bbf)

yamato maihime aka nadeshiko's charanari (w788 x h472)
scroll for info
10점 만점의 10점
nagihiko (shugo chara) - 110wh
NAME : fujimoto haruka
. . . . . . . ( 藤本 晴花 )
                *click for meanings
ALIAS : hanako ( 華子 )
` literally the 'child of hana' (or child of a flower); a reference to his quirk guide hanami and how they merge in order to transform as per magical girl boy transformations and his quirk
` haru a shortened, "more manly" version of his name; he answers to haruka without issue so it depends on the person which they prefer to use
savage more title than nickname, it refers to his sharp tongue and the way he unhesitatingly roasts people who do or say stupid / ist things
yamato nadeshiko a reference to how beautiful he is and how, on the surface, he appears to be a demure housewife type though he does not like this nickname since most who use it are literally calling him a girl
DOB ( AGE ) : 14 feb. ( 16 )
okayama, japan (fuji park; city)
HOMETOWN : okayama, japan

` japanese 100% his native tongue; can double as a walking dictionary and has a wide vocabulary, all the more words to burn people with
korean 75% tutored for six years now; practiced / used when meeting his family's business partners; has an accent but is still understandable
FACECLAIM : yamato nagihiko (shugo chara)
BACK-UP : kinoa hideyoshi (baka to test to shoukanjuu)
HEIGHT : 167 cm; 5 ft 6 in
WEIGHT : 55 kg; 121 lbs

STYLE : haruka is the person who wears his uniform properly, tie and all. his clothes outside of school are simple but fashionable, usually long sleeves and layers because he gets cold easily. he will emphasize his androgyny in his outfits, playing up his lean and elegant figure without shame. formally, he knows which kinds of suits cut the best look on him and wear them as necessary. when dressed in female clothes - skirts, dresses, kimonos - whether that be for fun, dancing, missions in the future maybe - his body language shifts to complete the illusion. in all, a figure who knows and plays to his strengths, unafraid to dress and / or act like a girl but a male all the same.
HERO COSTUME : a long, flowing kimono with an incredibly long obijime and an intricate sode from his back like butterfly wings. wisteria flowers tying his long hair up. a summonable pair of tessen and a naginata, fitting into his aesthetic.
yamato maihime
❝ worry more about how i fight, not how i look. ❞
the soul.
POS : composed, mannered, unflappable, charitable
NEU : forthright, pacifistic, dedicated, observant
NEG : repressive, passive, perfectionist, vicious
AKA : slytherin, isfp: the adventurer, neutral good
#lookslikeagirl #butisaboy
#lookslikeacinnamonroll #butcankillyou
recipe to make haruka:
manners ....... 9 tbsps
androgyny ....... 2.5 qts
self-control ....... 3.1 lbs
masculinity ....... 17 ozs
shade ....... a dash
ishida uryuu (bleach)
fujisaki nagihiko (shugo chara)
sengoku mei (mizutama honey boy)
` stranger across the room, you see a beautiful girl, full of poise and with an undeniable grace that draws eyes - envious and admiring. her eyes meet yours, lips pulled into a smile from laughing with her classmates, and you think to talk to her, to begin a friendship that blooms into romance. and so you go, swagger in your steps, but the second the compliment for the flower leaves your lips, you see the way her smile seems to turn into something frosty while the cat-eyed male beside her pointedly puts a hand on her shoulder, calming her and warning you all in one. you escape, because clearly you were talking about the. actual. flower. behind her! yes. (why were all the cute ones always taken?!)

` acquaintance you've vaguely heard of and run into haru, the savage. mostly, you just wonder how a boy can be such a yamamoto nadeshiko. the tales of how he's withstood the chaos of ua are literally innumerable and you'd think he didn't care if it weren't so obvious from those same tales that he very much did. in a way, you see how he's going to be a wonderful hero - his very pre-quirk-hero-esque powers aside: his ability to maintain his cool, his impeccable manners, and well-known generosity paint him to be a ready-made hero already. although, you add absent-mindedly as the subject of your musings verbally destroys his opponent, he'd be a debilitating villain if he ever wanted.
` classmate finding haru, you know, is easier than everyone thinks. look for the eye of the storm in 1-a's chaos or toru; he'll be somewhere within the vicinity. as expected, you find him and show him the costume idea you'd spent all night working on. he doesn't even blink at your sudden appearance and tells you the truth, like always, without pulling any punches about the impractical parts. something crashes into the window, and haru alone reacts appropriately and only blinks at the bird that crashed. you'd think him unwary except the last villain attack? he'd been the first to counter though it'd been in the middle of the night with everyone asleep. how he keeps calm is forever a mystery.
` friend you are no longer surprised at the way haru seems to know everything. embarrassed at times, yes, but surprised no. because he knows everything - even that you haven't slept in over twenty-four hours due to nightmares and dark what-ifs. though part of you bristles instinctively when he confronts you about it, a soft question with sharp (but also softened) eyes dissecting your every move, the larger part of you knows how hard it was on his part; for all of his worry, haru hates any conflict and avoids all sources of friction - ironic with his budding career choice. he backs off slightly at the frown turning your lips, but when you call him over, he smiles, understanding, and you relax.
` best friend contradiction, thy name is fujimoto haruka. how haru lives like this, you don't know, but you smother a laugh when you think of haru watching 1-a's antics and haru with pretty much anything else. it is, you muse, possibly a reaction to his family's teachings: hard work beat into his character when all he wants to do is watch. it would, you realize make sense with what you see: haru smiling calmly as 1-a dissolves into tomorrow-is-the-test-ah! panic; haru not even blinking twice when movie night dissolves into a food fight; but also: haru holding his quirk until he passes out with exertion; haru refusing to sleep when he still has another page to write. haru, you think wryly, cares too much.
` love interest you know, more than anyone, how much haru gives up and holds back. it is, you think, a split second look - a gleam that tells you how he'd rather wrap important people up in bubble wrap or cheat a little on his strict diet or just even try a relationship - a second of longing. no one thinks haru has any desires with the way he acts like they don't exist, but you know better. it is why you also know how hard he tries, the blood and tears that he's shed when all others think the passivity he has in the face of 1-a chaos extends to his training especially with the supposed "ease" he wields his quirk. but you notice and know because that ease only comes after pushing himself past limits.
` tl;dr the appearance of beauty and grace, but rather than punching people in the face, cutting them where they are most disgraced. honesty given freely and without pretense. manners and placid expressions belying his acidic tongue and further camoflauging his strength. a masculinity of character tempered by the feminity of his appearance and surface level observations. the cool head needed to be a hero combined with a generosity that seeks to give. disguises on top of misdirection and further disguises, all utilized with the cunning mind made to not just play but to win. a slytherin disguised as a hufflepuff. a boy disguised as a girl. a hero disguised as a bystander. someone who is not who he seems.
the history.
cue lights.
` adagio haruka is born early in the morning to a family of traditions, known for their elegant and beautiful dances - the epitome of femininity. as per an ancient, if not somewhat strange, family tradition, he is raised as a girl - skirts and all - in order to ward off a jealous spirit who eats all male children within the household. his quirk manifests both early and late, a pink egg found in his bed on the morning of his fourth birthday but not hatching until he is near double that age. (in the meantime, he carries the egg - 'hanami' he names it for the flower on its surface - with him everywhere. people whisper that 'haru-chan' might be quirkless as if he is a disease. he soon learns how to use his words as his weapon when he has to pretend he's an elegant girl and not fight back.)
` andante he is graduating elementary and entering middle school when he is finally allowed to attend as himself rather than as a her. quirks are strange so most people don't even blink at hanami's presence by his shoulder. a few attempt to pick on him for dressing as a girl and occasionally acting like one, but his smile turns to ice and his eyes are glaciers as he cuts them down neatly and primly. he doesn't often step in between fights for others, but when he does, people know that the opposition has gone too far if savage haru makes an appearance to fight on someone else's behalf. one thing they quickly learn haru cannot tolerate is discrimination and that earns haru's knife-like words faster than anything else. (conversely, chaos never earns haru's disapproval.)
` allegro haru, unlike most people, can say he literally woke up one day and decided to be a hero. it isn't a new thought at all; given his pre-quirk-era super-hero-transformation-esque quirk and general defender-of-all attitude, people have brought it up and suggested it'd suit him since his sharp tongue first came to the defense of other. however, his parents have made it no secret that they desire him to inherit their family's business. for a time, he thought the same. it takes a dream - a literal one - for him to reconsider. in it, he simply inherits his family's business, grows famous, marries, and raises his child. it is completely ordinary. it is, he finds, just not for him. he tells his parents that night of how he wants to do more. they laugh, wondering when he'd finally speak up about it.
` presto haru applies and gets into ua through the normal exam one, entering through the doors of 1-a one fine, sunny day. he has no idea what's in store. he has a few ideas of guaranteed and repeating events - moving into the dorms and local jerks receiving the bite of his words with the expectation of new friends to be made - but he has no idea just what is coming up. he wouldn't imagine video game tournaments or ridiculous training ideas both hilarious and educational or fights for his life or his quirk developing as far as it does or making lifelong friends who see him beyond his femininity (or even a lover as understanding and kind) or, well, everything. he has broad lines, but the colors are far beyond his expectations. for now, he opens the door to 1-a, both ignorant and hopeful.
curtain fall.
the quirk.
2 / 5
2 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
4 / 5
QUIRK : mahou shoujo / magical girl ( transformer quirk )
registration description the ability to fuse with the physical manifestation of his quirk (and summon specific iems) at the cost of energy. also gains slight increase in physical abilities like strength, speed, durability. (note: while the transformation puts the quirk user at an advantage over other baseline humans, more specialized quirks have near triple or more than the ability of this quirk.)

hanami the manifestation of his quirk, born from the egg that appeared in haru's bed when he turned four. she hatched when he was eight, after he tells her that she can stay an egg all his life, and he'd still love her because she was a part of him. hanami acts like haru but with a touch of childishness as she holds grudges, gets excited over cute things, and generally likes things to go her way and pouts when not. she shows her displeasure by pinching cheeks and ears.

` for all of her whimsy, however, hanami also judges haru's access to his power. while she can't stop him from transforming, she does judge when he's ready to "access more," though when asked, even she doesn't know how much more there is or how to reach it. she also is the one who tells haruka when / what new thing he can summon. it seems to have to do with what he wants most at the time. (ex: flower petals for his dances. tessen for fighting villains.)

fusing fortunately, it does not cause pain nor involve any cheesy lines. it takes a sort of mental switch where haru wants to transform, and they do. hanami must be within haru's vicinity for the transformation to work, and if she is not there, the 'switch' simply doesn't exist. the transformation has an energy limit and once it is used up, the transformation is forcefully undone and hanami must 'recharge' by resting in her egg (and yes, it must be in her egg for it to work).

` fusing takes an initial deposit of energy (to summon the "hero outfit" is the best guess as to why). staying fused takes a much smaller constant flow of energy. summoning items also costs energy. if forcefully undone, haru does not pass out, but only just. it is likened to running a marathon - exhausting, but doable with a lot of training working up to it. so far, can summon: flowers / flower petals, ribbons, tessen (japanese war fans), and naginata.

` haru's transformation with hanami can be measured by the effect of the transformation on haru. their initial fusion was only a minor power-boosting flower hairpin appearing on haru's person. now, haru's entire hero costume is manifested whenever the two fuse together. hanami, when asked, states haru has now reached all the basics of possible summons and can only specialize further (aka transform his transformation instead of extending it).
temari (and egg)
` personal cheerleader
` never "run out" of summons
` slight increase in physical abilities
` versatile applications based on how use quirk
` intuitive understanding on how to use quirk and how to summon
` energy limit
` cannot choose what he learns to summon
` has to learn how to fight with / use summons separately
` need to have hanami within his vicinity in order to transform
` if forcefully detransformed, is basically quirkless and physically exhausted

arguably pro and con based on fusion / transformation appearance constant underestimation, the many jokes about his masculinity / ual preferences, never-ending references to (and memes about) pre-quirk magical girl shows

` tessenjutsu and naginatajutsu since hanami told him he could manifest the weapon in his quirk transformation, he's been attending lessons on both. he is a lot more advanced and adaptable in tessenjutsu, but his naginata attacks have a lot more force to them, helpful for when the opposition are hard hitters.

general summary can definitely fight on his own, but is also willing to work with others (or work around them if they refuse). more of a strategic fighter than an outright brawler since he has to work around his limits. adapts all parts of his transformation to help him, even flower petals as a distraction.
` tessen (japanese war fans) and naginata both summonable with his quirk and more durable than they appear. costs energy to summon but does not need energy to maintain. can be unsummoned at will but automatically disappears when haru detransforms. can summon as many weapons as his energy allows.

ribbons technically his obijime. always on him and can be manipulated at the cost of energy. mostly used for capture but also used it to unlock a door once. amount of control and cost of energy makes it something he cannot use often nor without the element of surprise, a distraction, or allies covering for him.
` jujitsu needs a martial art since his non-transformed combat ability (aka if run out of energy mid-fight) is depressingly low. suggested by either his classmates or his teacher since it's martial art that focuses on redirection rather than force, which is perfect since it'll cover for when he has minimal energy to fight.

hanao a second manifestation of haru's powers in the form of a second guide with a completely separate transformation. in contrast to hanami's abilities to summon weapons at the cost of energy, hanao gives physical boosts at the cost of energy - such as increasing speed or healing rate - with no weapons.
rhythm (and egg)
the facts.
` cats
` sleep
` flowers
` dancing
` soft things
` horror and people's scared reactions (doesn't get scared at all)
` subverting people's preconceived notions of gender and uality
` conflict
` vulgarity
` strong smells
` discrimination
` being forcefully awoken
` people making fun of him dressing as a girl *
` people who push to conform him into existing molds of society
(*: honors his family traditions and took his role as well as the challenge to grow as the at-the-time family heir seriously.
one example of his reaction.)
` dancing
` gardening
` taking naps (and recharging)
` practicing with his quirk / weapons
` listening to audiobooks (usually while practicing or gardening)
` tilts his head when asking questions.
` takes a deep breath before starting tests.
` bites his bottom lip when thinking excessively.
` makes a gesture like tapping a fan on his palm when irritated.
` all the time in all circumstances has on a smile that somehow conveys warmth or lackthereof depending on who it is directed at. (when it's gone, 1-a runs.)
` ambidextrous.
` can cry on command.
` demiromantic and panual.
` can style hair and do makeup.
` can change his clothes super fast.
` is strangely good at finding lost things.
` can fall asleep anywhere and any time instantly.
` has a skincare routine he follows almost religiously every day.
` doesn't get particularly hot or cold but runs slightly warmer than normal.
` ok at cooking but surprisingly good at baking, especially bread. (yes, bread.)
` talented at ikebana and floriography as part of his family's lessons for all children. in contrast, has never tried to play a musical instrument though.
` doesn't play often on his own nor during his free time but is strangely good at video games. can crush seasoned veterans despite playing for the first time (aka the accidental reigning video game tournament champion of 1-a).
` despite being an okayama native, has a standard japanese accent because of his parents and previous / side dancing jobs. speaks very clearly and smoothly to the point that people joke he'll get a side job of being an announcer.
` hanami's egg rests in a cat bed that is shaped like a tent - pink and floral. she picked it out herself on the anniversary of her hatching (aka haru's birthday aka her birthday too). she's allowed to decorate it however she likes within budget.

the fujimoto family a family of famous dancing troupe, known for their feminine grace and beauty. haruka's mother is the current head of the family, and while not everyone is a part of the business, most of them are raised helping out somehow whether as a dancer or behind the stage. boys born in the family are raised as girls until they hit puberty due to a legend about a jealous spirit, but most parents keep up with it until they switch from elementary to middle school because paperwork. haru is the best dancer in his age group and for a long period, believed to be the next head. his direct family, however, knew he'd seek something even bigger and were later unsurprised by his hero dream. but in the meantime, he learnt politics and economics, shadowing his mother.
` simple and neat with white wood and splashes of pastel colors - mostly pink, blue, or lavender. a loft bed with her desk underneath. shelves on the side of the loft bed holding succulents, flowers, and other small plants. a calendar-and-corkboard-combination organizer on the wall. a closet opposite the bed. more plants on the window sill. hanami's mini "room" hidden amongst the greenery.
` in other words, this
vibe but with this layout (or similar to it).
the connections.
uta (tokyo ghoul)
people who know oda and haru well like to say god got a little mixed up when he created them. the two are wildly different (most apparent, oda's frightful appearance and soft nature vs haru's demure appearance and cutthroat nature), but it strangely makes sense for them to get along. haru stands up for oda and softens people's first impressions (since sweet girl smiling at scary boy?), while oda is quick to stop haru from getting into trouble for being a too-firm defender of the misunderstood. the two share the same heroic core and desire to help.

the two met for the first time at the end of elementary school. oda transferred in and rumor said it had to do with his quirk and some incident at his old school. no one except for oda is surprised when haruka - a "girl" at the time and one known to find beauty in all - stands up for him. their friendship is sealed near immediately. oda is quickly accepted by haruka's family and vice versa. even the revelation that oda (and the entire school, really) makes at the entrance of middle school of haru's true gender doesn't earn more than a second glance.
antonio salieri (fate grand order)
oda likes to joke that it was inevitable that alessandro (or 'aless,' as haru prefers to call him) would not be friends with haru when haru is such a staunch fighter against discrimination. in spite of their differing appearances, it isn't really a surprise to see them together. in fact, some like to joke that they're brothers cut from the same high-society sort of cloth, both full of manners and with insights into the more wealthy side of politics. (to which, haru says it'd be an honor to have a younger brother as sweet as aless, and aless is at least a little flustered.)

the "haru crush," as oda deems aless and haru's platonic romance, starts at the entrance exam when someone questions what a "villain" is doing here, and haru's discrimination alarm goes off so fast that oda jokes the jerk was both frozen and burned by the end. once aless finds out haru also get in, he buys haru a simple gift as thanks. (oda groans. "why would you do that?") and so begins the great manners war of 1-a, in which the two are in the midst of a highly supportive gift exchange due to high society expectations and stubbornness.
robin hood (fate series)
looking at the two interact, it's hard to say haru and chance aren't enemies, let alone actually friends given the shade thrown back and forth. to be fair, it isn't mean-hearted or genuine insults, but it is definite roasting, mostly with the intent of challenging. as time passes, haru's challenges sound more like overtures of a sort of rivalry-friendship as chance's jerk facade falls more. after chance's true self comes out, the two become actual friends and rivals as their shade-throwing becomes a lot more playful and a way to rile up villains.

their first interaction is chance being a jerk to prevent someone from trying to befriend him and haru coming to said person's defense. haru's scathing retort hurts more than chance expects, and haru catches the second of faltering before chance pulls himself together. it is that split second that prevents what could have been actual animosity and turns it into the semi-roasting, but mostly-challenging exchange they currently are going through. some ask haru why he bothers, but haru knows it'll be worth it when chase's walls finally fall.
manga wisteria
harumi, the current head of the fujimoto family, can best be summarized as haru's number one supporter. to others, she's enigmatic and seems to be more of an antagonist, but when it comes down to it, everything she does is for haru and his future. she's wise and calculating but also has her moments of impulse. she is the kind of parent to kidnap her own kid to test haru's friends, which, to most of 1-a, explains how haru can stay so calm when he deals with stuff like that from his own home. (villains, at least, are straightforward to fight, they sigh.)
inspiration: gotouda miyabi (honto yajuu)
the partner-in-crime.
NAME : ataeru toru (click here for app)
BACK-UP : another applicant
AGE : 16 (18 sept.)
CLASS : 1-a
QUIRK : cat (emmitter)
pos: attentive, flexible, loyal
neu: observant, quiet, logical
neg: whimsical, negative, antisocial
aka: a human-shaped cat
` a child who always wishes to help but is reluctant to go for heroics with the so-hated spotlight. the discovery of underground heroes in middle school and the following research binge that leads him to eraserhead - underground hero, teacher of deku's ua years, and current principal of ua. the decision to then be the hero he's wanted to be, but underground unlike most other hero hopefuls.
` the two meet when they are paired together a week into school, which stands out because they were voluntold to be partners for every single assignment for every class in one day. they agree to meet after school at the library to discuss their paper assignment for their first class, extend their meeting time when they're paired a second time, share confused looks when it happens a third time, and accept their entwined educational fates by the fifth. by the time their practical battle is announced, they drift together naturally half-hoping-and-not.

` their differing talents naturally come together during the practical, spurred by their mutual cool head and observation paired with their willingness to work together. a feigned falling out between toru and haru to lower their opponent's guards alongside haru's flashy and versatile quirk allows toru to sneakily use his quirk to win the exercise. it is beyond even the teacher's expectations for the two to have clicked so well. ("if you ever need a spotlight hero who can act," haru offers toru who returns the offer for if he ever needs an underground one.)
` with how they dominated the practical, people naturally ask toru and haru if they know each other and comment that it's almost like a fated partnership they clicked so well so quickly. the two finish up their paper assignments together and receive full marks on each, further cementing their future partnership and leading, through their sessions, to their growing friendship. they just mesh well together, personalities, work ethics, and just about everything complimenting each other naturally. (it helps that hanami loves toru for some reason.)
` although haru has always found toru attractive, he hadn't expected it to be more, well, ever. (haru thinks himself aro-pan. for it to turn out he's not is a surprise for himself.) it's hard to say when exactly his feelings shifted, but he knows that one day he wants to take toru's hand in his. another, he finds himself wondering the texture of toru's skin, and it grows. haru thinks it lust at first, but when jealousy unexpectedly stabs haru as someone seemingly asks toru on a date, well, haru knows lust isn't jealous of someone confessing to another.

` the shift from friendship to romance is as subtle as haru's growing feelings. it seems almost like actual fate as their feelings shift at near the same time. (and they both know it's so because of how observant aand in tune with each other they are.) so when haru thinks about holding toru's hand, toru entwines their fingers together. and when toru stares a little too long at haru's lips, haru brings his face closer in offer. and so their relationship shifts, quietly and behind the scenes. it's careful and slow, but it's perfect and just so very . . . them.

` it takes a while for 1-a to realize their friendship has developed into more (minus oda who gleefully teased haru in secret the whole time), but it's met mostly with shrugs of acceptance and only a few jokes about how long the two took to realize they were fated. the dorm supervisors basically ask them to keep it pg behind doors too but aren't worried since they're both good kids. jerks like to tell haru he must be a real girl if he's dating a boy and / or tell toru he's a coward if he can't go out with a real girl. let's just say these jerkfaces learn not to real fast. (1-a probably has a toru♡haru club with hanami as president.)

` in public, haru and toru hold hands at most. in the dorms though, they might take naps together in the common room. some of the more bold and curious members of class tell them they should be more openly affectionate, to which haru implied further affection isn't safe for public eyes. (cue fangirl screams.) but behind closed doors alone, they're mostly the same as before but with constant hand holding and cuddles now. yes, kisses are exchanged at times, but both don't feel the need to go further, especially if hanami is in the room.
ENDING : author's choice
STATUS : friends / mutually growing feelings
` demiual.
` ambidextrous.

` can purr like a real cat.
` has a fear of loud sounds like thunder.
` is a big fan of movies, especially studio ghibli.
` isn't scared of ghosts and horror but will still jump at jump scares.
` due to his stronger senses: because his vision is so good, keeps his screen dimmer than most people. long-term exposure to bright screens hurts his eyes. hates bad scents and will actively avoid things / areas with bad scents.

toru and haru together
` toru likes braiding haru's hair.
` toru thinks haru looks beautiful in a dress but hot in a suit.
` toru loves napping with haru, because haru is so warm and scent marking.
` the first time haru slow blinks at toru (which is a sign of affection from cats), toru actually becomes flustered and hides his face. (haru kisses toru after.)
` sometimes while napping together, haru will rub his cheek against toru's hair because it's so soft and toru loves it because it's like saying "mine" in cat but it's also embarrassing because it's unconsious and doesn't mean anything. (haru hears about this from their classmates one day and walks into toru's room, rubbing their cheeks together very pointedly and flustering toru once again.)
he wasn't sure why he was called alone--only to find that he's the only one in the 1-a classroom.
however, he's not entirely alone. what he saw in front of him was the symbol of peace standing by the windows, his eyes focused on the forest surrounding the building.
haru merely blinks, surprised but more worried as to what the presence of the number one hero at their school means.
deku turned around, a smile gracing his lips when he saw the student and waved.
"hello! you must be haruka! i'm happy that you agreed to come here even if all might didn't told you why you needed to."
"hello," he returns demurely, relaxing infinitesimally as deku's bright greeting shows that if there is trouble on the horizon, it isn't to occur right now. "anything for a top hero."
"please sit," he courteously pointed at the familiar chairs where he and his classmates sat on.
haru politely takes the offered chair, looking up at the top hero attentively.
deku leaned on the table, crossing his arms across his chest before staring at him. the seriousness in his face is enough to make him nervous already. deku is the symbol of peace and number one hero in japan, after all.
"to explain why i called you here, and same goes to the others previously, i'm going straight to the point," he stared at him. "japan is in danger, more or less."
haru raises a brow in both alarm, head tilting slightly to the side with unspoken questions.
"tell me, why did you chose ua instead of other schools who also offer hero courses? you do know their reputation--especially during my generation back then."
haru pauses, organizing his thoughts at the abrupt change of subject.
"i chose ua, because the school has overcome once and can overcome again," he states smoothly, vague but in the best way to encapsulate his reasons. his smile shifts for half a second at his next words, turning to something more taunting than polite. "nothing wrong with a little challenge either."
"do you want to become a hero?" he tilted his head, loud and clear emerald eyes piercing right through him. it's almost intimidating despite the kind and innocent expression he's wearing.
"yes." the answer is short and simple - honest.
"then i'm asking you this; if me and the pro-heroes needed back-up, would you come? would you help us?"
"if i didn't come to help," haru retorts, conviction clear in his voice, "i wouldn't deserve to be a hero."
the hero smiled, nodding slowly and pushed himself away from the table. the sound of his heavy iron black soles clashing with the cemented floor echoed throughout the empy classroom, and deku just chuckled.
"work hard, young haruka. thank you for your time," he gave him a thumbs up. "make all of us proud, including yourself."
COMMENTS : it took, like, a year and a half, and i am so sorry. please take my flower boy as tribute. he was a roller coaster to write, and i'm still shook at how long he took (and that he's finally done). i hope he meets all expectations and that you have fun writing him and just using him as an amusing audience member of 1-a's chaos. i'm looking forward to the story. i kept toru pretty vague since you obviously know him better (and because it was the end of the app, so i was losing the re-lit steam i had), but i hope i wrote enough about their love story. sorry again for the time gap, but thank for writing the story and not closing it this entire time.
PASSWORD : eraserhead (gif)
` daily life with 1-a an arc full of misc. stories from the dorms like video game tournaments, organizing chore charts, study sessions, pranks, baking contests, and just teens being wild since they're missing their adult supervision. (of course, haru will gladly watch the chaos happen with an innocent smile while toru sighs.)

haru's family is wild haru's mom kidnaps him but stages it as a real kidnapping. 1-a must rescue him. (his teachers are, obviously, told, but are "coincidentally" too busy to hear from 1-a about what happened.) at the end, they think nothing can beat the chaos of that incident. this opinion lasts until they realize haru has a huge family, full of theater nerd / drama queen equivalents with his mom at the head. (this is, haru tells them honestly, only the beginning.)

united, we stand whenever one member of 1-a is picked on, the rest will soon follow to back him / her up. it takes a bit of time for the world to catch up to that fact of life.


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n hey a trap we can always apprecuate traps JAJAJSJ
you had me at shugo chara