
Hey whoever is reading this,


I am in college now and needless to say I am stressed as . I seem to be unhappy at what I’m pursuing which is nursing (I’m Filipino, it’s not surprising). I’m failing my science class which is anatomy and physiology but I’m getting A’s in my other classes. I’m not officially declared for nursing as I’m just preparing for it but I know I’m not going to get into the program. I I’m thinking about switching to a graphic design major but I feel bad for giving up. 

I don’t know what to do. If y’all have tips that’ll be great. 


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Hi! Hope you don't mind me writing a novel but your situation reminds me so much of my own a few years ago. I'm Filipino and initially studied nursing because of family and not knowing what else to do with my life. I actually got into a program but ended up failing my medical-surgical class because I was stressed and unmotivated. I felt awful and cried so much afterwards, but I ended up not reapplying for the program because I knew deep down inside, nursing wasn't what I wanted to do with my life.

A lot of people say nursing is just a job, but I thinking it's a vocation. A very demanding one that requires tons of passion, dedication and knowledge. Nurses do so much work that's physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting, and often they don't even get acknowledged for it. They're required to constantly restudy their sciences and nursing theories b/c they have to renew their licenses and that knowledge is what's going to keep their patients healthy. It takes so much to be a nurse, more than what people really expect. So anyone who's going into it b/c of money or other people's expectations is going to get burnt out quickly. The only nurses I know who are happy are the ones who genuinely wanted to be nurses from the get-go.

So with that being said, my advice to you is to switch to a major you really love and feel passionate about. Don't feel bad about giving up! Think of it as you taking steps towards a future you really want. In the long-run, you'll save yourself a lot of stress and money (nursing school is EXPENSIVE, I got loans on top of my loans ahhh). You can pursue what you love. You just have to be practical and proactive about it.

I recommend talking to an academic adviser for the graphic design major as soon as possible. They can help you figure out what classes you've taken already will switch over and what you'll have to take next. I also recommend talking to a career counselor if your school has one. They're a really great resource for what careers in graphic design or any major are out there. They should also know if there are internships to apply for, which I also recommend doing every semester/quarter if you can.

Through some trial and error, lots of random classes, internships, and a thesis, I eventually ended up with a job in healthcare administration and I actually like it a lot! It even exposed me to healthcare analytics, which I'm thinking about going to grad school for.

So it's never too late to start new and find something you're passionate about. Just finish up the school year as strong as you can and move forward with a new path. If you have any questions or just need to vent, feel free to message me :)

Best of luck and you can do it!!!
I think it's important to do what you like ... You'll be doing it for a long time so it's best to follow your heart while you can. Before that, try talk to your prof , parents , senior , and anyone from both of the field for advice , then make the best decision for yourself
Follow your heart. If you feel like you will regret taking nursing in the future then it's better to switch now. If you are passionate about graphic designing then go for it. Trust me when I say that you are not giving up. Being a nurse - it's a noble career but if you are not passionate about it you may harm others and yourself. Hope this helps. Fighting