
Since I'm collegeless as of the moment (starting next semester) I've been relaxing and taking my time bc honestly once I'm in college I'll be busy af.  I'm going into nursing so I'll be super busy studying and volunteering.  I feel sort of left out bc most of my friends left for college and are having a blast with dorm life but I'm happy they're experiencing something new.  With my free time I was able to travel more, still hang out with friends who stayed in the town, and I don't have to deal with homework!!(wish I had more money to go somewhere else cuz I want to go to Singapore).  

Also, I've been cooking so much more trying new recipes and just overall improving my skill.  Wish I could become a chef but they don't make much money so maybe it'll just be an obsessive hobby.

I really want to go offline and not use my phone bc I've been noticing that social media annoys me and makes me procrastinate. The only way I could do that is if I work but do i really want to work?? Are you guys travelling or just relaxing? I hope you are bc there's just so much going on in the world sometimes you need a break.  


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