Tired from School

Hello everyone. I'm so tired with school. I fail my Add Maths and I'm extremely busy. I am here because I need to cheer myself up, but I don't know how. I feel so gloomy and I realised something. I faked my own self. Funny right? Even I didn't know about it. I knew it but I didn't k ow I'll go overboard until I lose the real me.

I barely slept nowadays to complete assignments and I put most stories on hold... IDK if I can handle this. Haha.... I feel so dull.


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I dont know how to react but its ok to fail.
No one become suceed in a first time.
Everyone in this world have fail.please dont to push yourself .take a break and sleep you need it ^_^. If you think is so hard ,think about your dream or your ambition :-D. Be happy;)
It's okay to fail. You can always try harder for your next test. I think as long as you have done your best it's fine. Don't push yourself too much. If you feel tired , take a break first then you can continue with your work . Take good care . Try balance / space out your time