About Me

So everyone does these question things and I don't want to copy anyone's questions so I'll just make my questions up. 

Let's begin!

What is your name?

My first name is the same name as Zico's real name, Ji-ho but it's spelled Gihoe by me (which I really hate my parents for). My last name is the same as Seo Kang Joon! Seo! So my name is Seo Gihoe. And I know this was a long explanation, but I really don't want people to pronounce my name wrong so yeah........

How tall are you?

I am 5 ft 2 inches..........2.5 inches to be exact..........lolz

How much do you weigh?

No comment......but I'll give you a hint. Around 0 lbs to 100000000000 lbs. 

How big are you hands?

My friends are obsessed with hands and stuff so I actually measured my names to find out they are exactly 6 inches long. So, 6 inches.


If you didn't know, I'm a girl. 

Feet size?

It varies. Sometimes a 4 in this store, and a 6 in another store, but in milimeters, around 205? I don't know if it's accurate and it's probably not, but hey. It's around that long.

Favorite subject in school?

Used to be math but now that I'm in freaking high school (god i feel old for some reason) it's english cause it's easy.


One older sister who is 9 years older than me, and two younger brothers. One is 3 years younger, the other 5 years younger. I have a (terrible) mom and a (horrible) dad. 


None, cause my parents killed them all.

Special talents?

Ahhh........I have one. I can get my mom and dad madder at me quicker than a rattlesnake when it goes to bite you. It's like.......one minute I'm eating dinner and I tell them it's yummy and then the next they start yelling at me how fat I am and need to lose it and they take the food away to give me candy the next second. I don't understand them really. 


I used to swim, play tennis, play soccer, run in cross country and track, but now it's all stopped for golf. 


14 years old. 


Samsung S8. ^^ it's so much better than the iPhones tbh I'm super glad I switched. 

Eye color?

It's a dark brown but in some lights it turns into a caramel color but it might be my stupid pathetic hopeful mind.

Skin color?

According to the people at my school, I'm yellow......but I think I'm like Kai, but a bit lighter than him. Just slightly. 



But I'm not sure sometimes. I think I might be adopted for many reasons. My entire family has double eyelids, but me. My entire family has this specific nose shape, but me. My entire family is light skinned, but me. My entire family has a fast metabolism, but me. And I still have never seen my birth certificate. So..................yeah.......


I can speak Korean and English and recently, I've gotten really good in Spanish so I can say a few sentences in it and actually hold a conversation. 

Hair color? 

A dark brown that always has blonde at its tips. Seriously. Before I dyed my hair, I have never bleached my hair and it has almost white blonde tips that gradually got darker to the roots. It was really weird and I cut it off, thinking it was dead hair. But it turned blonde at the tips again and trust me, I am taking care of it healthily! Putting hair masks and t it regularly, I just think it might be due to stress or something mysterious.... I just cut it yesterday. It was down to my waist and it was the healthiest I ever had it, the blonde tips weren't there but it was really light brown. So I cut it to my shoulders. It's pretty cute and I think it suits me really well. Makes me look like a human and not a troll according to my mom.

Future job?

I aspire to become a lawyer or a surgeon, but I have a natural hand tremor so the surgeon is almost out of my dreams. Lawyer it is! (Maybe). 

Dream job?

*blush* ...............singer.......................

I'm not bad! My friends once told me to audition somewhere but I really don't want to. The percentage of failure is super high and you have to be pretty or at least look like you're talented, I unfortunately do not fit in that category. 

Guilty pleasure?

Secretly eating candy at night and ignoring the calories. Then weighing myself and breathing out a sigh of relief to see the scale didn't show that I gained 2000000000000000 lbs. 



Soooooooooooooo, I really cannot think of more questions for me to answer at the moment so if you have more questions about me (i bet you don't) that you want answered, comment (but I doubt anyone will) and I will willingly reply!



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