I'm gonna regret saying this.

Is it bad to hate someone? Maybe I'm being bitter, but I can't get myself to like her. It doesn't make sense why I dislike someone so much. Everyone says she's nice, and fun and perfect.

She has a boyfriend in college, amazing PSAT results and gorgeous friends. Maybe I'm jealous. Maybe I'm annoyed that I wrote her an apology for hating her because I honestly do want to get to know her better. Maybe I'm annoyed that I say hi to her when she was new and all I got back was a slight smile and a girl who stole my friend. Maybe that's it.

Maybe I'm being bitter for having interest in her when she seemed to care less. Maybe I'm jealous that her life seems so perfect. Maybe I'm annoyed that she brings her new friends that are attractive but don't know English and drive me to a little corner of a table (at least my other friend apologized for it.) Maybe I'm angered that she can get away with cheating when honestly people worked hard to get their grade.

Maybe I'm annoyed that she always speaks Korean and only seems to ask for answers in English.

I thought I didn't hate her anymore because I got over that guy that wanted her even if he denied he didn't like her. I don't know I'm praying that I can get over this huge dislike. It's ugly and I don't like it at all.

I don't like being driven to a corner, I don't like being left for someone like her, I don't like thinking such horrible thoughts about someone I don't know that well and yet I want to know her better.

I don't like this at all.

So is it bad to hate someone like that..?


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It's not bad to hate someone; although hate is such a strong word. But after I read your entry, more or less "hate" would be an appropriate word. Even if you dislike her that much, don't lose your cool, you still have your dignity and self-respect. Don't be blinded with your emotions. I guess this problem could be solved if you would be frank with each other - you know, open up. And if she doesn't understand English that much, you could get someone with the same nationality to do the interpretation for you.
Life's like this. It tests you, it challenges you, it bombards you with problems. However, problems are only 1% of the whole picture. 99% comes from HOW you solve the problem.
There is a wide array of solutions, so pick the one with the best outcome. This isn't for me to decide - it's your decision to make.
Best of luck! :)
It's so NOT bad to hate someone.
I hate someone like that, but for some other reasons too.
The reasons she annoys you are valid reasons to hate her, don't worry.