shin kina

a human being made out of 101% softie material.
married to animes and ramen, she's pretty much your average fresh uni student.
that type of person who tidies up and arranges your underwear and
socks in color order when you didn't even ask her to.
WHO IS KINA? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
BIRTHNAME shin kina 신키나
•ᴥ• kiki everyone a general nickname. though kina is not very thrilled with this certain nickname, as it makes her feel like she's a pet
•ᴥ• kina-chan other tenants affiliated with her love for animes, thus the stereotypical japanese nickname emerged. kina's not too thrilled either with this nickname. she knows other tenants means well when calling her this, but to her it feels like everyone is labelling her weeaboo (in capitals)
•ᴥ• snorlax close friends/tenants if she's not binge watching anime while eating ramen in midnight, she's sleeping. is a heavy sleeper and sleeps everywhere, anywhere. snorlax is also her favourite pokemon character, coincidentally
•ᴥ• pockina close friends another cringe-y nickname.  its due to kina's "pocket" size, or just another cute way of saying she's short. can also be seen as combining pocky and kina together, due to her undying love for pocky
BIRTHDAY(AGE) 28.08.98 19
BIRTHPLACE seoul, sk
HOMETOWN seoul, sk

ETHNICITY korean (with a sprinkle of kawaii)
•ᴥ• korean fluent mother tongue
•ᴥ• japanese intermediate years of dedication to her religion (aka anime) led to her being interested in learning japanese. doesn't necessarily use japanese in daily life, but throws in one or two words in conversations such as yamete, kuso etc

FACECLAIM wjsn's yeoreum
                      backup gfriend's umji, omg's arin
APPEARANCE generally looks like a 5 years old (physically and mentally). raven black hair that cascades past her shoulders, almost reaching her elbows. round cat-like eyes, button nose, and soft full lips. with an addition of baby fat on her cheeks, its not uncommon for people to mistake kina as a middle school student. a shortie with a creamy pale complexion, kina's beauty is unnoticed. her overall appearance screams soft.
STYLE contrasting what one might generally think, kina doesn't dress in a kawaii manner. most of kina's outfits are handmedowns from her dad so expect a lot of turtlenecks, stripes, flannels, sweater vests and loose baggy jeans in her daily life. cotton blouses, sweaters, hoodies, mom jeans, pinafores, dungarees, add in a bomber jakcet or blazer if the occasion requires a more fancy attire. rarely wears anything sleeveless, and is more comfortable wearing shorts than short skirts. likes to layer her clothes such as wearing a tshirt on top of a striped turtleneck, or a camisole on top of a tshirt.

ELABORATION *:・゚✧*:・゚✧



leo griffinpuff infj
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
warm gentle merciful trustworthy cheery sensible loyal

airheaded naive lazy headstrong absentminded sensitive perfectionist

[insp : noragami's iki hiyori with a sprinkle of knk's kuriyama mirai]

a kind insightful soul, seeks to help others in need without expecting anyting in return. gentle, not easily provoked. tries to put up with everyone and is generally tolerant, unbiased. she'll forgive you even if you accidentally lose her secret collection studio ghibli movies. a softie who eats sunlight and shines brighter than the sun itself. despite kina's somewhat child-like personality, she's quite mature. like a grownup stuck in a child's body. hard to get close too but once you earn her trust, she'll have your back and protects you with her nonexistent powers.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

a bit of a fool sometimes, not in a clumsy way, but literal fool. its quite a contrast to the triple digits of her iq. innocent to the core, she might be mature but her knowledge is that of a 5 years old. a sloth at home, your resident couch potato. like she does her assignments one day before the deadline (yet still manages to get a high score. wtfudge?). believes in what she wants to believe, has her feet firmly grounded on her principles, so it can take quite some time to let her accept things she doesn't like. has an imagination way too high for her own good, and spaces out 24/7. quiet and a bit guarded, but once you get to know her, you find that she's quite awkward and a sensitive chibi. a perfectionist.

living that uni life
as a first year chemical engineering major student in hongik uni, life is not very nice to kina. she's quite the busy bee and is trying her best to maintain clean A grades and get that 4.0 gpa, hopefully. she has classes on every day of the week (except weekends, otherwise she'll explode). her general schedule :
MON - WED - FRI : 09.00 - 17.00
TUES - THURS : 07.00 - 15.00
*includes lunch breaks, break time, etc. doesn't include group tasks, projects, discussion, extra lectures, independent studying at the library, etc
she doesn't come back home more later than 8 pm otherwise misun unnie and taeyong mommy would kill her. if she does have group tasks or study sessions, she'll be home more later than 5 pm, and would probably finish around 7 pm-8 pm. kina usually wakes up at 7 am on monday, wednesday and friday. before going to uni, she'll help clean the home share, cook breakfast, do the laundry, take out the trash, do the dishes, etc (basically becoming yongsun's tiny helper in keeping the house together and bacteria free). on tuesdays and thursdays she wakes up at 6 am. if she's lazy or beat up from staying up late watching anime until 3 am, she'll sleep in and wakes up at 8 am or later (on mon-wed-fri. if she does that on tues-thurs, she's dead meat for sure). after uni, she'll go straight back home because she doesn't have much of a social life and friends. if she's feeling up to it, she'll go to a cafe that provides free wifi or to do her assignments there before going back home.

at home, aka natural habitat
the only living proof of kina's existence in the share house is the soft sound of her footsteps going back and forth from the kitchen to refill her ramen, or her snoring her day away as you pass by her room. its not that she locks herself up or is antisocial, no. if the other tenants asked kina to join along eating outside, or whenever its dinner time kina definitely comes out of her cave. kina is mostly in her room, a warm bowl of ramen in front while her laptop screen blasts anime. if she's not watching anime she's sleeping, doing her uni assignments last minute, help doing the house chores, read webtoons, studying, etc. in short, she either sleeps or watches anime + keep calm and ramen on.

second hell after uni aka job
goes to work on saturday mornings from 9 am until 3 pm. her job hours can exceed until late at night, around 8 pm (which means extra kaching$), depending on the number of customers that goes to the cafe. works as a waitress in a kawaii rilakkuma-themed cafe. kina works because eventhough she's not on a full/partial scholarship, the money her dad sends her every month doesn't fully cover her living expenses and tuition fees. plus, she wants to learn to be independent and not trouble her dad, not wanting to burden her dad financially.

if she ever steps out of her cave
if kina is not in her couch potato mode, she usually goes outside to enjoy the fresh air. sometimes kina would go for a morning jog, asks the other tenants to come and join her or tag along with the other tenants in whatever they're doing. kina doesn't usually bother the tenants if she's bored, she'll probably make up a way, some way, to shoo away her boredom without the need of the other tenants' attention or company. but in the end, kina can only entertain herself for so long before her boredom reached its limit. thus kina ends up going to the other tenants for some company, anything, to keep herself entertained. she usually minds her own business unless there's a real emergency. if everyone's busy with they're own leisure activities, kina would probably go on a solo adventure (read : trip) to a nearby cafe, public library, cinema or a park. kina goes back home at least once a month.


•ᴥ• literally eats ramen so much she needs to stop before she dies of ramen overdose
•ᴥ• loves studio ghibli animation very much. some of her favourite animes that are not from ghibli are naruto, kyoukai no kanata, shingeki no kyojin, one piece, yuri on ice, kuroko no basket, sword art online, and the list goes on
•ᴥ• quite fond of memes
•ᴥ• doesn't like anime dub and prefers to see anime with subs
•ᴥ• loves pocky, but her a1 pocky is chocolate banana
•ᴥ• kina's an only child. she's quite awkward when it comes to socialization because she didn't have much friends since she was little due to her reserved self
•ᴥ• likes webtoons, night rain, fluffy blankets, steaming hot ramen, braiding her hair, reading mangas and comics, tea with milk, kind people, watching videos of cute kittens, watching anime series under her blanket in the night, imagining things / fantasizing
•ᴥ• a lazy genius with an iq of 154
•ᴥ• puts on socks inside the house if she wakes up on a cold morning
•ᴥ• most of her backpacks has at least one keychain of a character from an anime series
•ᴥ• once joined a ramen eating competition and won
•ᴥ• kina didn't really receive a lot of love growing up. after her mother passed away giving her last breath just so kina can live to see the world, her father drowned himself in more work. its not that he doesn't love kina. he does, but he has a hard time showing kina how much she means to him
•ᴥ• kina's relationship with her father is one that is full of awkwardness, silent understanding and comfortable silence
•ᴥ• has one or two hairties around her wrist all the time
•ᴥ• likes to poke other people's cheeks but doesn't like it when they do it back to her
•ᴥ• doesn't like tomatoes, disorganized and messy rooms or areas, someone eating her ramen before her permission, romantic things, empty fridge, bees, mint scented air freshner, people who mocks her religion (anime is awesome!! please stop it ;_;)
•ᴥ• doesn't curse and uses other forms of words to curse such as ; what the fork, aw sheepskin, darn it, i dont give a f-lying icecream
•ᴥ• instead of using emojis, prefers to use symbols like :D xD \(^o^)/
•ᴥ• unconsciously uses the chemical formula of household stuff ("can you pass me some NaCl?" "???"  "uh..oh sorry, i mean salt") #perksofbeingachemistrymajor
✧  kina and her splendid heavenly incredible terrific sayings

•ᴥ• "eehh..??"
•ᴥ• "hehehehe"
•ᴥ• *makes a blanket fortress* "does anyone want to join my little kingdom?"
•ᴥ• "what is 69? i don't get-...oh wait i got it! you mean yin yang right?"
•ᴥ• "don't make me slap my ramen on your face"
•ᴥ• "here, i made you a rice bowl with bulgogi! because you looked stressed and i wanted to cheer you up. i shaped the rice so it looks like a panda see? that's the ears, and the kimchi is its mouth. is it?? is it too much?"
•ᴥ• "emergency emergency! i have a nosebleed!" *tenant x runs to kina and asks her what happened* "i kinda went too far with my imagination.." *tenant x : "did yOU SEE !?"* "NOO!! i imagined how taeyong hyung would look like if he has reverse harem no jutsu and he looks illegal"
•ᴥ• "in taeyong hyung's next life, he will be reborn as my waifu"
•ᴥ• "guys i stepped on an ant today!! T^T"
•ᴥ• "i am in love" "with who?" " with...the new ramen flavour that came out today"
•ᴥ• *misun enters the dining room* "unnie i love you, but if you dare be in a one meter range with my ramen i'll personally chidori slice you"
•ᴥ• "if anyone dares to to hurt you, i'll punish them in the name of the moon"
•ᴥ• "rasengan!! oh darn, my assignment is still not destroyed yet. imma try again"
•ᴥ• *does weird hand movements* "what are you doing?" "i'm trying to shadow clone myself so i can finish my tasks faster"
•ᴥ• "i need to finish my tasks. i promise after this one episode" *2 seasons and 5 spin-offs later* "oh man that was so fun! i need to watch more"
•ᴥ• tenant a : "oh sht we lost kina again"
       tenant b : "don't worry i got this"
       tenant b : "moon prism power...."
       kina, appearing out of nowhere : "makeee up!!"




✧  aka substitute okaasan
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

first of all, kina cannot get over how ethereal taeyong looks like. to her, he literally looks like a character that jumped out of a romance manga where he's the school's heartthrob. its not that kina is in love with taeyong, god no. its more like a fan and its idol. that was the first impression. in truth, he's actually kina's mommy. the one who nags her constantly to get off watching anime and do her assignments. the two relate some way, both being cleaning freaks. not only is taeyong kina's mom but also her personal fashion police. in the morning, kina sneaks out quietly because she does not want to be caught dead by taeyong wearing clothes to uni that are so tasteless in fashion it offended taeyong. kina usually helps taeyong clean the share house. refuses to call him taeyong oppa and opts for taeyong hyung instead.

✧  aka binge watching anime buddy + substitute okaasan (2)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

misun is probably an unnie who at first, looks a bit intimidating and scary to kina, probably due to her wild nature. but after a while, kina finds that misun is not that bad, and is actually a sunshine. ultra waifu material, when she's not drunk that is. when misun has some free time, kina invites misun to come and binge watch some anime or a studio ghibli animation. kina's not too used to skinship, but she secretly likes and feels safe in misun's cuddles.

✧  aka boss kim, substitute okaasan (3)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

boss kim is someone kina does not ever want to piss off. eventhough yongsun is generally nice, kina sometimes tenses up when she's around yongsun. kina's not really used to have sharp words thrown at her so she helps yongsun in keeping the house together because kina does not want to get on yongsun's bad side (+ kina cannot stand the mess). warms up to yongsun eventually. deep down kina's really thankful for yongsun, because under yongsun's care, kina lives well and rarely starved.

✧  aka one true friend 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

okyeon is an exotic french unnie who kina cannot help but feel like she's a magical being from another world. the two are not too close at first. the sum of their entire relationship at the beginning consists of polite greetings and nods, hellos, an exchange of small smiles. both are introverts, so it took some time for the two to open up. they eventually did, and kina finally found her one true friend.

LOVE INTEREST *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
 she's a literal awkward child and is pretty much living a happy married life with her animes and ramen, but i think a guy who's a softie on the inside, able to understand and communicate well with kina either through memes or animes and make her laugh,  not overly romantic or cheesy, dislikes pda, and able to put up with her,,,anime obsession,,is a good match for her? its up to you ahaa :"D ☆ 
INTERVIEW *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

she fisted both of her hands, chanting to herself that she can do this. "ah, hello to you too yongsun unnie-ssi. i am doing well, thank you for asking. and you?"

"uh..its actually my dad who found out. he personally looked up a place for me to live in, and found an advertisement online about the share home. he thought that its a good place for me to live in and mentioned to me about it."


she scratches her head, laughing along with yongsun. "ehehe...well, its quite a cozy place to live in, and i am guessing the house is quite spacious on the inside? overall, its a nice looking house."

"i don't really know as of now, but one thing for sure, i'll probably go back home straight after uni if there are no other schedules or i don't have any other plans or activities to do."
and its not that i am private, its more like i'm awkward. "and yes, i would love to join you guys in your hang outs."


she scratches her neck, a look of pure concentration on her face. "uhh..none? i don't really mind whoever my roommate is..." instead, i hope they'll be able to tolarate a korean girl watching a japanese animation all the time.

"hehe thank you?? uhm...i guess i am quite organized? i am not too fond of messy or dirty things either so yeah...i do regularly clean my room back home so it kinda became a habit for me to keep things organized."


her eyes lit up, a small grin adorning her face. "ahaha, i hopefully am not. and thank you too! i shall look forward to this...misun? but anyways, have a nice day!"
ENDING *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
COMMENT(S) im not sure if i got misun, yongsun and taeyong's personality correctly?? rip..this app looks v v v basic as i have no talent whatsoever in coding so apologies. and a tiny note ; if backup plotlines are allowed, then kina would be renting room two. im excited for the story to start!! a tiny note part 2 ; kina wanted to move out and try to live independently bcs she doesn't want to bother her they have an awkward relationship. she told her dad about this and her dad, wanting to show some support, helped in finding a place for kine to stay in!! i hope that explains it?? asdfghjkl pm me if you'd like to have a deeper elaboration 
- kina brought alcohol to celebrate her passing an exam but everyone was like kina no! youre five xD in the end kina became drunk and mixed up anime with reality..possibe scenarios includes her mistaking taeyong as a real life anime chara
- the tenants lost kina in a mall or somewhere ahahahaha
- the tenants decided to do a cosplay day when its kina's bday only to find out that kina doesnt actually like cosplaying..but the party!must!go!on!! so in the end kina cosplayed too :"D
- a movie night or some sort where the tenants gather around the living room and like make a temporary tent or fort and binge watch disney or anime or whichever
- maybe a tenant dragged kina to go on a blind date and she like,,met her match?? :"D

PASSWORD stardust shelter, house of hoomans, magical merry mansion ze brain is not creative enuff :' excuse the lameness
theme credit 2016 trxsh
storyline by KGIROCHI


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