Anger Spikes II: The difference between envy and jealousy

I just need to get this bull out of the way, y'all. 


To envy someone is to want what they have. 

To be jealous of someone is you worrying that they will take away what you have. 


An example of envy: I am short and I play volleyball. I really wish I were taller so that I would be able to play better. I envy Ushijima for his height, since he is so tall and I am not tall. 

An example of jealousy: I have a best friend and we stick together. However, Orochimaru is trying to take him away from me, so that I will be left all alone. I don't want this to happen. 


I am sick and mothain tired of people using jealousy for both of these words. Get this into your thick ing skulls, ok. There is a very distinguishable difference between them which you should be getting used to by now. In every single fic I see about a relationship that is going awry, the ongoing theme is jealousy. Jealousy is you fearing that your partner will leave you for someone else or that someone will somehow steal them away from you. On a tangent, the root cause of this is the lack of individual confidence as well as trust. 

In fics about envying different powers that others have, that is always labelled as jealousy WHEN IN FACT it happens to be envy. Do you want something that you happen not to have? Great! Now you know what it means to be green with envy. 


I'm out, kids. 


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