I officially yield. Feeling very close to deleting my account because this website.

As some of you may have noticed, the current story featured at the top of the frontpage is a story called "My Fifteen Years Old Wife". It is about how G-Dragon, age 23, meets Dara, 13, at a party and thinks that she is y as . He grooms her and manipulates her because he wants to her. 

They, as the title implies, later marry and judging by some comments, she also becomes pregnant as a child bride. 




I can't do this. I can't keep writing angry blogs and act as though they matter because it's so ing obvious that they don't when LIKE THIS GETS FEATURED. I'm so angry right now. All the recent comments are just the common "grats on the feature author-nim <3 *^-^*" because people here are filthy karma and don't give a about the content which they congratulate. 

It has so many views, so many subs... How can we as a community like this ? How can we permit it? How can we look at this piece and state that it is indeed good enough to warrant a ing feature? Why do we accept a poorly written romanticization of a ing HEBEPHILE WHO IS GROOMING A CHILD INTO !?!??! 

This story makes light of all those young children out there who suffered at the hands of es and hebephiles, and who were or are coerced into a relationship which is SO ING OBVIOUSLY WRONG. I felt like vomiting when I read through what was not even four full chapters (because I refuse to sub to that ). My hands have run cold because I'm filled to the ing brim with rage. 




While I'm sure that some of you may have noticed that the story was posted and finished in 2015, I'd like to remind you that that was a mere three years ago, and also that it got featured TODAY. This isn't some sort of one-off or that it was going to be featured anyway because it was just one upvote away from being so for a long time, no. It got enough upvotes within ONE ING DAY to grant it the top ing spot with a lovely golden star to crown it. 

Well, guess what? It's the crown of stupidity, and the AFF community wears it proudly. Disgusting behavior is the centerpiece for this ty website. I refuse to stay for this. You can kiss my ing stories goodbye, dickheads. 




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I think you being on AFF with a huge following might help getting rid of all these type of stories. Seeing how it disappear after this blog post. Good job! And don't leave, I finished my finals and will have times to read all your blog posts that I missed.
I can't believe the story is actually getting defended. Child grooming and child marriage is unacceptable, especially when you romanticize it in a romcom genre. It doesn't matter if you're a 13 year old writing the story, or a 28 year old, or a 50 year old. Or hell, it doesn't matter if you qualify as a published writer or a fanfic writer. It's inexcusable.
did it get removed? because the previous featured fic is still the featured fic now and the one you're talking about isn't there
grammey #4
You should have read the last 15 chapters before making your opinion. I read 1-3 and then jump to the last chapters to see if at this story was worth reading. I went back to read the beginning and almost got to the wedding when it was deleted. Up until then I saw no reason to believe that she was being groomed for or even underage love. He kept saying when it was the right time, when she was old enough, he hoped she would pick him. She wanted to marry him and from what I read in the later chapters she was still a at eighteen they finally lived as man and wife. This was more a “Daddy Long Legs” story than a “Lolita” story. This was a story of a man’s love and watching it grow.
I couldn't believe my eyes and was completely repulsed, disgusted, and any other word in a thesaurus that goes with those terms. Not to mention the most disappointing and pointless feature with comment streaks on that...thing of a story. Comments no longer mean anything now.
I really don't want you to leave since you are the last saving grace, but I don't blame you for deciding this. It's quite clear this place doesn't have hope anymore. I can't believe a story like that got featured. Next thing it's gonna be about a 7 year old falling in love with their 23 year old teacher.
I'm both glad and sad to say that I missed this particular fest, that God has decided that for once, I should be spare from witnessing humanity failing once again. Despite the obvious issues with the story, I find it even more disgusting and angering that it seems the story wasn't properly rated and most likely, didn't contain any trigger warnings in the foreword or before each individual chapter.

I'm not surprised such a story exists, quite frankly. I'm not surprised it has a large readership, either, though I am quite put off by the fact that it was completed or started in 2015 and that in 2017, nearing 2018, people still feel the need to read such a story that is clearly not portraying the topic appropriately and even more, isn't treated accordingly. A few years back, perhaps 2012, perhaps earlier or later, there was a surge in non consensual stories becoming popular and more and more authors chose to write about subjects similar to this story. Some weren't even aware of the toxic the relationships they created were and others were, but didn't bother letting their readers know as well and with how many young people are on here, many unaware yet of how the media and the relationships portrayed in YA books and movies and TV shows are anything but inspirational and goals.

It's sad, it's worrying and at this point, the only reason I am still clinging onto this website despite its shortcomings (too many to be overlooked at this point) is how user friendly it is and how easily posting stories can be (and making them aesthetically pleasing.), along with some people on here, such as yourself, who still have a good grip on their sanity. It's saddening that AFF has become known as a hidden circle of hell that you must unlock after playing the game, some type of easteregg in the general fandom.
ew. that’s it.
ew. that's all i can say. ing ew.
Okay but actually what the
I have no other worda
Omg no. After all the other things I have seen on AFF this had to come along as well. This is awful and the author needs someone to give her a piece of their mind because this is wrong. I can't believe something like this would get a feature. Good job to the ty, immature girls and some boys on AFF who think this kind of thing is okay and get off on this kind of story. I hope this author never becomes a mother or father for the sake of her (I'm just going to assume the author is female) child who might be treated in this way, because apparently she thinks child and ABUSE, because this is abuse I don't care what anyone has to say, is acceptable. I think we need to report this story. Isn't it in AFF's rules and regulations not to write ual stories about individuals under the age of 14? Not only that, it's offensive and disgusting filth. We need to rid AFF of it. IF YOU'RE GOING TO WRITE THIS , AT LEAST DO NOT ROMANTICIZE IT. 👿😡
yea...i saw that and immediately clicked away from it
UGH i got so mad seeing that it was featured because i haven't been on the website in a week (finals yay). I was looking for a break and instead got high blood pressure and spent 5 minutes writing an angry comment at how bull that was. It's so not okay. I even did a project on child marriage back in high school and it was so depressing and heartbreaking to see kids go through that and ugh.
Not to mention it's practically since in most places of the world the age to be able to consent to is 16