Dhany's Trash 2

Hi, it's me again, so i will continue my best i ever had person.

On the second grade or 8th grade of my junior high, she officially dating a new kid and that new kid were my classmate and sit right behind me, coinsedence? I don't know. She seldom ask me to having lunch together again well since she had a boyfriend. But she often came to my class, and when she did, i went to canteen with my friend, and i'm barely talking to her that time. She noticed, but what can i do? I'm just her friend, nothing else.

It's been a month and they already broke up. Haha, i'm laughing, bcause what it's worth? She didnt know that she's been a bet from her ex, yup, i heard his ex talking behind that she was their bet. As cheezy as it sound i can only gave them my glare to them and as expected i told her, and..when lunch time she came to my class, i thought she wants to meet me but she pass me, and then..'Smack!' 'Smack!' She slapped him, twice in his cheek and grab my wrist and out from my class. But, why she do that? That's all i'm thingking.

We became close again, more close, as my fave keychain she kept it on her bag and i'm not allowed to ask. So our closeness been exposed. Bcause i sometimes pick her and went home together and spend time at my house. Until that day come. I remember it's 7pm, my dad told me that my friend came, so he told her to enter my room. We're doing nothing, just chatting, laughing, and suddenly she came to me, while i'm sitting on my desk study, and then..a pair of her lips on mine.

And that was the start, we often kissing, but none of us ask about it, well i dont know what to say, it's always her that kissed me. On 9th grade on our way home to her house, she asked me, "do you think our relationship should be continue like this or should we stopped?". I said, " continue as? Or stopped what? I dont understand". "This, we kissed, a lot, and you never ask me why, do you think best friend kissed a lot? Like us?". Her question stopping me. " Well, bcause you're the one did it first and im the receiver, so what do you expect? If we continue this, we cant just being a best friend here, you know what i mean?" I ask her back. "So, what are we now?" She said blushing, all i can do is just held her hand in mine and kiss her palm. "This is us, now, upgrading" i said.

So we were officially dating :3 and there is nothing i can feel but happiness that time. We were inseparable, less dating cause her parents forbids her to go out with anyone. Yes, her parents strict, so nothing i can do, if we were in my house, just cuddling and stuff, she's the matured one. She choose my collogne, my perfume etc, my gosh im so whipped. Our school separate, and again she's crying, so i attempt to try apply nearer school from hers. And our school is just infront eachother. She's dilligent and smart, im the opposite one hahaha, yes im lazy here. And just like fated is making us upside down, her class is inthe afternoon class, while i was in the morning. So a year of strugling, but we survived. 

It's 9am in the morning, she's at her school doing her extra stuff for her grade score. She called my name, while my class on 2nd floor, so yeah i saw her down there asking me to coming down. I make an excuse to my teacher, and i went out, chatting n hear her stories and wait for her to get her public transportation. A year we did that. On second year or 11th grade her class in the morning, and i have had my extra basketball & karate club that time. And in the morning she's always surprised me and came to my class and gave me a lunchbox, no one ever done to me before, no one. She's so special, she's mine. She have had extra padus, so we went home together again, and sometimes she came watched me play, and i can not happy that time.

In my senior high, my feeling towards her became more deep, i fell in love and feel loved. It wasnt until she told her stories about her classmate that always annoyed her etc and stuff. I told herz "Do you like him?", and she said, " no, ofcourse not, he's annoying, and i love you, not him". "Alright" that's all i can say. And that's the only i can say everytime she mentioned his name over and over again.

On 12th grade, we often fought. I get jelly sometimes. Who wouldn't? If your gf always mentioned his name in every occasion. She seldom much time for me but her group study including him. So on my birthday, she gave me a wallet, my fave colour, donker (dark blue). She saved her money for me. So im happy, that time. On October, things became mess, less happy, more fought. It become unbearable too. So i gave up. I let her do what she wanna do. I have had my karate club on midnight (yes, im having my second club of karate, one at school, second at night), and i always came to her house before heading to practice. I dont remember exactly when, but that night shocked the hell out of me. Myself being off guard and i cant feel love anymore, her love, while mine still remain the same, but she didnt feel the same, again.

"Hey, i wanna tell you something, but please dont get mad will you?" And i said, "what is it? No, i wont mad, just tell me before i go to practice". "I love you, and i wanna us still be friend" she said. "What do you mean? I know you love me, and i love you too, no matter what we're still friends". " I wanna end us". There. She looked me straight to my eyes as her tears fall. I dont say anything, i dont say anywords, i froze, she nudge me again and again until i realize, this is it. "Why? U said you love me, and why do you wanna end us? You wanna break up is that what you want?!" My voice kinda shaking and trembling, he held my hands, i cant hold my tears but i kept it, i hold my tears, i wont cry infront of her, so i said, "alright, lets end it, i gotta go", and i rush to my bicycle and pushing her the pedals until i arrived at my karate practice. I threw my anger on it, i put my fist and my kicks to my mate, to my senpai to my sensei. I cant cry, not until i went home. I cried in the bathroom, i cant think, im blanked, i feel numb. I dont go to school almost a week, my score falling down. What a year. I collected our memories with her, her photos, her cards, everything. And burned it, vanish just in a night. But my feeling? It's still there. I cant throw my heart just like that, it hurt and it's still beat n roar the same feeling and the same name i shout, Dina.


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