Gotta Tao

Okay first, I apologize for the rude title

Even though I'm still giggling


Okay so:

I'm not going to upload anything new for a while, neither of the stories I'm currently writing. That's because I will be without a pc for a while now, and I can't stand writing on my phone. The outcome won't be good if I do that, I can assure you.

And I have been trying to write some new chapters, but my writer’s block is a huge pain in the . Everything I type out just won’t do. Therefore, I think a break will be just right for me, maybe it’ll help a bit.

I will still be here, reading other's works and talk, but no new updates.
I need my daily dose of Chanbaek ygm.


Tomorrow is my last day at secondary school, it's just bizarre. 
I had a big birthday party yesterday. It was lovely and I had so much fun.
( A bit hungover atm but I'll survive) 

It is kind of sad to think that I might not see some of them for a long time. One of my friends is going to study in England! I'm staying here in Norway, in the same town as well. Call me boring, but I'm not up for traveling and live far from home, yet.


Now I’m gonna pack the last things I need for tomorrow, books and stuff. Then I’m gonna watch some youtube videos before I read a bit. Reading fanfiction before sleeping has become a big (bad?) habit, like I can’t sleep if I haven’t read any. It’s a curse, really, when I can’t find a good fanfic. T^T

Gosh, I’m so looking forward to 21 June, the clip of Seventeen on Weekly Idol will be out then!
I am so hyped! We’ll get random play dance and 2x faster of Don’t Wanna Cry *o*

I really hope the boys rest though, they have a busy schedule atm. They work so hard no matter what the task, something I really admire of Seventeen.

If you want to talk, send me a message! You can also add me on tumblr if you want c:

My tumblr:

Lots of love




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