One month writing challenge! (week 1)

I'm bad at working on my own, without any incentive, so I decided to make this public so that anyone who reads it is part of the project, sort of.

My goal is to write this circus!au and post it next month (June 2nd).

My guide length is 20K.

My daily goal length is 1K, though I am trying to write a bit more, as I plan on making sunday my editing day.

In this blog post, I will share my progress and thoughts on this journey.


01/05: Wrote 1.6K. I felt pretty proud.

02/05: Wrote 1.4K. I actually managed to write 850 words in 25 minutes! So far I only have a bit of the introduction scene, and most of the scene (lol). I realized this was going to be longer than what I expected. Wordcount: 5,419 ((I had tried working on this au before but quickly gave up))

03/05: Wrote nothing, but I almost finished my social work essay, and did a lot of fic planning, so I know where this is going and I'm excited! Wordcount: 5,419

04/05: Wrote nothing again :( I'm 1K behind my estimates, so I can make it up over the week tho! I went to bed at 7am the previous day so I basically couldn't do anything the next day, still managed to outline another essay tho!



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audbear #1