Fic Update Schedule

Current Ongoing Fics:

These are updated on a rolling basis, with exception to TGAU, which will be on hiatus until IWMM is completed, and possibly until after some other projects get done. I don't think anyone's particularly invested in TGAU right now anyway, since it's only 2 chapters in.

Upcoming Fics:

  • Pay Me Some Mind extra
  • I Would Move Mountains extra
  • We Need to Test These ers Out sequel
  • College ABO oneshot
  • Best Days Fic
  • Socialmedia!au celebrity!au chaptered fic

PMSM extra is 50% done. IWMM extra is 40% done. WNTTTSO sequel is...20% done. College ABO...70% done. Best Days fic has been finished and submitted. Socialmedia!au is outlined, but...0% written. There are some prompts and self-prompts that I've started, and outlines going on, but they're even further back on the burner than these. I'm also a masochist and joining like every fic fest I find, so I will be scrambling to knock those out too.

BUT THE POINT IS: I will be updating all the ongoing fics regularly, and I'll try to rotate so none of them get too far behind, with exception to TGAU, which I might just...shelve, because I'm not sure I'm particularly down with how OT12 is described. I like the characters, but I think the physical descriptions might've been too try-hard.

And...somewhere along the way, I'm supposed to go back and edit all my old ones so they don't sound like utter crap as well. So. Theoretically, this will all happen in..............................................2017 sometime.


Anyway, that's it. Is there anything you want to see? I'm also on Twitter as @filet_jignon if you wanna come talk to me there too.


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sooberries #1

ers euhe
seeing the list of your upcoming fics feel like i just got bunch of Christmas gifts thrown at my face..I FEEL SO ING EXCITED RN - u got my kaisoo's feel covered for 2017!! LOL

-im emotionally invested in TGAU-like there are more into it idk but, but im okay with your decision to put it in hiatus since its only 2 chs.
I very much respect that you've put TGAU on hiatus. But you need to know I was already invested lol, and no, they physical differences weren't try hard. I still wanna know what happened to the previous Kai and what the relationship had been with DO.

I need to do another updates post, too. Probably at the end of this month. Thanks for this reminder!