Nimbus | ❛ 우리의 이름은 후광! ❜ | 茜兆霏

name : 茜兆霏 [qian zhaofei]
other names : 천조비 [cheon jobi] the direct translation of her name to korean
nicknames :
- eun 은/ yin 银 : once, when there was a holiday, zhaofei dyed her hair silver for the fun of it. she originally wanted to dye it blonde but due to a mistake, dyed it metallic instead. eun/yin is silver in korean/chinese
- feifei : a cutesy calling name for zhaofei (which she dislikes) made especially by her siblings
- dumbo : no it has no relation with the cartoon whatsoever. cartoon dumbo is cute yep, but its due to her clumsy nature and always forgetting things. "ge, isn't calling me dumbo the same as calling me cute? i mean dumbo the elephant is cut--" "no, dumbo is cuter than you for the win. i'd rather have an elephant for a sister than you" "you--"
- dolphin : sometimes zhaofei scream and laugh in a high pitch tone that sounds frankly similar to that of a dolphin
birthdate : 10th december 2000
birthplace : chongqing,china
hometown : chongqing, china [2000-2010] --- seoul, korea [2011-present]
nationality : chinese
ethnicity : chinese
languages :
- mandarin chinese : fluent, native tongue
- cantonese hongkong : fluent, learned at school. similar yet different to mandarin
- korean : semi-fluent, learning from mcm and everyday life. has no problems in listening, her hangul writing is excellent. has trouble in speaking, still has a distinct chinese accent, sometimes pronounces words wrong and intonations are not quite korean yet
face claim : lee jinsook
backup face claim : choi yewon, vivi of loona
height : 164 cm
weight : 49 kg
blood type : o+
appearance :
a small oval face with fair skin. some might say zhaofei is just an ordinary looking girl with wide cat-like almond eyes, a bunny button nose and thin lips. her eyesmile lits up the sky above, her childish grin emitting a youthful aura. her eyes are like half moon, slightly wider than average. long black hair,  down to her chest. a slim yet healthy figure. she's not too tall yet not too short either. she might not have crazy visuals, yet there's a quiet beauty that surrounds her gently. she was even dubbed as taeyeon's lookalike, to which zhaofei immediately declined.
style :
doesn't truly have an actual fashion style. zhaofei mostly wears whatever is comfortable. she tends to stay away from clothes that are attraction-seeking (ex : glitter, shiny fabric etc). she's more of a tomboy, preferring to wear old converse, washed-out jeans and a snuggly sweater. snapbacks and beanies can ber frequently spotted on tsuki's head. turtlenecks, denims, sweaters, boots, sweater vests, blouses, converses, hoodies, t-shirts. she does not mind the colour, as her fashion outfits are either dark, neutral or light coloured. most of the time though, she usually dresses in dark colours. she is not too keen on neon or very bright colours (but for her performance outfits, she does not mind). zhaofei usually wears her black watch on her right wrist, and a stack of woven bracelets on her left wrist. there's always a spare hair bobble in one of her wrist. she rarely lets her hair go, and is usually with her hair tied into a ponytail or twisted into a neat bun. usually zhaofei dresses in long sleeved clothes, not liking to show much exposure to her skin (just like top of big bang).

personality :
zhaofei cares for people that she holds dear to her heart, she thinks of them more than she thinks of herself. she's the type of person to lend her shoulder to anyone who's about to pour their tears out, she doesn't mind sharing another person's weight (as in problems/hardships). she's careful not to hurt others, she's afraid of hurting the people she cares for. thus she likes to apologize oftenly, even if it was not her fault. self-conscious, one might say. being a foreigner in a foreign country, she pays attention to her manners, adjusting herself to the rules of politeness in korea. due to this, she can come off as stiff yet polite. zhaofei cares in simple, subtle yet deep ways, such as fixing a fellow member's blanket whenever they fall asleep and the blanket has fallen off, asking how their fellow members are feeling/doing. she might even come off as a slightly annoying grandma. but that's because she cares for them. yet of course, due to zhaofei's reserved self, she sometimes comes off as cold, aloof. she never seems to be interested in things, and she doesn't socialize well, due to language barrier. and because whenever zhaofei is talking in a group or with someone, she feels out of place and awkward. she genuinely wants to interact, but she doesn't know how. she can't seem to express her feelings well, and sometimes her actions get miss-interpreted, so people misunderstand her, thinking that she's a snob. zhaofei is full of spirit, like a fizzy soda and sparkling bubbly drinks, about to burst with blazing energies. different to her somewhat reserved, far-away aura she's powerful and dominating on stage. yet she does not like to be in the center of attention, she prefers to be the shadow. she always mentions nimbus and her fellow members. under all her powerful stage presence, zhaofei doubts herself frequently. she doesn't think that she's good enough, scared that she might bring nimbus down due to her slow learning. she trains endlessly, just so that she can fix her flaws. and if she reached her goal, she will work hard to surpass her original goal and go beyond her limit. ambitious, some might say. zhaofei has a good deep instinct and observation. she can feel things without conscious reasoning, and whatever she's feeling is usually true. she can predict, analyze and read situations well. she is also a long term thinker, planning for the future. wise. she plans ahead, and is a very organized person. kind of awkward, she does not know what to say in social situations and tends to lock herself up, when she actually wanted to say something. she's a soft-spoken, gentle human being who could not bring herself to hurt a bug or squish an ant. a calm person with a hakuna matata vibe, thinking her way out and not panicking whenever nimbus members are faced with critical situations. zhaofei sometimes hurt her fellow members' feelings unintentionally, like shouting at them whenever they slacked off or is not serious in practicing. She means well, because she only wants the best for her members, but her good intentions are sometimes mistaken. Hesitant. zhaofei is an anxious person, scared of saying the wrong words, doing the wrong things, disappointing the people she holds dear in her heart. Self-critical. zhaofei thinks lowly of herself, that she's nowhere as good as her fellow members. Dreamy. zhaofei tends to space out at times, you literally have to smack poke or shake her to get her soul back down to earth. Self-dependent. zhaofei is depends too much on herself, leading her to not ask for other people's help, when sometimes she clearly needs it. due to living somewhere without her parents caused her to grew up quickly. patient in dealing with people, no matter how horrible their personalities are. not the type to hold grudges. a kind soul, believes that there is a good side in everyone. won't hesitate to help someone in need. a total klutz, forgetting things, understanding things at a slow pace, smacking into walls, smashing into doors, tripping herself, falls over 24/7. she has a docile, submissive nature. its easy to ask her to order her to do things (not to her brothers though, hell no). she's that one member who's unintentionally funny. like if she eats her food in a way and people around her will laugh and she's the one confused as to what is going on.

background :
an early morning, soft light rain could be heard outside.a gentle cry came out of the newborn child. the child's parents decided to call her zhaofei. ever since zhaofei was a little child, she had always been quiet, not crying much, talking in a soft voice more quieter than a rat's footsteps. yet there's this spark in her. around her family, she can be vibrant and vivacious, a mischievious glint in her eyes, teaming up with her geges in pranking their parents, or pranking her geges by herself. at school, zhaofei didn't talk much, but she's a diligent student who's neither smart nor between, you would say. her classmates were friendly to her, and zhaofei would greet back if they greeted her. zhaofei learned mandarin and cantonese, and how to write in mandarin and cantonese. her parents taught her, and she learned at school too. at a young ag of 5, zhaofei was enrolled by her parents to take wushu lessons. they wanted her to be able to learn self-defence (since she has a submissive nature) at an early age so she would be able to defend herself. zhaofei didn't have much friends, due to her being slightly introvert. she found comfort in her geges. her geges are like her own friends, they're the ones whom zhaofei play with, and constantly torture bother. zhaofei's parents are quite busy due to work, and they come home late most of the time. even if zhaofei's parents are working day and night, they made sure that the qian kids did not lack love. zhaofei's childhood was a warm, happy one. she did not feel unloved, and received everlasting love from her family. zhaofei grew up with her social life revolving around her geges and her family, so she does not have many experience in making her own friends. at 7 years old, zhaofei wanted to learn a musical instrument. she decided to choose drums. she likes to beat (the drum) and she found it interesting how each drum makes a different sound. as if drum  lessons  was not enough, little zhaofei also wanted to try violin. inspired by a little girl she saw in tv, zhaofei found it beautiful the way the violin sounds. zhaofei's everday life was busy with school, wushu, violin and drums. it continued like that for a few years.
the qian family moved to seoul, korea, due to zhaofei's parents' work. they moved in 2011, just a few weeks after zhaofei's 10th birthday. moving to a foreign country required adapting, not to mention learning a new unfamiliar language. for zhaofei, it took quite some time for her to adapt. she was slow in learning korean, slow to adapt to the korean lifestyle. zhaofei entered a korean school to continue her education, picking up where she left off before in china. zhaofei's clasmates were neutral to her. they greeted her once in a while, but that's that. zhaofei was mostly unseen, being in the back of the classroom. language was a barrier at that time, so it was difficult for her to communicate. zhaofei knew kpop from her classmates, who blasts the song 24/7 in the classroom. she thought kpop was nice. she sometimes found herself singing along to a couple of songs. in korea, zhaofei continued her drum and violin lessons, and picked off where she last left off in her wushu lessons back in china.
from fast forward to a year later, zhaofei was more fluent in korean, yet still lacking. at that time, her parents were called back by their company/office, back to china. the qian family moved due to zhaofei's parents being stationed/moved to another country by work in the first place, and they were called back. not wanting to move back, having grown attached to korea, zhaofei decided to continue her education in korea. her parents disagreed at first, not wanting their only daughter living in a foreign country alone. they finally agreed, viewing korea's education system to be good. zhaofei's geges stayed behind as well, deciding to continue their education in korea as well. the qian siblings' stayed and lived in korea, separating from their parents who moved back to chine due to work. it was a tearful goodbye, zhaofei clearly remembered how tightly her parents hugged her goodbye. with tears streaming non-stop, zhaofei promised not to have any bad grades and study hard. true to her promise, zhaofei continued to study diligently at school. her parents send daily allowance money monthly, to pay for rent and living expenses. the money was enough, yet zhaofei's geges applied for part-time jobs, wanting to earn extra money for emergencies. one faithful day, zhaofei was going home after school, when she was spotted by a pledis representative. zhaofei was shocked and surprised, she did not expect to be casted. she had no interest in being an idol in a foreign country back then. nevertheless she accepted the card that the representative offered. zhaofei weighed the decision whether to audition or not. her geges respected and supported the decision that she'll make, but her parents disagreed in her auditioning. they wanted zhaofei to focus in her education. zhaofei decided to follow her parents decision. she was still at a conflict, but chose to listen to her parents. her parents asked whether zhaofei really wanted to audition, and zhaofei said yes. who knows, there might be something in store for her. i have nothing to lose anyway, i am pretty sure i will be rejected and won't pass the audition, zhaofei thought. her parents finally allowed her, feeling bad for stopping what might become a potential dream for  their daughter. zhaofei auditioned in pledis, and was accepted.
being a first time trainee, the training system surprised zhaofei. never in her life has she stayed up this late, or used up energy this much. being a foreigner trainee, an introvert one, made zhaofei's interactions with fellow trainees only a little. balancing trainee life and school life was difficult, but zhaofei managed to live by. zhaofei was slow in learning, and her developments were slow and didn't increase as fast as the other trainees. on time, pledis was dong their rounds of daily one montly evaluation, when zhaofei made major mistakes. pledis, thinking that she lacked a lot and her skills did not improve much even when she trained for 2 years, decided that her time was up in pledis. she didn't pass that one particular monthly evaluation. pledis decided to offer her/recommend her a list of compannies that might suit her, one of them being mcm, viewing her as a potential flower in the future that will bloom with consistent hardwork, effort and dedication. pledis viewed zhaofei as a hardworking trainee, despite being a foreigner, she managed to did okay. zhaofei then decided to leave pledis, feeling that she lacked too much and that her skills were nowhere near where she hoped them to be. her parents and her brothers were there to support her, slowly helping her bounce back up. they encouraged her to audition again, but they supported whichever decision that she makes, whether she auditioned again or not. the dim fire in her heart slowly ignites back, and zhaofei slowly regained her spirit back. she decided to audition again, this time working harder and not giving up as easily. out of the companies that pledis recommended, mcm caught her eye. something about mcm, despite being a relatively small company, she found herself gravitating towards mcm, feeling like it might be her potential home for who knows how many years. zhaofei then auditioned at mcm, and was accepted. this time she worked harder, became more unbreakable. she dedicate her whole effort in training. and compared to last time in pledis, zhaofei improved more faster. having previous training experience, zhaofei used her past experience in her training, helping her to expand and increase her skills. her singing, rap and dance talent improved greatly. she might not be the best yet, but she's slowly improving, trying her best. not only that, but her character improved to. she remains the same, except she's a more better version of herself.
relationships :
qian liheng and qian (xing) chenqi [46] - mama and baba
liheng and chenqi are zhaofei's beloved parents. despite working most of the time and only managing to come home late, they never shunned or forgot to have quality time with their kids. zhaofei came from a middle class family who lived fine and well. they did not struggle economically nor did they live in a life of glitz and glam. they lived normally and simply. zhaofei's father is like her twin, goofy and hilarious on the inside. zhaofei's father is like a warm grizzly bear, always there to listen to zhaofei's troubles. besides having a goofy side, he's also strict. telling zhaofei to clean up her bed, wash her own dishes, help her mother mop the floor, and so on. all for zhaofei so she can be mature and independent. safe to say, zhaofei used the lessons her dad taught her and applied it whe she lived in korea alone with her brothers, turning her into an independent girl at a young age. liheng calls zhaofei his little master shifu the 2nd, since zhaofei was really good in wushu, much to zhaofei's protests. zhaofei's baba would accompany her in her wushu training, and encourage her not to give up. chenqi is a gentle mother. despite that, her mother can be quite stern at times. nagging at her all the way from chongqing when zhaofei lived with her brothers in korea alone, reminding her to eat and rest enough, and not to eat ramyeon / ramen all the time (oooh busted). zhaofei would be forced to listen to her mama scolding her whenever she ate junk food or came home very late, and those scoldings can last for 1 hour lel. chenqi would cheer the loudest in zhaofei's violin and drum recitals, ultimately embarrassing her. eventhough the two of them work until late at night, they made sure to not let their children feel like the aren't loved. when zhaofei wanted to audition, zhaofei''s parents weren't too keen on the idea, they wanted zhaofei to focus on her education. after a while, they realized that maybe this might be what zhaofei wanted, and it was worth a shot. who knows, she might unexpectedly becomes an idol. so they allowed her to audition, even cheering her on all the way from china. zhaofei promised to continue her eduaction to her parents, and also promised to take care of herself and her older siblings. zhaofei makes daily videocalls to her parents, from korea to china. when she feels like she's going to give up, thinking why on earth would she agree to stay in korea when she was better off in china, her parents would be there to remind her. they're there to encourage her back up. if it weren't for zhaofei's parents, she would have not audition again and would have probably gone back home to china. zhaofei's parents knew how gentle and slightly fragile zhaofei can be, despite possesing a flat face, they scold her for her own good, turning her to be more endurable. zhaofei likes to call her parents during her practice break. whenever she felt like giving up, listening to their voices comforted her, and soothed her until she won't even think about the idea of giving up.
qian zhenfen, zhoufu and zhangfeng [24,22,20] - annoying yet caring geges

the trio who likes to constantly annoy feifei. they're the ones who likes to poke zhaofei until her quiet/introverted side collapsed and comes out her wacky side. having spent her social life revolving around her geges, zhaofei grew to be attached to them. they're the ones who are constantly supporting zhaofei. since their parents are overseas, her geges becomes a figure of support for her. the qian siblings formed a close bond with each other. eventhough zhaofei's geges are busy with university life and their part-time jobs, they keep a close eye at zhaofei, being lowkey protective of her. they know zhaofei might have a blank/flat expresion most of the time, but they also know how she can feel at times ye unable to express it. they're worried for her, how she's going through, whether she's okay. they don't like the fact that zhaofei keeps things to herself and would nudge her until she lets out what she's feeling. if zhaofei didn't arrive home by midnight, they would wait for her and not go to sleep until she arrives home from practice, if not they would drive to mcm and pick her up, proceeding to scold zhaofei the rest of the way home. the four of them might look like they are about to murder each other every day and bicker nonstop, yet they care and lookout for each other. zhaofei would call them whenever she's bored at practice break. she'd videocall them just to hear their voices and see them physically well, and that would heal zhaofei's heart. whenever she's at doubt she would go to her geges first, and ask for their opinion/suggestion. zhenfen is the oldest, and kinda intimidating. yet zhaofei has no problem in teasing him and defying his orders, even dissing him. he keeps the younger ones in check. just like zhaofei, he's terrible at cooking. he's the one who usually wakes up zhaofei every morning for school, if she won't wake up he'll spray water into her face #savagemuch. he's the one who's genuinely worried for zhaofei and asks her whereabouts every 5 minutes. he's like a dad/grandpa. the 2nd person to frequently nag at zhaofei. he keeps zhaofei's beloved socks and comics away whenever its exam week at zhaofei's school, and he usually calls her to make sure whether she has safely arrived home or currently in mcm when he's working at his part-time job. the one who brought sense with his harsh yet true words whenever zhaofei feels like she's about to give up. he's like an old man who tries to be hip and it cracks zhaofei up. she appreciates zhenfen gege who tries his best in taking care of the younger ones. zhoufu gege aka tofu gege. he looks cold and sharp and intimidating, when he's a soft cinnamon bun who is kinda awkward. his cooking skills are and he's the first person to nag zhaofei frequently. he worries for her health, and is usually the substitute for a nurse whenever zhaofei's sick. he makes sure zhaofei doesn't eat junkfood too much and makes sure that she's properly eating and not skipping meals. he's the who usually packs her lunch or give her lunch money, and calls her to make sure whether she's eating or not. kind of like a mum/grandma figure. he would bake treats especially for her or take her out eating whenever she received a good score or improved in her training. he's kinda socially awkward like zhaofei, so the two can relate somehow. both are avid novel fans. he's the one who attempts to teach zhaofei cooking but end up failing. he's there to give wise words that helps lift zhaofei's spirit up. zhangfeng is closer to zhaofei in age, so the two naturally fight each other everyday, causing a major headache to zhenfen and zhoufu. zhangfeng is the self-proclaimed master of swag, sassy, y and sarcastic aka 4s. kinda inimidating too. that type of person who thinks he's too fabulous for this world. zhaofei and zhangfeng are lamb skewer buddies, and would go out to eat lambskewer whenever they achieved a goal. he might not look like it, but he is the smartest out of the four (zhaofei disagrees though. to her, zhangfeng gege is the dumbest). he's the one who usually helps zhaofei with her homework (when they're not in cutting each other's throats off, and of course it comes with a price). the two likes to duel each other in games, and the loser would receive a severe punishment lel. they're also lowkey fans of korean dramas and animes, and would watch until past midnight (making zhenfen barge into their rooms and smack their butts or zhoufu turning off the power/electricity). he's the one who zhaofei would go to first out of her geges whenever she has a problem. he's not the type to sugarcoat his words. he would say what he wants to say, which can sometimes hurt zhaofei, yet end up helping her because zhangfeng's words are usually true. zhaofei appreciates zhangfeng. eventhough the two bicker the most and it looks like zhangfeng is the least caring gege, he's the one who silently looks out for her. the qian siblings are lowkey protective of each other and look out for one another. once a long time ago the four of them slept in one bed/bedroom. zhaofei rarely does childish things, but once in a while she'll barge into her geges' room and sleeps there because at rare times, she can't stand sleeping alone, in the dark . if zhaofei is sick, then her geges would take care of her and vice versa. zhaofei, eventhough she's kind of a troublemaking sister, she tries her best to do as what her geges told her to do. she knows if she' at fault, she'll apologize. and if her geges were too harsh to her, they would admit it. the qian siblings seems to have telepathic minds. they would know if zhaofei was feeling sad and they would cheer her up. or if zhaofei was sleeping alone and she's feeling slightly lonely, her geges would come into her room uninvited and sleep there, lulling her to sleep and accompanying/guarding her as she sleeps. the four of them rarely do skinships because they're kind of ew at skinships, but if they do then its a meaningful one..
stage name : zhaofei
position : vocalist, rapper, dancer
back up : ---

talent twins :
rap | kyla pristin // yeoreum wjsn
vocal |
heejin loona // umji gfriend
dance | yeoreum wjsn // arin oh my girl
trainee years : 4 [pledis 2013-2014][mcm 2015-ongoing]

trainee life :
being a foreigner, zhaofei felt quite a lot of hardships. when zhaofei first entered pledis, she was surprised how tight training is. zhaofei wasn't a very adaptable person. she originally never had plans of becoming an artist, especially an artist in a foreign country. zhaofei decided to audition because well, it might be fun. deep down she felt like she had 0 chance in debuting so she never thought about her future as an idol seriously. language was a barrier back then, so zhaofei didn't make a lot of friends. but she does talk to trainees who initiated a conversation with her. she didn't talk much to other trainees either, but she always made sure to be polite and greet them back whenever they say hello to her. at first, zhaofei did not have any intention of being an idol. why did she auditioned and continued training without any goal? she wanted to try auditioning because there is nothing to lose, maybe for fun? but once she was accepted, she started adapting herself to the trainee life. she saw how the trainees there genuinely tries hard, so zhaofei tries her best, thinking that maybe the dream of becoming an idol might not be what she wants yet, but will eventually become her life goal. when zhaofei was a trainee, her progress was slow. she was a slow learner, the one failing to catch up to others. zhaofei never had any dance or vocal lessons previously, so she lacked a lot in the dance & vocal and rap department. she had average singing & dancing skills, and her rap skill was somewhat nonexistent. her development was slow, she didn't improve as much as she hoped she would. balancing between her school life and training life was a struggle, but zhaofei managed to live by. she trained in a constant level, trying her best. yet 2 years later, at one faithful evaluation, she did not make it. thinking that maybe afterall she was not meant to be an idol, zhaofei quitted pledis. she kept pledis' recommendation in mind, though. zhaofei couldn't see any bright future and was ready to quit the trainee life and not audition again and return to her personal life, but something made her stop. along the way, she found a new passion, a newfound dream in being an idol. so she decided to audition again with the help and encouragements of her family, zhaofei tried auditioning again at mcm, and was accepted. she trained more, this time with more effort as she pushed herself beyond her limit. zhaofei's talents slowly improved. she didn't give up easily, and tried her best at training. her skills suddenly jumped up and sky-rocketed. the previous years of training helped her and she became a better person than she was before, with better skills. it took quite some time, and she still is a slow learner, but she's gradually improving, trying her best and promising herself not to give up. this time she trained with more passions, more hardwork and dedication. zhaofei realized after training for quite some time, she truly wants to be an idol. having trained for quite some time, she did not want to give up easily and let her efforts be gone just like that.
predebut : ---
scandals : ---
- originally that one time when it was a holiday, zhaofei wanted to try something new by dying her hair temporarily to blonde but her satan of a brother switched the colour last minute to silver
- she prefers to tie her hair up in neat buns if not a tidy ponytail
- that one member who wakes up earlier than others and proceeds to clean her dorm noisily with a vacuum cleaner/mop/broom. her members will be like "wth zhaofei -_-"
- sadly, she does not know how to use a chopstick
- is slightly scared of stuffed animals/dolls (not too severe) yet she keeps 3 stuffed animals her entire life. a dumbo, a dolphin and a snorlax stuffed animal. she keeps it in the dorm. it was a gift from her brothers individually. they know that eventhough zhaofei doesn't show much expression, she misses her siblings so they bought her a stuffed doll to remind her that she's not alone, and that she can hug the dolls to sleep. her geges bought the dolls as a substitute for their presence. so its like as if zhaofei has her geges there to calm her and accompany her. if fans gifted her stuffed dolls, she would not mind. after all, its from her fans, and she appreciates their thoughts (i can imagine a plethora of dumbo/dolphin/snorlax dolls in her bed). why snorlax? because sleeping and eating are zhaofei's fave activity
- has been playing the drums and violin for around 10 years and ongoing. is still learning and improving her musical instrument skills
- has been learning wushu since the young age of 5. has been learning for 12 years and ongoing. whenever nimbus has no schedules, she will continue her wushu lessons. she can literally flip anyone upside down, and can do wushu flips and kicks
- can do an aerial/tumbling. but this talent is hidden deep inside her so not many people know
- joined wushu competitions and championships when she was younger
- sustained a few injuries such as sprained ankles, bruised wrists etc due to wushu
- can do archery (so if there is isac, send her hehehe)
- afraid/dislikes horror movies, dark rooms (the dark in general), popping balloons, spiders, ants. its not a phobia because zhaofei does not have any phobias. she just doesn't like it. when faced with situations that forces her to encounter said things above, she'll deal with it (although on the inside she's scared off her mind or is at ultimate discomfort)
- likes : spicy food, gong bao chicken, mul naengmyeon, coffee flavoured cookies, brownies, knitted things, mangoes, the sound of morning rain, storms, cereals, ice tea, cold beverages, comics, action figures, reading novels, lamb skewers
- dislikes : sour food (her cheeks is a feels a teensy bit hurt whenever she eats a sour food..idk how to explain it but its like a slight pinch in the cheek if she eats lemons, for example), people with loud voices, people who hurt others for no reasons, kiwis, lemons, messy dorms, herbs, scented candles
- literally sleeps anywhere (fave place : the floor)
- once slept in a bathroom for 4 hours straight when she was playing hide and seek with her geges when she was younger
- collects socks
- likes to drink coconut water
- if she's nervous she likes to jiggle her hands up and down
- has a black belt in wushu
- if she's angry, she'll hold in her anger and mutter in rapid-fire mandarin in her head or under her breath
- sleeptalks in mixed mandarin and korean
- snores and drools in her sleep
- the black boyish wrist watch was a gift from her parents. its so she can remember the time, and not to come home too late. its also a debut congratulations gift. meanwhile the woven bracelets are individually a gift from her geges. she's rarely seen without it. its like a daily reminder from her geges for zhaofei not to give up and that she's not alone
- likes to say have faith in korean (mid-eum-i/mid-eum-eul-ga-jyeo-yo/mid-eum-eul gajida) and frequently says ai ya (chinese for oh my gosh) whenever she's surprised. she says it in such a chinese way its quite funny
- likes to dance to phone ringtones
- likes to make her own dance moves, make her own lyrics and compose her own songs
- is good in doing boy group choreographies
- cannot cook lel. she can only cook simle things like cook rice, boil water, make instant noodles
- she likes to wear her jackets/hoodies the other way around (the reason is a mystery)
uhh..did I did it right? or did i miss out any information? *nervous*
first of all, i am sorry if the layout is a trouble. i don't know why it ended up on the left was supposed to be in the center t_t but somehow it ended up on the right..i am not good in coding so idk how to fix it, i apologize. the only difference is that she has black hair oppose to the greyish/blonde brown hair in the gifs that i put in. i'm  also not sure if the korean & chinese translations are correct so..
scene requests
- i hope you can let this shy wallflower bloom and blossom wonderfully
- nimbus in isac? hehe
- nimbus in singderella
password here
what were you doing before debut?
uhm...i was a foreign school student, a former pledis trainee and was a trainee under mcm
how did you feel about joining nimbus?
i feel excited, but nervous at the same time *small chuckles*. i don't want to let people's expectation down, and i hope to bond well with nimbus. i am afraid of disappointing people, and i don't want to be a burden to nimbus, so i will try my best! i am truly grateful for this chance. though i am not execellent yet, i believe i can improve. thank you for welcoming me into nimbus.
what would you like to achieve with nimbus in the future? there are quite a lot...but i would love for nimbus to go international and be successful. i hope we can stay together for a long time. awards sounds like a dream, but to me having our fans here with us and having everyone supporting us already sounds like a dream come true, its enough for  me. i have faith that nimbus will achieve goals and become a great group. please anticipate nimbus, everyone!


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