Tumblr Questions (OnceUponAnEXO)

Because I saw her do it and I thought it would be a fun Q&A type of thingy--

Feel free to do this for yourself if you'd like~



Name: Nicole

Nickname: Nic/Nicki/Nicolette/Nicola/Nikoala-- I have too many nicknames tbh

Gender: Female

Star sign: Leo From VIXX

Birthday: August 6th

Relationship status: I'm married to the music

Pets: My dad doesn't like pets... I cry--

Height: 5"6 or 168cm I believe... Last time I checked--

Favorite color: Pastels or B&W are my aesthetic 

Average hours of sleep: Depends on if I'm writing (4hrs) RPing (4hrs) gaming (5hrs) or if I force myself to go to sleep at TEN (8hrs) I rarely get above 5hrs now b/c updates and RPing--

Lucky number: 10 or 8 ;)

Last thing I googled: ahm.... "what does ooc mean in rp" b/c I was a total noob and didn't know these terms--

Numbers of blankets: AT LEAST 3. I GET COLD TOO EASILY--

Met a celebrity: Does meeting someone who RP's as them count--

Favorite fictional character(s):  that's a hard question... Hmmm Winnie the Pooh... Or basically my favorite character from any anime I've watched //nods//

Favorite book(s): I've been digging "Milk and Honey" lately, but I really like "The Memory Of Light" as well ^^

Favorite band(s): SEVENTEEN & NCT and basically any other groups in my bio lol

Song stuck in my mind right now: Highlight by Seventeen

Last movie I watched: Train to Busan...? Or was it Rogue One... I can't remember

Last TV show I watched: I don't watch TV honestly... But I think it was Spongebob...

Last song I listened to: Some song Leafy made a video about tbh-- I'm listening to his commentary rn

Dream trip: Travel to South Korea~

Dream job: Nurse, psychologist, band director, or author ^^

What am I wearing right now: Knee highs, shorts, and an oversized T-Shirt

Time right now: 3:26AM... I need sleep :)

When did you create your account: January 29, 2015

Current amount of subs: Unique subs: 4457  Total subs: 5434 WOAHHHH I didn't even know I had that many... Thank you to every single one of you who has read/subscribed to any of my stories~! I LOVE YOU ALL ♡〜٩( ˃́ヮ˂̀ )۶〜♡

What do you write about: TEN AND MINGHAO. I have too many ideas for them but not enough time T.T

Do you have any other accounts: I made a backup account, but the username is a secret ;)

When did your account reach its “peak” (when did you get more subs, have a popular story,
etc..): I don't know, honestly? Maybe "Play Bunny" but I'm not too happy with the way I wrote it tbh... Maybe I'll make a sequel someday?

Do you get comments on a daily basis: HAH NOPE B/C I DON'T UPDATE DAILY. I get comments occasionally reminding me to stop being lazy and update though

Why did you choose your
url: ...I forgot to be perfectly honest with you. I think it was b/c I took a "What kind of Dere are you?" quiz right before making my account (which just so happened to be kuudere), and I threw baka (aKA IDIOT) because I am an idiot--

Lemonade or iced tea: ICE TEA!

Cats or dogs: Bunnies :3

Coke or
pepsi: I don't like drinking soda... So milk?

Day or night: AFTERNOON-- jkjk night

Text or call: Text

Makeup or au naturel: Au naturel b/c my winged eyeliner looks like a 5 year old took a sharpie and pretened it was a paintbrush on my eyelids

Smile or eyes: Both

Light or dark hair: It doesn't matter to me

Shorter or taller: I'm pretty tall, but small people are adorable~ But I wanna meet more people who are taller than me!

Intelligence or attraction: Intelligence

City or country: I live in an urban area, so a little bit of both ^^



I should be asleep rn but nope I'm doing this-- I hope you guys enjoyed!

Signing off, Nic. 




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Fox-PigletMania #1
Random comment floating by: OMG Leafy.
That is all.
LLLAAAMA MY FAV ANIMALLLLLLLL~ I'm just *coughs* borrow this~
You're adorable! \(⌒ヮ⌒)/

Happy two years on AFF!! .•✧°•\(⌒ ᴗ ⌒)/•°✧•.

Bunnieeees ftw!! (ó >ᴗ<)=óò=(>ᴗ< ò)

The description of your eyeliner trouble had me laughing so hard!!! .·´¯`(>ヮ<)´¯`·.

I've also just realized that I may need to start going to EA meetings (Emoji's Anonymous) X'D
*stands up* Hello, my name is Miso, and I'm an Emoji-holic...
OMG your birthday is a day before mine. HAHA BDAY BUDDIES
and let just steal this I'll credit you and the tumblr user
stealing this! hehehe