IT'S MORPHIN TIME, 최수연! (#4444FF)

You can try to reach the moon
there's a girl who sits by the window during class, nose buried in a book. where she can be found varies - at the back table of the library, in the fading light of the sunset on the rooftop, on top of one of the branches of one of the many trees surrounding campus - but the book is forever present and almost always open.
she tends to be alone but that does not mean that she is lonely. when she looks up, girls look at her with fondness or envy. boys find it hard to meet her gaze yet cannot look away. teachers of all subjects claim her as their favorite student - intelligent but not complacent yet always willing to stop for a moment and breathe. 
whoever it is that greets her, she gifts a soft smile and a kind wave. elsewhere, her cousin gives a strangled complaint because his "older brother instincts are going haywire" but too late; already, another fan is born even though she is none the wiser to her own popularity. her own fans sigh at the increased competition.
meet choi sooyeon,
resident bookworm and cool beauty.
full name: choi, sooyeon "mizuki"
birthday: 17 may
age: 21
height & weight: 170 cm & 52 kg // 5 ft 7 in & 115 lbs
nationality & ethnicity: korean-japanese (dual citizenship)
faceclaim: shin hyejeong (aoa)
back up: kim seolhyun (aoa)
preferences: blue jeans, sneakers, a comfortable shirt, an extra hair tie, maybe silver jewelry, a warm jacket, and a good book
You know what they say about missing the moon
before . . .
being born to a mixed race couple during their honeymoon might have been mood-spoiling for some but for sooyeon's parents, it was the moment they had been waiting for. mizuki (meaning full moon), as her mother and her japanese side of the family called her, was a quiet, healthy, and intelligent baby whose eyes were often curious and mouth already learning to form sounds and words before she even attempted to crawl. her family doted on her but didn't allow her to grow spoiled and for her early years, suzu, japan was all she knew.
it was a fire that changed sooyeon's fate and after the loss of her maternal grandparents and the home she'd grown up in, her parents decided they needed a fresh start and moved to korea to be closer to her paternal grandparents. sooyeon, when given the choice, agreed. "too many memories," she murmured, looking at the empty space where a row of houses had once stood, "and too many losses." and so, at the young age of 7, she moved to korea and the grandparents she'd seen every summer became her next-door neighbors.
she settled in surprisingly well and her parents quickly started up their own dojo in continuation of their jobs as judo instructors in japan. (their dojo is literally named 'the dojo' and it drives their students nuts.) it was only a year later when her cousin takuya came to live with them after a drunk accident took the life of his single mother. at first, he resented korea and its implications - that he had lost and could not go back - but slowly, with the power of hot chocolate and cuddles and smiles, he let first sooyeon and then her parents in.
currently . . .
at the moment, she is attending a rather prestigious university in seoul, majoring in education and minoring in psychology (half for fun) with the plans of inheriting 'the dojo.' all of her professors are full of praise and even in a class of 200, they still, at the very least, know her name. her peers, on the other hand, are torn - either full of admiration (her looks, her brain, her personality) or envy (her looks again, her curve setting, her attitude). regardless, it's fact that she has a presence that, no matter how oblivious, people recognize.
outside school, she spends her free time either acting as sensei at the dojo or gaining extra units by playing teacher's assistant for the high school a few streets down, where she'd gotten her own diploma a few years back. in between her time at university, the dojo, and the high school, she can be found reading, people watching, or - though rare - napping. on her way - as she walks or bikes if she's in a hurry, no car - she always looks to the sky, at the blue expanse and clouds or the midnight cover with peppered stars.
her parents are always at the dojo teaching, at home loving, or out having fun. her paternal grandparents passed away two years ago and their home has since been sold. takuya, in contrast to sooyeon, has decided to become a photographer yet is currently a magazine fashion model. he can be found attending university, a different one from sooyeon's, as an art major or spending time at home or with his friends or sooyeon. he still attends the dojo now and then but not consistently; besides, sooyeon's always been better.
in the future . . .
as the blue power ranger, sooyeon takes to her duties like a cat to a bath, which is to say she does so with much and obvious reluctance. though she is honestly and truly honored, she feels there are many other better choices for the role and her schedule is, to be honest, packed enough as it is. her skills in judo, also, hinder her when fighting since the ranger suit comes with its own weapon and her honed instincts are weaponless. she doesn't hate being a ranger but she claims she's "filling in" until they find someone else.
as a team player, however, sooyeon is surprisingly decent. though she isn't the leader per se, she has no problems buckling the team down and making them focus towards their common goal, assigning duties without hesitation and actually getting them to listen (mostly) without a hitch - probably since she's used to teaching snot-nosed brats who think that just because she's shorter than them she can't kick their butts. however, when it comes down to it, she has no issues with taking orders but won't listen to stupid orders.
outside of her willingness to be a ranger in the first place, the hardest part isn't making her work with a team, it's making her work with the team. sure, she's a team player but it doesn't mean anything if half the time she won't group up or face them properly. in her words, "i don't mind leading. i don't mind following. but if there's no team for me to join - temporary ranger or not - then there's no point." in other words, she'll work with the team but the team has to work out their own issues and become a team on their own first for her to agree.
There is worse than landing amongst the stars 
interviewing others . . .
high school teacher: sooyeon? yes, my teacher's assistant! describe her, you say? well, she's good at her job, that's for sure - confident, calm, reliable, and patient. talked down a student from suicide once. it took hours and sooyeon didn't falter at all. let's see. she's always got her head on straight, that girl, the only one who stayed calm and kept everyone else calm too when there was a - false luckily - bomb threat on campus. she's so self-aware about what she can and can't do, even if it's the first time, and always gets the job done.
judo student: mizuki-sensei? she's, uh, pretty. oh, you mean about her? well...i have to say that she's real good at noticing stuff. she always catches me and my friends when we're slacking off even though no one else can; she found our secret hideout within an hour too. totally unfair. but i mean, she's good at noticing stuff that helps us too. she cares if we're having a bad day or week. she...she was the only one who told me that not every parent does a good job and that maybe i needed to walk away. she helped me through it all.
takuya: honestly, mizuki may seem perfect, especially to you stalkers, but she's not. she's as stubborn as a mule and don't even get me started on her way of talking or lack thereof. you can cut the awkward silence with a knife and she won't do a thing to break it. snd she's quiet, not because she's cool, but because that's how she is. and when she finally talks. ugh. too blunt. way too rude. oh, and never get into an argument with her. she will win and make your head hurt with all her logic stuff. i swear, she should be a lawyer. honestly. 
on others . . .
best brother // terada takuya (24) college student + part-time model
sooyeon: takuya-nii? he's the best. he's actually my cousin but he's living with me. tell you about him and us? takuya-nii is kind and charismatic, the person everyone wants to befriend and who makes everyone else laugh which his laugh. he's a bit of a kid, really, but he cares a lot and though he can be rough in speaking, he always has your best interest at heart. as for 'us,' a lot of people think we're dating. we're that close i suppose. he stopped by my college once and ever since, all my male classmates cry when they see him.
other rangers // red, pink, yellow, green, black
once they become a full-fledged team, sooyeon starts acting as the elusive mother figure to the team. she breaks up fights, gives advice, and nags (but only if it's really really important). takuya begins to complain that she'll never date when she's got "all those kids following you around" and then proceeds to encourage her to take "those kids around" since it'll keep the boys away. (when sooyeon begins to date, takuya throws a fit but eventually starts playing big brother to said love interest once he sees how happy sooyeon is.)
list on sooyeon compiled by takuya . . .
does not curse
has a sweet tooth
allergic to coconut
favorite color is white
favorite flavor is vanilla
love studio ghibli movies
has photographic memory
people watches when waiting
fluent in both korean and japanese
adores high places for some reason
tucks her hair behind her ear all the time
bites or chews on her bottom lip when thinking
covers with her hand when laughing
What's the moon without stars
love interest // lee sumi (17) yellow ranger + tutoree
initially: sumi and sooyeon are now tutor and student. however, it's obvious that sumi views sooyeon with some form of admiration - whether athletic (judo and running), academic (just wow at sooyeon's brain), platonic (maybe sisterly even?), or some odd combination of all three. who knows? only sumi. maybe. or not.
eventually: sooyeon isn't the kind of person who'd confess her feelings unless she was 100% sure it'd be received so it'd come down to sumi to take that leap of faith. no one is 100% sure who fell for the other first but by the time sumi does confess - or maybe sooyeon if sumi's obvious in her love - they have mutual feelings.
finally: while together, sooyeon isn't the kind of girl who flaunts her love. she's more for secret and more meaningful moments, where they're alone and together. she's a romantic and though she doesn't mind a little pda especially if the other is asking, sooyeon would rather not become one of the "ew! get a room!" couples.
Finish line
USERNAME koreangal5
ALIAS soul
hope my character is up to par and that you'll just have a lot of fun writing her and shipping her. i couldn't resist making her like the moon to sumi's sun. 

older brother takuya.
sooyeon as team mom.
sooyeon's cool judo moment.
sooyeon and sumi being cute.
sooyeon finally accepting that she's the blue power ranger and she's it. no one else.
entire team knowing sooyeon and half being scared of her at first because she's the t. a.
the reactions when people find out sooyeon and sumi are dating. at least one person who thinks they're joking and their bonus reactions when they catch them being couple-y.


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