Third Wheeling

So today a friend of mine invited me to come out with her and go dancing. Now I have no problem with dancing if it's a place I know or with people I know so I was like cool I'll do that. Because I hadn't seen her in a few months so I thought we'd catch up and play around on the dance floor.


Only she didn't tell me her boyfriend was going to be there and that I'd be the third wheel. Like that isn't bad enough her boyfriend doesn't dance. Like he actually refused to slow dance with her or anything. 


Then her boyfriend's friend shows up with his girlfriend and they totally gave me the cold shoulder. My friend didn't even introduce me to them. They also totally ignored me after that. 


I told her I was leaving early cuz I was tired. You know like sleepy? Except I was only tired of being a third wheel and being treated like I wasn't even there.


Like why the invite me out if you obviously didn't want me there? I could have been reading by myself or actually having fun. 

Not cool


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kenji-chan #1
Yeah it just wasn't a good night. Thanks for the well wishes! I plan on having a good day tomorrow~