i am ready for bed.

My day was not good. 

It was the opposite of good.


It started out fine but ended up just so exhausting and i didn't even do much 

First i got woken up by my dad with him knocking on my door which wouldn't be bad if every time he knocked it didn't sound like the most loud, urgent and panicked thing ever. It scares me so much every time it gives me a light panic attack.

Then having to go and exchange some stupid product for my mum to the store which wouldn't be bad if the store wasn't insanely crowed and that i Have social anxiety. Grr. And that i had to go back because the product  was still messed up.

The last thing that really bugged me today was my phone fall behind my bed. I had to pull out the under bed thing and use a broom to get it back. I knocked over my water bottle which didn't break but spilled water everywhere and woke up my mom all at.     2AM.

If that wasn't bad enough after i finished making my bed again and was getting ready to sleep the stupid board thing that keeps my bed up right slipped so i had to pull the heavy matrices of the frame one handed, my left wrist is in a brace and hurts if i do to much with it, fix it put the matrices back then remake my bed.

I hope i sleep well.  Ugh no fun especially sense it was supposed to be the day i had off for doing anything stressful.  =(


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